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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Lace? Cuddle Bunny? I personally might go with Lace because it makes people treat me with kindness and attentiveness.
  2. If you haven't gotten a ship notice yet, just email us and ask John to add it in. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  3. We've got EIGHT fabulous creations this month, peeps! Victoria's Masked Woman Victoria asked for a "pink" version of our long sold-out Masked Man fragrance, so I started with a similar base to that and added sweet ingredients on top. A foundation of tonka, vetiver, smooth white amber and a smidge of leather and oakmoss, with sweet musky vanilla, fairy floss sugars and marshmallow fluff on top. 9 bottles available (Hearts, JLisa, SeaJam, MDCherie, Bella, Lovestruck, ChrissyRez, Eggers, Invi) Alt: Birkeys, WildVixen Seon's Cold Weather Cozy Spiced mahogany and crisp fallen leaves form a comforting layer beneath the scent of sweet roasting chestnuts and woodsmoke on the Autumn air.... 7 bottles available (Invi, JimV, Tyvey Witty Kitty's Silk & Leather Silky, creamy ylang ylang over non-foody powdery vanilla and soft white musk with a dot of black leather in the base. 4 bottles available (Invi, JLisa Rik's Southern Lights An unusual combo that smells delightful! Blood orange and violet blossoms, folded into creamy marshmallow fluff with a smidge of dark amber in the base. There's one issue with this one though - it refuses to blend and must be shaken. It's the combo of citrus and marshmallow that does it, I tried it with 2 different marshmallow sources and it did the same thing. Making it a spray would solve that issue if you mind it, but try not to mind it because it smells wonderful! 9 bottles available (ChrissyRez, Invi Melissa's Plumage Crafted of sweet syrupy plums, blended with peppery flowers of carnation and neroli, with dashes of thick patchouli and black tea in the base. 3 Bottles Available Melissa's Baby Doll Melissa's sweetly pink creation consists of creamy cakey vanilla smothered in blackberries, with smooth white amber in the base. 3 Bottles Available (ChrissyRez, Invi, Lisa's Creamy Ylang The rich scent of whipped cocoa butter - accentuated with a dash of coconut cream - swirled together with creamy ylang ylang blossoms and dusted with powedery myrrh and white amber. 3 bottles available (StacyK, WittyKitty, SeaJam) Lina's Latte A blend of rich coffee oils swirled with caramel and topped with whipped cream, and sprinkled with gingerbread spices on top! Oh, there's a little marshmallow in there too. YUM! 12 bottles available (SeaJam, Invi, Tyvey Itty Sets are $9 this month ***Please make sure to order this along with something else to ship with. In Amazon terms, this is an ADD-ON ITEM. Thank you. 16 Itty Sets Available (Blackcat, Birkeys, SeaJam, PrincessOP, Bella, IndiAna, Chelle, Lainey, WildVixen Also want to note that I made another round of LadyV's Sweet Pussy which is on Etsy. And I also made a "functional" blend for some customers at the store which worked out quite well. I have none left of the original brew but can make more if anyone wants some. I was asked for a blend of essential oils to keep mosquitoes away from a party of campers. I used Lavender, Tea Tree and Citronella, and after the camping trip they called me to report back...the lady who commissioned the bottles said it worked amazingly well. I asked her how she knew that there just weren't any mosquitoes, and she said because the one person who refused it got bitten all over, and that she had gotten one bite on the small of her back where none had been applied, and no one else got bitten. Pretty good! 1/6th oz bottles - $12 each. (Blackcat, SeaJam, StacyK, Lainey
  4. You can't smell the eucalyptus really. What I was going for with that, was the smell of chlorinated tap water. . I went with Tangerine and Currant for the "goldfish", and the eucalyptus and sea salt to evoke that smell of tap water the fish is in, in the bag. Everyone so far thinks I nailed it. lol, so it's like a watery citrusy scent in the end.
  5. Not sure if this is interesting to you all or not, but I find it interesting to see what people are going for right off the bat. #2 surprised me! There's the most orders for the samplers of course, and then... 1) LP: Carnival 2) Goldfish (!!!) 3) Tattooed Lady 4) Winner 5) Vardo
  6. I do not think it's that much patch, but it doesn't amp on me, it just makes things feel chewy and rich. Yeah, this set was modeled after the traveling fair of my youth that came around every fall, just after school started again. This took place in the suburbs of NYC on the Jersey side. There was nothing I looked forward to all year more than this. I never could afford any of the food, never tasted even one treat, but I rode the rides and played the games. My brother and I kicked ass at pitching nickels (which later became pitching dimes, and then pitching quarters), and we would go home with armfuls of dishes and glasses every year. For those asking via email about the price of the full bottle sets, just calculate it at a discount of $5 per bottle. A $60 discount off the full price in this case.
