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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Welcome to our world, GothicAngel! Thanks for joining us!
  2. D'oh! I forgetted...also the Private Editions page is up.
  3. okeedokee... OPEN FOR BUSINESS! The New Releases, Samples, and Phero Blend pages are now up and working in the web store. The Perfumerie pages with the expanded descriptions will take another day or two. Thanks for your patience, everyone! Sorry we is soo late!
  4. The BAMs have 20% more Cops than the LAMs - the total mcgs of pheros are the same in each at the end, just apportioned a little differently. I adjusted the scent levels for each so that you really can't tell re: stinkiness though. They should smell roughly the same, BAM & LAM, with their identical scents. You might detect a little more alcohol smell in the bottle with the BAM's, (and for the Resin LAMs - explanation upon request there...) which will disappear upon dry down. As I mentioned before/elsewhere, I upped the cops on the BAMs because I wanted to keep these blends SEXUAL in nature. When Ail and I devised these, that was the intent. She loves cops, and personally prefers the deeper communicative quality of Beta-Nol over the giddy silliness of Alpha-Nol, but I am the opposite. I too have been learning how well the cops work for me, but dayem, I'm happy with the dosage level of Beta-Nol that allows a bonding/intimacy feeling, but that truth serum thing...no. That wasn't what we were going for here. You'd have to slather a good percentage of the bottle on you to make that happen. (I'm sending Ail the rest of my personal bottle of True Confessions...the magnitude and volume of STUFF that was exposed in my vicinity at the last party I attended while wearing it - including things that came out of my own surprised mouth... well. If I'm ever invited back, t'will be a miracle. A dangerous, dangerous brew.) Me not want to go there with the BAM! Deep, communicative, intuitive-level SEX. That's the intention with this one.
  5. I tried to keep the balance of the scent and pheros constant. The scents are light with just a touch of the phero smell popping through.
  6. LOL! NO, I wore IAN'S shirt! I never even got to meet Eric.
  7. The levels between the Beta-Nol and cops in BAM! is different than the levels of Alpha-Nol and cops in LAM. I purposely wanted to keep the Beta-Nol level where it would have a bonding effect but not a truth serum effect, and I added 20% more cops to the balance to make sure it stayed in the sexual realm. I have totally experienced the truth serum effect when I wore True Confessions to a couple of parties as an experiment, and hoo boy, never again.
  8. Ohhh, good to know! Selection of Ian swag will be included in your next order! We worked together for years, I have stuff to share! LOL! Did you know we played a few gigs together too? I'll send you a band shot. And one time, when I was still in Precious Metal, he let me borrow his old Roller shirt with the tartan shoulders and his signature embroidered on the back - remember that? I actually got to wear that on stage! Loved it, what a hoot.
  9. Hot Honeyed Fig is Honey, Honeycomb, Fig, Cinnamon, and a dash of Vanilla and Sugar. I don;t think it smells like Holle - which I find to be more 'gentle', this one is more overt. Erin's SSLM has a totally different musk from those. She asked specifically for a Red Musk, so I used a thick Red Musk from India. This one also has Black Currant, Brown Sugar and an Indian Patchouli. That's it now, wait for the descriptions!
  10. LOL! That's awesome, Luna!! I've had it in mind that I have to search thru some of my pix for you - I must have a hundred of Duncan and Ian, (I took their band shots for them in the 90's) but they're BURIED. (I never fully unpacked the last time I moved.) Oh, and I took tons the last time BCR came thru here - with Eric's girlfriend singing lead - ugh - and Alan back on bass, (who looked better than any of them). Eric was my heart throb - those blue eyes. :sigh: LOL! Even with grey hair and an extra 100 pounds, I still thought he looked cute.
  11. Coolsville! Thanks, Jo Anna! Tried a different vanilla for that one, since your description said you wanted it really edible smelling, I used a "baker's vanilla" variety. So glad you like it!!!
