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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Well, I did not get to L.A. until 1983, but all the Thrifty's in the Hollywood area had ice cream. And it was crazy cheap too, like .55 cents a scoop, and they had posted these vintage signs that advertised it as.05 cents a scoop in the old days - .15 cents for a triple. Their best flavor was chocolate fudge brownie. lol, I just remembered a favorite quote from Psych: "I'm not really into the whole motivational Tony Robbins thing. I prefer his brother Baskin." -Sean Spencer
  2. Sorry no, the only thing I held a little aside of this month was Unisexy. Sorry to disappoint.
  3. Baskins used to have licorice ice cream when I was a kid,. It was black and would leave people's mouths all scary looking!
  4. :lol: I love this review! You had me laughing from the first line to the last!
  5. If anything one would assume it would be the other way around. LFN has cops and also the male phero that makes people aggressive and can make women irritable at times. Otherwise, the blends are exactly the same.
  6. BOOK SIGNING PARTY! Please join us in supporting three local authors this month! Be among the first lucky readers to be transported to a new magical realm with THE GROVE - the debut novel by Jesse & Jennifer King. And meet noted mystic Laura Clarson, the author of 3 books on Tarot and Astrology. She will be signing copies of her book, THE COSMIC TAROT: SIGNPOSTS ALONG THE PATH. Plus complimentary nibbles and libations and free samples of our hand crafted B&B indulgences too! Friday, July 7th, 5-9 pm Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie 703 Main St. Vancouver WA 98660 If anyone is interested in ordering signed copies, let me know! I can have them personalized for you! Autographed Books are $14.95 each, and there's a corresponding Tarot Deck to Laura's book that sells for $29.95.
  7. OH YAY THAT MAKES ME SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!! I am honored to be a part of your wonderful perfume creation and first PE. I really like it too and hope you will enjoy it for a long time to come. Thank you!!!
  8. Thanks everyone! Yes, please Skayna, thank you. Please make sure to include both your screen name and your real name in the email. Thanks! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  9. Ok, we'll do them here like usual. Thanks everyone! Thread updated with your reserves.
  10. Descriptions are now up! Do you want to reserve here or should I post them straight to Etsy?
  11. Labels today - will post descripts and confirm available bottles tomorrow.
  12. Charisma is really the best designed men's phero and works for both social and work environments. MVP was the same ingredients actually, but Charisma is the only bio-identical blend on the market, so it's just better I think. As far as Top Dog, I remember that as a clean green work type blend, no? Try out the new one we just made for this month, Tarutaru. https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/521133798/tarutaru-summer-2017-collection-unisex
  13. We had to change it. It's located right on top when you click the shipping tab on any listing. Use coupon code LOVELPMP to get 10% off on all orders over $100. Sorry about the change, but the other promo was primarily for moving GGG items, and now that this is our only platform, we had to update the offer.
  14. The NRs are all up and orderable! We had to do them a new way this month, as you know, so come on over to the New Releases section of the Etsy shop to peruse and shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovePotionPerfumes?ref=seller-platform-mcnav&section_id=21642631 Or if you prefer - the temp site too! https://luvpotionperfume.com/ And also, we put the full info into the review threads, with a link to the offering on Etsy You'll see - there's links back and forth now. ( Thank you Luna and Beccah for the great work today! I will get the PEs and B&B up tomorrow kids. Thanks and have fun! :xoxoxoxx
  15. Hi Bella, Version 1 was in the sampler and I have 3 or 4 bottles left. And 3 bottles of v2. Thanks!
  16. Debuting these at our First Friday party tomorrow night, so if you are in town, come on down! Some favorites here brewed popular demand! Notes in a couple of days. Will post PEs separately on Sunday or Monday - we have a lot of them this month! UP AND ORDERABLE NOW! www.LuvPotionPerfume.com Shimmering Sands w/ Super Sexy for Women Jasmine Whisper Tsunonme w/ Copulins Tarutaru (Unisex / Male) Rainbow Mango w/ Levitation (Spray) Lilela (Unisex) Blanc et Noir Halcyon Daze (Thank you, Tyvey!) Glace au Cafe Splash Unisexy 2017 w/ Perfect Match (Unisex) Columbia ^^ Columbia is the star of my Bath & Body Collection this month! Bar Soap, Whipped Cream Soap, and Massage Butter! ^^
  17. Tink, what I've got is: 1400 on 11/7/16 Do you remember redeeming after that? I can't find it.
  18. There's going to be new releases in June! SUMMER SCENTS! We will post them straight onto Etsy and you will also be able to view them on our Etsy-Pattern site we are using as a temp. (I am populating it as fast as I can) www.LuvPotionPerfume.com
  19. Thanks, Bella! I now have the newest releases and the Pherotines up - doing the Chakra/Elemental Collection now, and then tomorrow will start on Unscented Pheros. Thanks for your patience everyone!
  20. There's no fixing the site. The geniuses over at GoDaddy took it upon themselves to relocate our site to another server, with no warning, no notice, no permission, and no regard to bringing over the server package required for our site to function. It's completely screwed and unfixable. I have been working on a temp site until the new one is ready to go. It's on the Etsy platform so it imports all the Etsy listings and tonight I added the newest month of releases, and will keep adding listings as the days go on. This temp site will not include the archive section, sorry, but I did manage to put the Ingredient Lore and Pheromone Blend List into the "Blog" section. I'll keep going until all the current offerings are available there. The temp site is located at: LuvPotionPerfume.com Thanks for your love and support everyone, it is extremely appreciated!!!! xoxoxoxox
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