  7. Yes, Carnival is a revisiting of LP Spring 11, which was one of my absolute favorites. After I brewed it up, I A/B'd it with my original bottle and it is extremely close, just a little lighter in weight than the original, so likely with time and aging this one will deepen too. I also notice when I first apply it, I can smell the ingredients separately for a second...there's the strawberry - POP! There's the lemon...POP! and then it softens right into to one smooth delicious cotton candy LP scent I am accustomed to.
  8. I'm fine guys, thanks for all the well wishes! I LOVE YOU!! The NRs are UP! Please let me know if I made any mistakes. I'll work on getting the PEs up tomorrow. Enjoy! xoxoxoxox
  9. Hey kids - I'm sorry for the wait. You have to give me a few more hours. I'm working on it now. I woke up this morning with the right side of my face blown up like a balloon. Sinus infection!!! All I needed was an Rx for antibiotics, but since this happens to be a Sunday, on a holiday weekend to boot, I ended up having to spend six hours at the emergency room to get a prescription. I'm totally fine, it just put me behind schedule. Apologizes for the wait. I hope you will feel it is worth it. The scents came out great this month and I am loving Luna's scribings. Just give me a few more hours. Thank you! xoxoxoxoxo
  10. A four year old girl has declared that the best scents for this month are Ellie's Elephant Snacks and Sweet! She has spoken. It is so.
  11. Too funny - and they knitted these themselves.... It may not look pretty, but it still tastes good! I LOVE THIS PIC!!!
  12. The party went over AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so so so happy about that! I LOVE CARNIVALS! Everyone really had a great time, including us. We had little wee kids all the way up to grammies and grampies, and multiple people said they had looked forward to it for weeks!!!!! One family - omg, the most adorable family ever - we met them a few weeks ago at the shop - they just relocated here - and the littlest one, it was her 5th birthday tonight, and this is where she wanted to go. Heart. Melt. I have so much fun with this kid because we do little tricks of funny magic here just to show peeps we are REAL WIZARDS AND WITCHES and this little girl is just stunned and amazed by it all. SO FREAKIN' CUTE! Of course, when it gets totally packed, we get too busy to snap pix, so you can't see how really crazy it got tonight, but it was wonderful. Everyone was overwhelmed and appreciative of the event, and we all had a marvelous time. The Vancouver Downtown Business Association even sent us a thank you for throwing unique events in the district and included us on their walking map of special events for the month.. Mae worked the Ticket Booth, dressed as a Gypsy. What a cutie beauty, inside and out. She's more than a little Fae. Magic in this one for sure. Her treasure chest is filled with Pirate Coins and each attraction or food item costs one coin, except drinks which were free all night. We gave a few coins to everyone who entered, and if they wanted more, we charged them $5 for 10 coins. We had five games, each with unique prizes. John ran three of them from one long table. LOOK HOW CUTE HE DRESSED UP FOR THE OCCASION! Adorable. He also programmed the music for the evening and did a fantastic job. We blasted exciting rock music, 50's-70's mostly, brought in extra speakers just for this and I think we'll keep them here, it was awesome. We gave away full bottles of perfume as GRAND PRIZES, and lots and lots of little toys and stuffed animals, and jewelry too. John magically levitating rings. Behind John was the FOOD booth, run stunningly well by Alexis and Cinnamon. We had originally planned to have each food in a different place around the store, but then we realized we needed it all in one spot because of the socket placement, so Alexis and Cinnamon ended up having the most difficult job of the night keeping hot dogs rolling, popcorn popping and cotton candy spinning all at once. Truly, it was insane. And on top of that, we blew a fuse as soon as we tried to light it all up at once so Izzy had to run to 3 different stores to get us back up again - luckily that part happened before the event started, but what a drama! I tell him he needs his own reality show called "Izzy Does It" because he is the problem solver of the universe. We only unpacked our brand new popcorn popper, hot dog roller, steam trays and cotton candy machine YESTERDAY. We bought everything because renting would have been half the price of buying, so - you use it twice, it's more logical to buy. New respect. This is not easy. The co who we bought the cotton candy and popcorn machine didn't include ANY instructions or paperwork on how to put them together or operate them! John looked up utube vids to assemble the popcorn machine, not intuitive, let me tell you, and I am a champ at constructing furniture and such, but the CC machine - we couldn't find a vid or manual anywhere. We finally worked out how the popcorn machine worked, but the CC machine, we all tried our hand at spinning that sugary goodness