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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Not up on Etsy yet, so let me know if you want to be invoiced for any! Shampoo Bars are $4.50, Soap Bars are $6.50
  2. Theme song for the set. Time, time, time, see what's become of me.... https://youtu.be/bnZdlhUDEJo
  3. I was thinking at first the scrub might have too much fragrance for face, but I used it yesterday on my face and liked it very much. It's pretty abrasive tho, so use with light pressure only on the face. I am using it nose to toes, if you are super sensitive, stick with neck down.
  4. Yes they are!!! Soft and round or hard and round? hard glossy round purple might be lavender and amber soft fuzzy round might be like Myrrh Merlot
  5. We consider valuable content to be everyday conversation. It does not have to be reviews or even about the products sold here. Just the healthy furthering of discussion in general. One word answers or emoticons only as answers, if used excessively, are where we draw the line.
  6. Last one.... We've brewed this every few years over the past decade, always a little different, but with the same intent. People started asking for it again so it was time for a new one. We have always used some kind of cemetery statuary on the labels. In this case, with the nod to Dr Who, of course we had to use an angel. This guy's kinda sexy, isn't he? lol In Doctor Who it is ultimately revealed that the Weeping Angels live on time energy...on lost potential, really. This potion is a reminder not to live in the past. Put your woes behind you, put the past to rest, start fresh, look to the future, live in the now, and have a Happy New Year!
  7. I gave you the boost for giving me ALL the holidays! I love that line. And oh, yes, a Wrinkle in Time. The upcoming film looks excitingly epic!
  8. I would say that Ann's voice is like lemon, sugar and cinnamon.
  9. Ok, ok, the dude came in to the shop wearing the T-shirt and mentioned he was an uber fan, so I suggested the title and searched very hard for that font!!!! HE LOVED IT!!! lolol
  10. Remaining bottles are now on Etsy. Thanks everyone!
  11. Two new PEs this month, both by Store customers! Since there is only 2 new ones, I am going to post them on Etsy today, along with what is left from last month's PE supply. Neal's Rush Neal likes vanilla, and asked for something dry and soft and unisex. We smelled a bunch of perfumes together and settled on combining elements of some LP faves like Bad Boy and Unisexy. He LOVED the result, which I crafted from 4 kinds of vanilla (all non-foody), plus tonka bean (a manly vanilla smell), soft sweet musk, sandalwood, oak, and a single drop of tobacco. 8 bottles available Sally's Daytime Elegance Sally came all the way from Canada to visit our shop! She asked for something soft and white that she could wear every day, along the lines of LP White. We combined non-foody vanilla, soft sandalwood and powdery oakmoss over a base of white tea, and added just a tiny bit of tangerine eo for a citrus spark on top. 7 bottles available Rebrew of Carolyn's Nile Spice Available now on Etsy
  12. Like the Tardis, this one zigs and zags through time and space in a somewhat nonsensical way, and couldn't be nailed down to just one year. I tried to give the label the air of a 1950's style postcard, using the Mayan Calendar as a stamp. The scent is along the lines of the beloved beverage called Horchata....made with cream, nut and rice milks, and flavored with nutmeg, cinnamon, cocoa powder, hot pepper...so in the end, it has a similar vibe to Egg Nog when in perfume form, with a lightly spiced and cocoa powder edge. Yummy! In this part of the world, Horchata is considered a Latin American drink, but the origin is Spain, but not Spanish. Horchata owes it's origin to the Muslim/Moorish civilization inside Spain circa roughly 1,000 - 1,200 A.D.
  13. I think the quote that circled my brain the most when I was making this collection was, "Time is the fire in which we burn." We are indeed, consumed by time. A few fabulous TT movies that haven't been mentioned yet, all of which reside on my shelf: Timeline - which was a novel by Michael Crichton, but the screenplay is much better than the book. See the movie. The 13th Floor Army of Darkness Dead Again Winter's Tale - these two were technically reincarnation, but time travel in feel. TV series: Quantum Leap Flash Forward - also a great book. Series lasted one season but it was a complete story and it was great. Outer Limits (The New Series) - Time Travel Collection My fave Time Travel books: Time Out of Mind by John Maxim The Time Ships - a sequel to HG Wells Time Machine, written by Stephan Baxter ALL the early works of Lynn Kurland
  14. This ancient engraving is truly showing the making of Lily perfume! This scent that I created is constructed of ingredients from that era and location, prominently featuring lily, water lily, and lemongrass. Remember that show, I think it was called, Life After People? They said that everything our civilization leaves behind will degrade. We've made nothing that will last, not even Mt Rushmore, although that will last the longest. In thousands of years, if another civilization visits our planet, what they will say is, "Those ancient Egyptians were very interesting people." I have often joked that when I leave my recipes behind, I'm going to record them on clay tablets or carved into stone. Then maybe in another 10,000 years, someone will find them and try to make them anew, just like I do now with pictograms and hieroglyophs as guides. Beccah was right again! The timepiece shown here is indeed an ancient water clock. But I couldn't find an appropriate Egyptian one to fit into the above image, so I used a Persian water clock instead. The Egyptian ones actually looked like this one below, but they functioned similarly. Water clocks worked by allowing water in a measured way to enter or exit a vessel, and the water line showed the hour.
  15. It's not just a Who theme, really. It's a TIME theme. What I was actually thinking is that we all become a little obsessed with time every time a new year rolls around. The outgoing year is traditionally portrayed as an old man or a reaper with a scythe. The new year portrayed as a baby. We think about fresh starts, and new plans, and putting things behind us. And this year, we're finally getting our voices heard in some respects, frikken finally!! I wanted to celebrate that, and I'm using our first female Who as the figurehead. And I TOTALLY FORGOT to mention why I chose the year on Distant Planets. D'oh! I'm going to add it to my post, so go back and look. Can anyone guess? Or rather - who's the fastest to look it up on google and guess from there.
