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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I've had 3 or 4 fellas asking for a rebrew of this one lately, and I must say that every single ingredient in that original brew is now extinct, so this is a thoroughly new concoction of the same type. I do hope you enjoy it guys, and I think many of the ladies will enjoy wearing it too. At our release party the other day it was incredibly well received. One dude was positively giddy about it; he loved it so much he made a dozen strangers smell it on him. The labels this month feature devices that measure time and/or location/dimension in space. Clearly this is a compass, and is pointing to the next place I am moving if the temp continues to rise. I already have a job set up feeding Santa's reindeer in the off season.
  2. And they're UP! Please let me know if you find any problems with my programming, thanks! Please remember, we are STILL without a proper website, so please feel free to ask for an invoice if it's too much of a PITA to deal with. Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com or LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com This is such a FUN set, I am going to go through the labels one by one here. Stay tuned!
  3. HOLY MOLY, I AM IN SHOCK!!! AMAZING, GATart!!!!!!!! I used this app in case anyone wants to play: https://adrian17.github.io/Gallifreyan/
  4. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU ALL!!!! Gold stars all around!!!! :star: :star: And thank you, your comments have me laughing my butt off. More to come...
  5. I plan to have these up and orderable by Monday - they are ready to ship! Big thanks to Jennifer for making the labels with me - we make a good team! So, Who's got guesses? North Pole 2017 1890 Distant Planets - 2264 1942 Year One w/ Perfect Match 1400 1969 w/ Open Windows 1200 B.C. Somewhere in Time Ashes to Dust 2017 We also made Ashes to Dust in Sugar Scrub and Bar Soap, so you can wash your sins away!
  6. I just finished a rebrew! I had to swap out two of the minute resin ingredients for other sources of the same thing, so it won't be EXACT but it should be very very close. Just added 20 bottles into the cart. I'm glad so many enjoyed this one, thanks for all the kind words!
  7. Yes. I have some promises to fulfill.
  8. Hi Lisa, Yes, we are aware we got a bad batch of bottles. We have been sending repair kits to people who have unfortunately received them and we just received new bottles to replace the defective ones. So sorry you got a bad one. Sending an email is all you need to do when something goes wrong with an order, John will answer your email today and we'll make it right.
  9. You sent an email asking for an invoice? I do not see it, sorry. I mean, I see emails but no request for Blud. I have a busy week coming up but will try and see if I have enough ingredients for a small rebrew after that. In any case, I doubt I could get them to people before Halloween tho, sorry.
  10. We took them off because we sold out of BLUD, but send John an email if you want a set. We are replacing BLUD with Myrrh Merlot, and it shaves a little bit off the price as well. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  11. Witty Kitty's ZING! Witty Kitty came up with a lovely combo, a really nice take on the popular ginger/citrus pairing, with soft candied ginger and equal amounts of lime and orange (Sicilian mandarin and neroli) essential oils. We added white sugar, sweet sandalwood and a touch of vanilla to the base to make it smooth and soft, but still with that little ginger Zing! (Get the label? ) 1 bottle available Tyvey's Saturday in Hermosa A lovely combination of intense aromas...Bulgarian rose otto, essence of cacao, cardamom and sea salt. The result is a beautiful sandy rose scent, with a hint of darkest cocoa on the bottom, and that slightly boozy quality that accompanies an extract of that kind. Rose lovers, take note! 9 bottles available Nicole's Victoriosa Nicole's confident and womanly success blend is built around orange blossoms and fresh cut roses, with hints of honeysuckle and hyacinth blossoms, supported by soft white amber and sweet sandalwood in the base. Nicole's intent with Victoriosa is along the lines of JLisa's much loved Madame President, and while entirely different ingredients, those who enjoyed that one may take interest in this one as well. There's a lovely freshness to this! 3 bottles available (WildVixen I think we have enough to make around 10 Itty sets this month, so please post here to let me know if you would like one. $4 per set, add-on item. Thanks, Peeps. Excellent work, PE Designers! (GATart, Tyvey, Luna, WildVixen, Bella
  12. Just send an invoice request via email to: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com or LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com and John will send you an invoice in the morning. Also, I am finished with the lovely PEs for this month, but I am still working on the labels so I will post those in their own thread either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks, Peeps!
