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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. PayPal has been attempting an update this week which wiped out our ability to manage inventory numbers. They got it back last night with a partial roll back, but a fresh attempt today messed it up again. It's not just us, it's anyone who uses PayPal buttons with inventory control feature. Now, while this should not effect a normal cart order on your end, it is effecting our end because something in the cart may oversell and we can't change the numbers. We can still generate invoices, and we still have our internal inventory count, so if in question, you can ask how many of something we have and ask for invoice. If something is oversold we'll have to refund you. Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.
  2. If you want something with cops in it, try Heart Throb as a boost. Leave Charisma alone, it's a perfectly balanced product.
  3. Woo! Check the first post again peeps! Luna added her story for the month. Awesome! Thanks Luna!!! LOVE it!
  4. Please be patient, Haggy, your package has to go all the way to Singapore and often in that region packages take 6 weeks, Please give it another 2 weeks and if it hasn't arrived by then let us know. Thank you!
  5. Notes and reserves are up! Let me know if you want to change anything!
  6. I'll post descripts and do the tally tonight when I get home from the store. Have a great day! It's pushing 90 degrees here again!
  7. BALLS! BALLS! BALLS! Melon balls, that is! This month's crazy concoction featured rum soaked balls of honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon, sliced limes and spearmint leaves floating in a sea of lemonade, pineapple and orange juices. The magic in the potion courtesy of Midori, vodka, and light & dark rums.Yums! We served up 10 gallons this evening! I'm telling you, people could not get enough of my balls tonight. At the end of the party, the punch completely gone, and an hour past closing time, half a dozen people remained and were stabbing the last few balls in the bowl with toothpicks and gobbling them up.
  8. We've got SEVEN great PEs this month! 4/16 Itty Sets are available, $8 each including postage. (Blackcat, Chelle, Bella, Hearts, EOSP, JLisa, SeaJam, Ute, Curiousnose, Lainey, Tink, Curiousnose) Blackcat's Afternoon Delight w/ Copulins A delicious, thick and fruity concoction crafted of cocoa butter, coconut creme, whipped cream, cherries, banana and little dashes of marshmallow and vanilla. Blackcat's summer cops cover will evoke fond memories of the original Me, Jane! 8/15 bottles available (Seajam x 2, MDCherie, Amyrose, StacyK, Tyvey, Tink Cassandra's Dark Wishes Cassandra crafted an original gem out of night blooming jasmine and black licorice, (there's the dark) and dandelion and powdered sugar (there be the wishes) on a base of soft white amber. I took the liberty of adding a few drops of Hedione too! 1 bottle available (Kitty) Flowers for Izzy Our own Izzy D asked me to recreate a much loved traditional scent that men have been donning since the 1950's, (but I still consider it on the femme side of unisex). The source: Tres Flores Brilliantine, hair pomade for men. The most easily recognizable note is the centerpiece of jasmine, but the other two are secret and I had to guess...to my nose, they smell like neroli and carnation, both somewhat masculine notes so that makes sense, and it came out almost identical to the original. Very nice! 4 bottles available (Sunnycowgirl Cassandra's Petit 4.2 Yep, Tyvey guessed right! Cassandra asked for something similar to Petit Four Your Thoughts, and I got close, but no where near exact, as every ingredient besides the original vanilla had to be replaced with newer sources, but the feel is still there and fans of the old should enjoy the new as well! Ingredients: Vanilla, raspberry, almond, pistachio, coconut cream, and a dash of amber in the base. 15 bottles available (TiffanySushi x 2, Sunnycowgirl, Tyvey, Hearts Sweet Joyce Sweet Joyce has a sweet family too - her hubby and daughter came into the shop to commission a birthday gift for her, and their request was to make mom smell good enough to eat! They decided on thick cake batter style vanilla and a load of brown sugar, with tiny accents of pecan and cinnamon, and a sweet amber in the base. Definitely yummerific! 