  16. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, age of Aquariussss....Aquar-eee-ussss, Aquari-uuuus! Ha! I love that song. Fifth Dimension rocked it. I'm an Aquarius, could you tell? I could find no info about this gorgeous blue Astronomical Clock. It showed up on a google images search repeatedly from areas using alphabets not Latin. Maybe it's in Russia? It's very cool. And I liked that the date it is showing is now, when we are releasing this blend. I've done this type of scent before, and have been getting several requests for it again. NOT stinky hippie, NICE smelling hippie! Somebody to Love and Age of Aquarius were variants of this theme, but I think fans of Rocket Fuel and Ebil-ish will especially enjoy this one, it's like a combo of the two types.
  17. I wanted a Plague Doctor outfit, and I wanted an hourglass...cuz yer time is running out, bub. I ended up finding this image with a plague doc and his poking stick with a winged hourglass on the end. Perfect. Amazingly, when I researched the combo of ingredients traditionally used to fill the snouts, it's very Christmassy! Perfect for our collection! A delicious spicy rose scent. As a certified Crazy Cat Lady, I am getting on my special Crazy Cat Lady luxuriously carpet-covered soap box right now.... The Plague was divine retribution for killing all the cats. Cats were originally stolen from Egypt, where they were prized and revered, and brought back to Europe. They went out of "fashion" when the church started spouting all that nonsense about them being associated with their devil, so first it was just cat tails that were "offensive" and their tails were lopped off. Then they decided that the entire animal was not to be tolerated and they murdered them all, not to mention people, especially women, who associated with them. Was it the Cat Goddesses, Freya and Bastet, or the Christian god himself who rained down hellfire for this horrible transgression? Either way, learn from the lesson. The Plague was spread by disease infected rats and it likely would not have happened had the cat population not been decimated. So, BE NICE TO CATS, OR ELSE!
  18. A sundial, of course, and a tribute to the Romans of the era and their icky recycling of Gladiator pheromones. I really don't need to expound much more here since Luna brilliantly squeezed all the info into the description, so read that!
  19. This is my friend Rebekah! She is currently starring in a play called "1942 Christmas from Home". We have tickets for Dec 16th, so excited! She had asked me if I could make her a scent to help her get into character, so I researched the most popular blends of the time and learned that many had been "toughened up". While still primarily floral in design, they had been given a more masculine spine. It was the era of the “leather chypre'. A sense of the tack room, it was explained, to make women smell and feel capable and show some backbone in the face of all the shortages and loss of their men. The clock shown is a representation of The Doomsday Clock. I was first educated about this when a friend wrote a song called "7 Minutes to Midnight" back in the 80's. Such a great song, my band recorded it for our second album - the only time we did an original song that was not written by the band. It symbolizes how close we are to a man-made global disaster. No laughing matter, but I joked about this clock a few years ago when I made the perfume 7 Minutes to Midnight...I made it about Cinderella racing against her own clock.
  20. How excited are we to have the first female Doctor in 50 years of Who?! VERY!!! And debuting on CHRISTMAS! Wendy posted about this on Facebook, and it turned into a convo between she and me and Tink that led to some wonderful perfume ideas, and a very amusing comment (to me at least) from Quiet Guy that it should actually smell like ammonia, benzine and chlorine. Well, what we hashed out was this, and regardless if you are a Who fan or not, it smells DIVINE! BLUE Chamomile - something TARDIS blue, plus tea for the Brits. Tangerine EO - because you can't make a Sonic Screwdriver without orange juice. Petrichor - the smell of dust after a rain, per companion (and perfume cover girl) Amy Pond. Oud - for the Ood (a race of benevolent aliens). Sandalwood and Myrrh - because the combo smells like dust and old books, and the Doc is over a thousand years old now, and I am convinced this is what Matt Smith smells like. Cactus Fruit - because, c'mon, this is exactly the kind of thing that would turn up on an alien world, it's like a crazy dinosaur fruit Jennifer found this awesome image - one of my fave bits is the markers over the bridge that look like they came off a clock. Plus, it's a girl. YAY! Just perfect all around. The Galifreyan language is so cleverly designed to look like clockwork. Green Apple Tart was exactly right - it says: Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie Distant Planets. I am stunned that she figured it out. I am bonusing her forum points for this feat, and I am doing the same for all of you that brilliantly figured out my little clues and jokes and stuff. 100 points each to Eve, Black Cat, Beccah, GreenAppleTart, Bella, Tink and Wendy. Why did I choose the year? Although they never stated a date on The Original Series, it's been extrapolated since then using other key dates in canon, that the year the Starship Enterprise started it's first 5 year mission, with Capt Kirk at the helm, was 2264.
  21. I researched the scents released this year, and it seemed that half of them featured Violet, and all of those were described as powdery. I created a GORGEOUS scent along these lines, one of my faves of the month. The future practically exploded out of this era...it was the birth of technology based illusion for magicians and mediums; HG Wells wrote The Time Machine. Yet, women were still exaggeratedly feminine with these crazy wasp-wasted outfits and demure soft scents. Such an interesting period! It's the time I would travel to if I could, if only to see the magic. Beccah is correct, this is a Street Clock, I love them! Many still exist around the planet from this era. Jennifer did an amazing job of inserting this clock into this image, which was originally 3 different pictures. "We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams.” ~ A favorite quote by one of my favorite authors, HG Wells
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