  13. I am about to flick the switch and make everything live, but I wanted to mention a coupla things first. We are unfortunately still using the Etsy hosted temp site, and it's a pain in the butt. They will not allow us to list ingredients or talk about pheros on the Etsy site proper, so if you want to see the magickal meanings of ingredients, read them via the LP site, here: NEW RELEASES ON LP TEMP SITE: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases BUT! If you want to pay via PayPal, Etsy does not allow that on their hosted sites, (Etsy payments only) so you have to order via the Etsy site proper to pay via PayPal, or else just send us an email and we can invoice you. ETSY STORE: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovePotionPerfumes?ref=seller-platform-mcnav&section_id=21642631 The sampler and full bottle sets can be found under the SETS AND SPECIALS headings on both sites. LPMP: https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/563435345/autumn-2017-halloween-collection-weenies ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/listing/563435345/autumn-2017-halloween-collection-weenies?ref=shop_home_feat_2 And last but not least, Luna has written us a couple of fabulous tales that we do not have room for on that temp platform, so we will be posting them in full here on the review threads. Ok, we're up, have fun everyone! Thank you!
  14. I just got back from the party. Whew. The last two months, well over 300 people a night. I kinda feel like something went *POP* and all of a sudden ..holy moly, we're popular. It was so packed and so crazy all night. People were MAD for the perfumes tonight! We might have sold the most ever at a NR party. I bought extra gallons of punch ingredients to make sure we wouldn't run out and we just made it! Just a little left over, I think we went through around 12 gallons this time. This is Adama Blackthorne, our newest reader - Spirit Readings, Voodoo style. He was mobbed like a Beatle all night. Here he is helping me add magic to the punch.... See...I was trying to make it look like eyeballs. Got some good laughs out of a few peeps. Ingredients for this month's Cauldron Punch... Simply Lemonade (the yellow one) Sliced Kiwis Midori green melon liqueur Svedka Mango Pineapple Vodka Stoli Vodka (regular) Bacardi white, Bicardi dark (2/3rds light, 1/3rd dark) Giant can of sliced peaches, juice and peaches both into the mix. This is crucial! Somehow peach juice just makes it amazing. YUMMARAMA!
  15. Wanna smell our 'Weenies? You know you do! Thought we would have some fun with public domain movie stills this month! And you can thank Ms Luna for reminding me that this month marks the 10th anniversary of our plunge into the exciting world of pheros! We came up with some fab Halloweenie variants for you to enjoy! We plan to have these orderable by Sunday and shipping on Monday. PEs will be ready by that time as well. (And get your trigger fingers ready...Blud is made with some very precious ingredients and I could not make that much of it so supplies are seriously limited). I'm racing off to the shop now to get ready for our big Halloween Bash this Friday. I'm making acid green Cauldron Punch - join us if you can! TTYL xoxoxo BLUD w/ Sexpionage Butterscream Lemon Boo Berry Cloven Sand (unisex) Flying Potion w/ Levitation Cougar Potion: Panther (w/ Stone Cougar) Phero Girl: PG-17 (w/ EoW Copulins) Cuddle Bunny: Vampire Bunny (w/ Cuddle Bunny) River & Rain (unisex) Still Life Black Velvet Pumpkin White Velvet Pumpkin
  16. I'm afraid you WILL! DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER! Woooo! Yes, we were referring to the "grape" note in Dior's Poison. Poison was a scent I enjoyed wearing in the 80's, and I once got into an argument with a Dior rep about it, because back then they were keeping the notes a secret. I had said, not so much of a secret when it smells like grape and you put it into a purple bottle that looks like a grape. Well, when they finally did start talking about the notes, they said tuberose and plum gave it that character, and weirdly, the mixture of tuberose and plum really does smell like grape, and if you read into the components of a grape smell, you can detect the aura of tuberose. There's some common factor in each. So anyway, I purchased this grape oil a while ago, and found it instantly reminiscent of Dior's Poison...whatever it is, it's the same note. Both grapey and tuberosey. I tried to take that note into a different direction than Poison, with velvety powdery musks and myrrh, but anyone who ever wore Poison I believe will still recognize that note immediately. Congrats on the excellent guess! Boosted you 100 posts.
  17. We have two left, Please email if you would like them, thanks. Midnight Requiem, you have first dibs. LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com
  18. I think there might be one or two, I will ask John on Monday. Yes, PEs are open.
  19. How exciting! Wishing for you all your dreams come true! I'm going to throw a vote in for Sensual Harmony - for when you want to be a sultry and elegant. And it contains ingredients on your list of likes. And agreeing with Ocean Jewel, Vampire Bait w/ Gotcha LE. Not exactly what's on your list, but very flirty and deliciously adorable, IMO.
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