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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Let's see if Bella still wants the Elfin after reading the notes. I'll reserve you a Tropics for now. Thanks!
  2. Donna's Elfin Princess An adorable, sensual, floral bouquet of Frangiapani, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and a soft Rose, with a single drop of Sandalwood in the base. 1 bottle available The Birkeys - Pink Me in the Tropics Pineapple, Guava and Coconut Cream sweetened with pink berry sugars, with a dash of musky Oakmoss in the base and crowned with an Orchid on top. A tropical delight! 2 bottles available
  3. I'm sorry, they are already bottled and labeled. But there is one extra of each I think, if the creator doesn't want another I will put those up for grabs.
  4. LOL, Nothing exotic this year, I'm afraid! I'll be here working on New Releases. John will be moving. Jess & Izzy will be visiting with their eldest son who just started college. Any of you have exciting Thanksgiving or December holiday plans?
  5. Wanted to let everyone know our holiday schedule so that you can plan your order times if need be. We always close the last week of November for our yearly vacation. This year that's Nov 24th-28th. Nothing will ship that week, but I will still pop in here and there to send order confirmations and answer questions. If you want things in hand by Christmas, the last day to order would be December 17th, which is 7 days prior to the 24th. The last day we will be shipping is Monday the 22nd, then we will be closed the 23rd-26th. We're letting the Pheromas trials run through December. And the Winter New Releases will come out around the 1st of December.
  6. LOL! Well, you spent less than you have! You have $125 in both posting credits and GCs, and you need to have a $25 paid order, so you still have most of those credits still to spend. John just ran to the PO, but will refund you the extra when he gets back.
  7. Rose, just email us and we will send you an invoice! It's way easier. Have you ever redeemed posting credits before? I mean either via the site or via invoice? Or have you saved all of these up! Heee!
  8. If you scroll down that Etsy order page, all the descriptions of the blends are right on there. Wanted to make it easy for everyone. Here's the listing for Magnet: MAGNET Formula - aka Like a Magnet or LAM - (for women) - Our man magnet combo of Alpha-Androstenol and a whopping dose of EoW Copulins. Mood elevating, popularity enhancing, sexually attracting. * Ingredients: Alpha-Androstenol, Copulins.
  9. Oops, I am sorry if it is not clear what the sets include. If you look at the front page of this thread they are divided up so you can see. The first 7 are for women, and then the next 3 are the unisex blends included in both sets. Then the next 7 are for men, and their set also includes the 3 unisex. So there are 17 total. There's only one truly unisex scent in the men's collection, which is Mark's Girl Nip. Enlightenment has a unisex phero blend, but the scent is masculine enough that if a gal were to wear it, people would think you were snuggling with a guy and it transferred to you. Don't let that deter you though, I personally LOVE this one....if you are a Daddy's Girl like me, you will love it. Yes, the UN Phero Trials will be available through December. Yes, you CAN get a full bottle of Mega Watt now, but as I wrote in the offering, it may not be the final formula as I am relying on all of you to help me perfect it, so it very likely will change.
  10. You'd have an idea if you read the front page of our website or your order confirmations. You'd also have an idea if you actually emailed us and asked. John will tell you if your order has shipped if you email us. I do not have access to that info at this late hour, but as you ordered 3 days ago, not a week ago, I will assume that your order is still in the queue. And of course, everyone receives an email with their tracking info when a package has shipped.
  11. DONE! They are UP and orderable! Woot! Wow, that was a marathon! 15 hours straight of programming. Wanted to get them up for everyone for the weekend. STANDING OVATION for Ms Luna!!! You kicked ass as always, my heart of hearts! Thank you for your wonderful descriptions!!!!
  12. It WILL become clear once I am finished programming everything. I am still working on it, tweaking things, so please wait a few more hours until I am finished. Nothing is going to be sell out tonight, I promise!
  13. I've been programming all day. Need to take a short break and will continue. I am hoping to be finished some time this evening.
  14. No, Birkeys, Estratreanol is only produced by pregnant women, and the scent of copulins could no more effect your hormones than the smell of chocolate. It's also in dispute whether human females cycles synchronize at all. There really is no true evidence of it. Personally, I was surprised to learn that, I thought this theory was accepted, but it turns out not to be true. And it's funny that I believed that, as I spent 10 years in an all-female band, and for sometimes 9 months out of a year we'd be sharing the same tourbus and hotel room. Our periods never synched. That was a question often asked by snide journalists.
  15. Stone Labs has done testing about skin absorption and pheromones. If I remember correctly, what Dr Stone said was, 'The absorption is so minute as to be non-existent.' He claims it has no effect on hormone balances. The grade of silicone that we use is molecularly too large to be absorbed by the skin, which is why we use that variety. It is entirely skin safe.
  16. I didn't get to last year tho, cuz we were moving. But this year I will make up for it. We are going to run the pheros in sampler size through December.
  17. Great report! Thanks for sharing! It's no hair/face/clothes for copulins. Chest area is the perfect spot to apply.
  18. Ok, just got the last of the descriptions over to Luna, so it's time to share some more info! Go look at the first post!
  19. You ARE? Why did I think you were way north of there? I love BOTH Vancouvers.
  20. You just got the labels today! No more information just yet, you still have a week to wait so we'll give you hints in inches.
  21. There are two sampler sets, one for men and one for women. Each contains the appropriate 7 plus the 3 unisex.
  22. I would prefer people get the sampler set with the free tester and comment on it first so we can get it perfected, but I wanted to make a label for it now.
  23. Just a nudge - if you want to earn some more forum credits to spend on these goodies, we have just added a ton of new stuff on Amazon and they need reviews. 5 Amazon reviews = 100 post boost over here, and that = a $5 store credit! Here's the link that explains all.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7771 Post in that thread to receive your boost. Thanks!
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