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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I'm making more today - TG kinda talked me into it. I realized it's a pretty easy blend for me to make, so why not?! Just added a bunch more to the cart.
  2. Thanks, Ladies! Glad you are enjoying them! (I'm thoroughly addicted to mine - I even take it on vacation with me.) Just a note...they do smell REALLY strong when new. Sometimes too strong, but after a couple of days they calm down a bit. When it gets to the point where the scent isn't strong enough for you anymore, shimmy it down it's length with your hands - know what I mean? It will break up the herbs a bit and refresh it like new.
  3. Good grief, isn't Luna *Da Bomb*?! I TOTALLY want to be her when I grow up...except of course, she's younger than me...:sigh:... Anyway...as Dane said - cart loaded conservatively. 10 more bottles added this eve, safely. Will do inventory shortly and get a final count of what's left. It's not gone yet. This set was brewed as Voodoo MAGICAL concoctions rather than exclusively a scent brew, and they always have a distinct quality of their own to me. A blurred mystery, because they are not constructed upon the scent ingredients alone (but of course they are taken into consideration and balanced), as much as upon the magical powers. Add pheros to that and POW! It can come across as a total surprise, and extremely powerful in a non-traditional way.
  4. Good lord! She has ACCENT, she has ATTITUDE, she has CLEAVAGE...she has JOY OF LIFE! What a rockin' woman! She's a MAGNET.. for her man, for her child, clients, cats...a magic lady to her core. LOVE ~ LOVE ~ LOVE!
  5. LOL! I read this to me mum, she said to tell you that I have an uncle that's pretty sketchy.
  6. LOL, A-E! Very cute! Spring 09 is a similar brew to our Spring 2005 - it's one of Dane's old faves, she made me do it.
  7. Yeah, I had a suspicion that Dolly would enjoy the scent of this one. Tis the Violet note...she likes violets...
  8. Hey Maxine! In case this helps with your future purchases...the heavier honey scents are Honeycomb, 'late summer Honey', and Bee Pollen...(and any honey described as rich and thick). If you see any of that listed in the description, you may want to avoid that one. We have over 2 dozen Honey varieties, and since you don't mind the ones used here, I would suggest that if it's listed as a flower Honey, or a Spring Honey, you'll be ok with it. Thank you for the review, Maxine and EVERYONE! {{SMOOCHES!}}
  9. I am trying to get that up today - the new JALN and Magical Omaha. They usually copy from our site.
  10. All of the expanded descriptions, aka perfumerie pages, are now up! Back to order processing now!!! Hey CC, I liked speaking with you as well! It's always fun to hear people's voices. {{SMOOCHES!}} Hey, I'm not totally real...I'm 1/8th cartoon...on my mother's side.
  11. Some of you have 2 boxes coming. Esp if you ordered a perfume rack, we're shipping those in their own boxes.
  12. I hope this weekend. I made getting the orders out the door the bigger priority, but the next big load ships today and tomorrow, so hopefully I will have a few hours to program web pages.
  13. It does. It's not the concentrated pure scent, but it has the INTENT amplified with the SOULMATE pheromones. BOTH versions were included in the ceremony; both were passed through the smoke and empowered at the same time.
  14. No, that really is the only reason. Some of my customers really love to have it in the prettier bottles. I have no problem putting it into the less expensive roll-on bottle for the same price, (difference in price of presentation makes up for difference in volume), but I need to get around to designing a new label that will accommodate the 1/3 fl.oz. size, then.
  15. Stone Cougar IS the new version! Misty, why not just buy more of that? We currently have it in stock. Why do you want something "similar" - is there something you'd like to be different about it?
  16. Because it DOES turn into a one step process - you have no need to add any cover scent to one of my EoW boosted perfumes, but that still doesn't eliminate the dry down stage. As Dolly said, I try to use ingredients that well mask the scent of EoW, but it still bleeds through, and some times more than others. I have noticed that with MY skin, the smell of the EoW is very loud upon application, and I have to reserve my opinion of the final scent during dry down, for 10-15 minutes, until the scent of the cops calms down. It still goes through THAT stage. It's great in the bottle, might smell wonky a few seconds after it hits my skin, and then 10-15 minutes later, it's great again. You should wait the 15 minutes if you are layering over pure EoW because you need to give the cops time to calm down on your skin. You're not going to properly judge the appropriate level of cover you need if you're frantically trying to bury the smell of wet cops.
  17. You should try our Love Potion #9, we now have it available in both oil form and cologne spray, and scent-wise, I think it's up your alley. Welcome! Thanks for joining us!
  18. People ALWAYS feel compelled to match-make at weddings, so I would go prepared. Wearing Popularity for the event would be nice, and bring something sexier with you should you happen to make a date after.
  19. Liz, did you read this quick guide post? http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...ost&p=58529 I don't have Meo Est on there, but others have described it as a sexual stimulant and one that may give the wearer *vivid* dreams. Apparently it has no relation to real Estratetraenol.
  20. BWAHA! I am a huge fan of your work, Luna! xoxoxox M
  21. Here is the formula we are using for this sale: Buy 2 bottles - get 1 free, (for a total of 3 bottles for the price of 2) = $16.64 per bottle Buy 4 bottles - get 3 free, (for a total of 7 bottles for the price of 4) = $14.26 per bottle Buy 8 bottles - get 7 free, (for a total of 15 bottles for the price of 8) = $13.31 per bottle Buy 12 bottles - get 12 free (for a total of 24 bottles for the price of 12) = $12.48 per bottle
  22. Listen to Ms Dolly with regard to adding EoW! EoW is actually kind of a pseudo phero - it won't clash with any of the pheros, but it amps the sexual responses you will get from others (and often, from the wearer as well). What Dr Stone says is, that certain pheros completely counteract each other. And also, certain pheros are only effective within very specific parameters. So if one doesn't know what they are doing, they could be crafting themselves a very expensive blend of nothing. So, when he's painstakingly measured things for maximum effectiveness down to the micro gram, we should give it a shot as he's designed it, before we go mucking about with layering other blends on top of it, which may indeed lessen the overall effectiveness.
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