  12. CB is Jasmine and Waterlily. They're not alike in the least, but would probably meld just fine if you wanted to layer them.
  13. Bwaha! YAY! Answer to email from Ail: not the Dress, but the Highland - you got it! (That's one of Ail's family Tartans in the background - since there's about a thousand varieties, it can be difficult to spot!) And while I'm having fun and being ultra silly with all this, it's Danna that actually made the gorgeous potion in question. Grapefruit, Honey & Patchouli...YOWZA! LOL! I DESPERATELY NEED to see an actual pic of Jo Anna now, since she has claimed kinship to a cartoon mermaid, and a flip-haired balloon-headed thingamabob, and says we got it exactly right each time. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  14. Ooooh, awesome, CC! YAY! LOL! Glad you had such a good time! (Hmmm, yummy indeed - I like the looks of that Cena fella too..the other one is too shrimpy. Bwaha!) Careful with those big boys, tho! In my experience, they can be difficult to wrangle!
  15. There are things, Luna, that I do just to make you laugh! And there's an element in that label for Ail's amusement too...if she get's it.... The Private Editions were mailed out before the weekend to their creators, so hopefully you shall have them in hand soon! Made around 25 sets of itty bitties to include in people's orders - first come, first served!
  16. New Private Editions to Share! Lorien's Blueberry Bomb Erin's Sweetly Smutty Lusty Musky Erin's Hot Honeyed Fig Jo Anna's NOM NOM NOM! Astrinde's Kitty Petal Adrienne's Tangy Ylang
  17. Like a Magnet Lightly Scented Blend of Alpha-Nol & Copulins BAM! Bewitch, Attract, Mesmerize! Lightly Scented Blend of Beta-Nol & Copulins Now available in FIVE scents! 1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original) 2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth. 3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth. 4) Orchid Rose - A light and fresh floral combo. 5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.
  18. Jungle Colada Morning of Glory Caught in the Act! Thief of Hearts Ego Boostier
  19. No! You can't order them yet! xoxoxoxox Part II of Danna's Drac Bake Trio... Baby Drac's Olde Tyme Teething Formula Money Honey Phero Amped w/ Swimming with Sharks! Tail Liquid Magix Pithivier That's pronounced pit-tiv-ee-ay!
  20. bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now. However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents: 1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original) 2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth. 3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth. 4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo. 5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.
  21. You know the ones that look like a giant salt crystal? That's straight aluminum salt - the ingredient that's the most dangerous part of antiperspirants. It's sold as a "natural" alternative to commercial anti-perspirants, and it is natural, but it's also way more poisonous than the commercial ones. One must be wary about things presented as "safe", only because they are "natural". More here: http://amrita.net/aluminumsalt.aspx
  22. Ivy ~ Showering removes the protective oil layer that develops on your skin, and also opens your pores. So anything apt to burn, does so much moreso for like an hour and a half after you shower. Careful, honey! Sorry you got that reaction! Using a light toner and/or a moisturizer before applying your perfume should help. xoxoxox M
  23. Danna made three different pumpkin blends, (all of them a smaller quantity than we normally do for a monthly release, that's why we were so short on that one this month, sorry!), but a variation comes out this month, and another variation next month. One of them has the addition of pinky sugars, and the other has gingerbread. I probably shouldn't be letting the cat (or bat) out of the bag, but the next one is named, "Baby Drac's Olde Tyme Teething Formula". heh.
  24. We'll be able to get it on an ongoing basis, as far as I know.
  25. You'd actually be doing a service for them, starlite! Remember what the initial commercial application of EoW was supposed to be? As an alternative to steroid use for body builders! It was supposed to be for men to smear under their noses, to raise their testosterone levels, so they could rapidly build muscle without taking steroids. The strange part of it was that without a target female to associate the scent of the copulins with, it didn't work. I'd be careful about presenting myself as that 'target' tho, baby!
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