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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. All PEs on deck will be released along with the NRs next week, I have around a dozen of them to finish.
  2. I just finished posting what is left from the Pheromas promo on Etsy, just FYI. That'll be all until next November! Mailyahn, yes, I will eventually - maybe this weekend. I've been making just simple crystal wraps these last few weeks - crystals wrapped in colored copper or sterling silver. They are inexpensive and sell like crazy every time I do a show so I make TONS of them. (I think I made over 1200 of them last week! My fingers are throbbing!) I recently got my hands on some stunning Aura crystals so I have been having a lot of fun with those. I am a craft store addict too. It's terrible! Do you make jewelry as well?
  3. I'm being a bit slow this month, I'm afraid. I actually took last week off for realz, because I worked double shifts in Nov when everyone else had their vacation. (I made jewelry for the store all week for my vacay!) So anyway, I think end of next week is truly what we are looking at. I am almost done with the brewing and labels, and the PEs. OH! And I am turning off the PEs for a few weeks so I have the time to work on the store. Just FYI. Thanks, and Happy New Year!
  4. Well, it's all a big experiment first of all, keep that in mind, we don't know for certain. But the idea is to create an atmosphere, and give off an aura of YOU inhabiting that space. That's why I've made some with male and female pheros, not just socials. I don't know. I would doubt that anything adverse could happen but I would take the cautious route.
  5. Ashes to Dust and Lost Luggage ARE New Year's scents!
  6. I agree! So the story is, Mr & Ms Katz came out here to visit, and the airline lost Mr Katz' luggage. They did not get it back until they left a week later to go home. Rather than get upset about it, have tantrums and have it ruin their trip, Mr Katz was very zen about the whole thing (he was glad it was his luggage and not Patz's, so sweet). He said he decided to take it as a freeing experience, he let go of his belongings and just went with the tides. He chose to feel liberated, and therefore had a fabulous vacation. Mr Katz came up with the name of this himself, as a symbol of their trip. Ridding yourself of excess baggage can be a wonderfully freeing thing. Which is a good message especially at this time of year. The scent comes from a discovery they made while exploring on their trip. They found a winery that was also making artisan sodas! They bought a large bottle for us all to share, and we used the ingredients as the basis for this perfume.
  7. Just posted a bunch more. These will likely be the last I can get out in time for Christmas delivery. Just FYI!
  8. Ha! I wore that perfume today too! I do not have any of the right ingredients in wax oils tho.
  9. Did that sell out already??!! Yes, I can make more! I'll do some tonight or tomorrow. OMG, Tropical Orchid came out AMAZING!!! I love that one! I've been going through everyone's ideas for new blends. I've been blending new ones per people's requests today.
  10. I think a lot of people have been buying this and Reindeer Droppings as stocking stuffers. We've had a bunch of orders for just those two.
  11. Phergineer, well, since I just ordered 200 pounds of wax, and the last 80 pounds of melts went in a weekend, I am inclined to keep making more until I am again out of wax. That will probably keep us in melts for the next year, as the ordering frenzy has calmed down now. You probably do not need to rush.
  12. Listed a bunch more today...and more to come tomorrow! I'm doused with scent from the melts - my hair and clothes smell amazing!
  13. The simmer oils are full strength concentrated oils with no dilutant at all. The same candle oils I am using for the melts, so they are more concentrated without the wax. I bottled up some of my blends that I did not have enough of to do another round of melts. Depending upon the type of warmer you have, you can use the oil straight, or float a dropper full over water Each wax melt has the equivalent of 3 drops of pheromones, so what I would suggest is that you do the same or less if you want to do this at home. Remember that the heat greatly amplifies the effect and diffusion of the pheros so don't overdo it!
  14. Potion Master


    I should mention that this scent idea was borrowed from an artisan ice cream parlour up here in Portland. (It's like the LP of Ice Cream shops!) Katz and her Mister were up here visiting and they got a taster spoon of their Bourbon Coffee flavor and it was the best thing I ever had in my life. I ordered a whole scoop and had to take a pill afterwards because my body cannot handle that much caffeine, but it was totally worth it! (And I would do it again!!!) I never would have tried it on my own, so this deliciousness is thanks to the Katzes. I wore it for a solid week after I made it. LOVE!
  15. Just posted more of these SO melts: Purple Puff + B2.2 Manly Lavender + Perfect Match Currantly Incensed + Sexpionage Next up: Drive By Fruiting + OW, Gloria Irish Coffee + Levitation Also, I added new ceramic wax warmers on there. Great gift idea, warmer plus melts! I will try to do another batch tonight and will be adding more all week. There's a whole bunch of new ones I haven't even gotten to yet because the others sold out so fast! I'm excited to try all the new blends.
  16. The last of my supplies just arrived! Going downstairs to make more right now! Woooo!
  17. They sold out. Just got the rest of my supplies, making more now!
  18. Yes, lavender is well known to act as an aphrodisiac on men. And for women it just makes us sleepy? I just added another 30 bottles to the cart. Brew Edition 2. I followed the recipe I crafted for the first brew, and luckily still have all of the same ingredients, but as always, please remember it will not be identical because it is hand made. Thanks! Glad everyone is enjoying this so much!
  19. I just added another bunch of Phero Enhanced Caramel Apple & Lemon Cake to the Etsy cart, and now I am out of wax and cups. In a few more days I will make more of the other sold out melts and continue adding new ones I haven't gotten to yet!
  20. It's just a well known fact in the cosmetic field that people tend to apply sprays more liberally than they do something that has to be dabbed, regardless of the length of its wear. It's not always a shorter lifespan with sprays, especially if they are resin heavy. If sprayed onto clothing they will last on and on until washed, just like the oils. It's a matter of application preference, and yes, how far they throw in oil vs alcohol. (No need to apologize for anything, Rose!) Personally, I find that lighter scents do better on my skin in sprays. Lighter more fragile notes will burn off quickly with my chemistry, so if I put them in spray and spritz my hair and clothes, those top notes will last longer. The darker heavier scents I prefer in oils.
  21. Yup! I pulled the wax melts you wanted, and you should get the invoice from John today.
  22. It's really because the cost is more - it's simply a more expensive format. The oils are 1/3 oz and the sprays are 1 oz, but it's equivalent product. Most people will in fact use the larger bottle faster.
  23. I totally understand the frustration. If I had spent hours planning an order and deciding what I was going to buy people for presents and then the things I wanted were out of stock, I would have a meltdown too! Yes, I am going to make more of everything that has sold out. Luckily I still have tons of candle oils, and just needed more wax and cups. I also put in an order today for more wax burners, so those will be back in stock soon too. And just a reminder about the tea lights you use with them...Ikea makes the absolute best ones at the best price. If you've got one near you, I recommend! They last around 4 hours, which is perfectly timed for the life of the melts, and they sell giant bricks of them for like $3.50.
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