9 bottles available Tiny's Festival Fancy Tiny5000 has summer on her mind - she wanted to evoke the feeling of humid summer air, good times, and illicit substances on the breeze. Together we came up with a blend of peppercorn and thyme, pipe tobacco and incensey black musk, rounded out with the aromas of green grass and a smidge of aged patchouli. A recipe for astral travel, maybe time travel too! 2 bottles available Tink's Vulture & the Egg Tink is calling up some serious vulture medicine with this crafty potion! She envisioned a potion for cleansing and transformation, with a "light, salty, cleansing" vibe. I used three kinds of cactus accords, an ozone-y sea salt note, some meringue to evoke the egg in question, and just a tiny smidge of powdered sugar and sweet sandalwood to add a desert sand feel. One of the most unique ideas I have been presented with. Very nice! 2 bottles available (Blackat, Chelle) Also want to note that there are still Itty Sets available from the past two months. April - 12 sets of 5 available ($5 each) (Ute, March - 5 sets of 9 available ($10 each) (Ute, And for the locals, tomorrow night is PARTY night! Hope to see you there! “Festival Frivolity” a Detective Odin adventure by Julian Lune Herbert Odin regarded the phone on his desk with undisguised loathing. He opened his mouth to call out to his assistant, who always seemed to know when he was about to do just that. “It’s the Chief!” Reina said. “Well can’t you just take a message?” “Just get it over with, sir.” Odin sighed and answered the phone. “Detective Odin.” “Odin, the Mayor wants you in her office within the next hour.” “Is this about the museum theft, sir? Because I thought the FBI -” “I’m not letting the Feds swoop in on this one! A man’s got his pride to protect, y’know.” “Yes sir.” Odin didn’t consider himself lazy, it’s just that the mayor of his fair city was a rather eccentric woman who some said had a rather sadistic streak. He stood up from his desk and Reina was already waiting for him in the doorway. “You won’t need your coat, sir, it’s a warm day..” “Reina, can’t you go talk to her, woman-to-woman?” “Sir, if Izzy says you’ve got to placate the mayor, then you have to do it. You’re not afraid of her, are you?” Their boss, Isadore Balmaniente, was the type of man who said you could call him Izzy...until one day you disappointed him, and then you couldn’t. He wore his thick black hair slicked back, leaving a faint scent of flowery pomade throughout the precinct. He was a legend, a hero, a father figure to the force...and a man no one wanted to disappoint. “Of Cassandra Souhait? Well, uh -” Reina smiled. “She won’t bite...anymore, that is.” Their mayor had a bit of a dark reputation...but she was all business now. Odin attempted to remember that as he sat in her tidy but ornate office, full of expensive furniture and exotic accessories. Said official was attired all in black, save a crimson scarf adorning her turtleneck sweater. He mopped at his forehead but she was cool as anything found in a refrigerator. “Herbert,” she purred, a smile framed by deep red lipstick. “I want to know why you declined the festival detail.” “Oh well, Your Honor, I’ve got a backlog of cases, and -” “Now what did I tell you about that, hmm? Call me Cassandra.” The title of Mistress which had once proceeded her name was implied. She wore her deep russet hair in a chic chignon and drummed nails which matched her lips upon her marble-topped desk. “Uh, yeah so Cassandra, I just believe it would be a better use of my time, you see, to -” Why was he always so flustered in her presence? Odin wondered. As Reina reminded him, she wouldn’t bite. Probably. The Mayor laughed merrily, flicking the tassels on her silk scarf. A faint whiff of jasmine tickled his nose in the wake of her movement “Herbert you are the best detective on the force. I don’t expect mayhem at this gathering, but kids these days, you know? Also, well, my sister will be in town -” “Your sister the baker?” “Yes, she insisted upon having a booth at the festival, and, well, I’m worried about her. She’s a bit eccentric, as you know.” Runs in the family, Odin thought, and forced himself to remain composed. “Well we can put a special detail on her, ma - uh, Cassandra.” “Herbert, you will be the special detail. I’m counting on you to make sure she doesn’t get into trouble. Joyce is such a -” “Uh ma’am, I don’t know that I’m the right man -” “- a bon vivant, shall we say. And you are absolutely the right man for the job!” “I don’t even like rock music.” “Oh who does?! But I’m counting on you, Herbert.” Her tone made it apparent that she would brook no argument or excuse. “Yes ma’am,” he said, past caring whether she would be offended by the honorific. “Sir, don’t look at it as a demotion - it’ll be fun!” Reina assured him. Herbert tried to look as pitiful as possible. When he had returned and reported to the Chief that the Mayor wanted him to work the festival, Izzy had given him a “Women...what can you do?!” sort of look. Odin had opened his mouth, only to be cut off with, “Don’t disappoint me, Herbie!” Nobody called him Herbie, except the Chief. “I hate being out in the sun. I hate rock music. And I hate crowds.” “Say what you will about Joyce, she’s a darn good baker.” “Did you know she’s in a cult now? They live out in the desert. They call themselves the Order of the Sacred Vulture.” “Vultures are very important to the circle of life,” Reina intoned. “Yeah but, do you need to form a cult for them?” “Sir, I’ll come with you, how’s that? That way you can just focus on looking for perps. I’ll handle Joyce.” “You just want to eat those little cakes.” “They’re called petit fours and yes, I wouldn’t miss them for the world!” The festival - which was scheduled to last far into the night - was packed full of colorful people imbibing various substances but primarily high on sunshine and music and...well, various substances. Joyce’s booth was labeled with a large sign: Sweet Joyce’s sweet treats All proceeds benefit the Order of the Vulture The Earth Mama in question was doing a bangup business in petit fours, as evidenced by the long line in front of her concession. And she made sure to hand out brochures which contained a great many interesting facts about vultures. “Dude, whoa, I didn’t know that vultures, will, like, throw up on themselves if they’re threatened! That’s, like, a totally bitchin’ non-violent resistance move, yanno?” proclaimed a dreadlocked stoner in a tie-dye t-shirt. Odin read the logo on his shirt. “I thought they retired,” he said, referring to the band. “No way, Precious Metal has tried to retire five times now, but we won’t let them!” the guy proclaimed, throwing devil horns and howling at the sun overhead. “Easy there, dude,” Odin said, with sarcastic emphasis. “Sir, your curmudgeon is showing again,” Reina warned him. “Have some Afternoon Delight!” Joyce insisted, handing him a bowl of creamy pudding topped with cherries, bananas and mini-marshmallows. “You’ll have to excuse him, Joyce,” Reina said, “Detective Odin is allergic to fun.” “You know, I think that guy might have drugs on him,” Odin said, trying to look official. “Oh, kids today, you know?!” Joyce said, putting a flower crown on his head. She then bustled away to serve more hungry customers and Odin turned to Reina, miserable. “Kill me now,” he said. “Not even if you beg me,” Reina replied, helping herself to another petit four.
  9. Hi Flower! I would suggest something with Est for sure as that can bring out the chivalrous side of men. La Femme Mystere or Noire sounds like would be excellent for your situation. Goddess of the Blue Moon is my pick. I hope you have fun on your date!
  10. I have 2 bottles worth left. Would you like one? I did not do a label for it, just using the old label with a Virgin sticker.
  11. I just ordered some, sounds great! Thanks BB. My skin is sooo dry these days!
  12. Welcome! It is almost always a problem of the image being too large. Unless you reduce your image very small, it just won't accept it. I am happy to do it for you. My email is CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  13. They have the same ingredients, but were made by two different entities. For a few years we could not get the original (Girl/Girl), so we commissioned a copy (G2) and we shared the ingredient list of the original with this second lab - but not the proportions. They made their own recipe. When the original became available again, we jumped at the chance to get it back. So currently we have both. Eventually our supply of G2 will sell out and we'll be back to Girl/Girl only. They are both very good. I haven't heard anyone too strongly prefer one over the other, that I can recall. If you are trying to decide if you need both, probably not. Just think of it as a different source, for largely the same thing.
  14. I've been wearing this one a lot, and 1 minute after app, I get the HELLO COPPYCOPCOPCOPPYCOP thing going, and then within another 2 mins or so, the cop scent disappears for good. There's quite a bit of copulins in this, I am surprised no one else is getting a blast of it like I am! So, it's hovering around 90 degrees up here already, I cannot believe it, I moved a thousand miles north to get away from this...nevermind....anyway, this is the kind of scent I just CRAVE when the weather heats up. Makes me feel cooler somehow, reminds me of a summer evening breeze.
  15. Welcome! How thick is the corset material, and how warm does your body get beneath it? Personally, I wear undershirt bras/camisoles rather than a typical bra, but the fabric is thin, so it's no problem. But, I often just apply perfumes right on the material in that area and let my body heat help diffuse it. Cloth makes an excellent diffuser. But you can't do that with copulin-heavy products as they need skin chemistry to dry down properly. Hope to meet you at the shop some day soon!
  16. Reservations for February's PE offerings no longer being accepted here. Anything left has been posted in our Etsy shop. Thanks!
  17. I need a favor - since we are reserving here, and not doing Etsy, please remember to post (if you are a forum member) to let me know if you want a PE bottle or set, and not just email. Reason being, John and I are both in the email and many times I will not see a request sent that way. We do not want to oversell an item. Thanks, Peeps!
  18. Already got you covered, Lisa! Check the first post. I'm not going to Etsy these now, we'll stick with our format.
  19. Stacy, did you get John's note that we have one for you too?
  20. Hey Peeps, please remember, when you are asking for an invoice, to include your forum name so we know if it was you that reserved a bottle. Thanks!
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