onto sticks and only Cinnamon mastered it during the evening. I'm gonna keep practicing, I am determined to nail this. Most of our attempts ranged from pitiful to scary to Trump's hairdo. This is Cinnamon making good ones.... Alexis is pissed, because SHE wanted to run the CC machine - reserved her spot weeks ago, but sadly, was not very good at it. Finally, at the end of the night, Alexis nailed it....look how proud. Really good popcorn, come get some! Ok, so I don't know if these hot dogs were exceptionally good or if hot dogs have always been good but I just didn't know. The thought of them scares me so I have rarely eaten one, but damn, these were GOOOOOD! To the right from there, The Bar. Jessica worked this fabulously well this evening. We did an easy punch because we knew it would be crazy. 6 gallons of Raspberry Lemonade,.3 pounds of blueberries, 20 pounds of ice, and nearly 3 gallons of BOOZE were happily consumed this evening. Bet your tongue is blue! I stationed myself at the front counter with the New Releases. The big hits of the evening were: #1 LP Carnival #2 Medium #3 Vardo Honorable mention for Fair Ground... and Sweet!...oh, and Goldfish too. To my left, the adorable Jesse with the Bean Bag Booth...(why did no one tell me I put the wrong sign on that booth? I didn't know until I saw these pictures, which were taken by our friend Marc.) Anyway, VERY popular booth because EVERYONE loves bubbles, right? Prizes were Bubble Wands - around 8 inches long, and Bubble Swords - around 2 feet long. People came back and back trying to win those swords! And then, Jennifer, The Good Fairy, luring children to the Duck Pond with bubbles. She SAYS she's a good fairy anyway, but just look at the knowing smile.... The bubbles lure you to the ducks...match a pair, win a prize! Jennifer's prizes were all aquatic, she gave away funny rubber duckies, squirty animals and Fortune Fish. ~ AND ~ Did I not promise you GOLDFISH IN A BAG! Psych! It's SOAP! bwahahahaha! Cute, right?
  13. Jennifer also did the wonderful Party Invite ticket... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=11247
  14. I'm hoping to have these up and orderable around Sunday - and I will post he PEs then too. There's several unisex options for the guys this month, and I hope the gals will enjoy wearing them too. Labels were done by the wonderful Jennifer King! So happy with them! Thank you Jennifer! Carny Distant Calliope Ellie's Elephant Snacks Fair Ground Goldfish w/ Alpha Nol LP Carnival w/ Audacious Medium Sticky! Sweet! Tattooed Lady w/ Blatant Invitation Vardo Winner! w/ Swimming with Sharks
  15. COME ONE, COME ALL! ALL AGES WELCOME! You don't want to miss our New Release Party this Friday! We are hosting a CARNIVAL in our shop - complete with cotton candy and popcorn being made on the spot, games and prizes and even fishies in bags! All this to celebrate our Limited Edition fragrance set for Fall - our Carnival Collection! Come on down and join the fun! Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie 703 Main St, Vancouver WA 98660 Friday Sept 2nd 5-9 pm
  16. Thank you! I just enlisted a helper to assist me in getting more of my B&B items finished in a timely manner. And we are working on a brand new website which has a layout that is kinda similar to how Etsy is laid out, and it will make it easier for me to list all our B&B offerings and jewelry and other fun stuff too! The reason I haven't kept the items on Etsy consistently is because they sell out so fast. I've only had the time to make and package small amounts at a time and as soon as I make them, whoosh, they are gone. So one of my part timers has agreed to come over to my studio once per week and help me get more done. I reeeeeallly want to make more than I have been making. I apologize that I haven't made more available. I am trying to do more.
  17. I have one more bottle of this one, it was reserved for the creator but I was planning on releasing it onto Etsy now. Snoops, email me if you'd like it.
  18. Welcome! I think it's a great first date scent. Try one spritz to the chest and one to the back of the neck. Maybe a third split between the forearms. Let us know how it goes, hope you both have a great time!
  19. Cauldron Punch of the Month - Margarita Punch! I use rum pretty much every month so I wanted to try something different. Like Halo, I am not a fan of tequila,or so I thought. When working out this recipe, I realized that it's dark tequila that makes me nauseous, but white tequila is another story. It's tremendously more mild tasting/smelling but you still have a tinge of that identifiable agave aroma. Very simple recipe this month and it went over fabulously. Limeade, white tequila, orange liqueur, watermelon and pineapple. 1/3rd tequila to 2/3rd limeade, and then the orange liqueur of your choice to taste. There are few things on this earth more delicious than watermelon soaked in booze. It's so summery and festive and such a treat. Everything I make this way is a hit.
  20. It just makes it smell truly edible, it's not BOOZY. Ok, Luna, thank you!
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