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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I have well over a hundred vanilla oils. It was a mixture of them, and no, not the non-foody type, it's closer to the "true" vanilla type in Sugared Vanilla.
  2. Fabulously exotic and sensual! And yes, made of attars.
  3. Well, you've already got them, just individually. A compound blend of them would have to be ordered as a PE.
  4. Anyone see the new labels I've been adding since yesterday? Just wanted to call your attention to the amazing celebrity photo we got....Stay Puft as a baby!!!!
  5. Don't think I have elder flower, but I def have elderberry. Plum is difficult, most plum oils offered have a degree of spice in them and they are only offered seasonally. Any interest in a spiced plum or elderberry?
  6. There was 3 kinds of vanilla and vanilla bean, plus a couple of sweets, br sugar and caramelized sugar.
  7. The offer is buy 10, get two free. The free bottles will match the size of the ones purchased. If you only purchase 2 10ml and the rest 5 ml, your freebies will be the 5ml size. You also get the sale freebies with the offer, while the sale is on. It's a generous offer. It doesn't make sense to purchase one bottle less and lose out on 2 free bottles. You could swap the larger for smaller, to make the ten, and then get the freebies of repeats, so you would still end up with 10 ml of the ones you wanted in 10 ml size.
  8. Just for the sake of curiosity, here are the best sellers so far! 1) Grapefruit, Pink Musk 2) Birthday Cake, Bonfire 3) Egyptian Musk, Vanilla Velvet 4) Cream, White Musk 5) Apricot, Coconut 6) Cocoa Butter, Warm Milk & Sugar
  9. They are so completely different! Sweet Pea is natural, greeny fresh and carefree. Perfect for casual, youthful and 'nature girl' blends. Wisteria is lush. elegant and grown up. The former is shorts and jeans, the latter is little black dress and heels. Just my opinion tho! Does that help?
  10. Just a little powdered white sugar, as the Marshmallow root oils already have a lot of natural sugar. After it dries down you get to the "true" marshmallow scent and it lasts for HOURS on the skin, but stays very close.
  11. I just got talked into pure Sugared Marshmallow. It will have to be shaken just like Bonfire though! Just FYI!!!
  12. Someone just ordered it, so I'm making it. I have a handful of different smoke accords. I'm going to do what I always do, blend them all together to get the most rounded perfect single note, and then soften it with sugars. In this case, to keep it away from the Bonfire type scent, I will probably just go with white and powdered sugars so it doesn't come off as syrupy.
  13. It should blend with any of them, really! Go with your personal taste. Try some fruits too if you have any.
  14. Leather and berries is also a great combo.
  15. He's talking about monthly forum freebies for forum members who review. This is suspended during the sale but starts up again in mid Sept after it's over, so any after-sale order is eligible for this, once per month you get to pick 2 free trials. Additionally you earn store credits according to rank - starting at 200 posts, and every 100 after that, you earn $5 store credit. You can ask for them with a note, or you can use the order page here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/GC The Forum Freebies section you are referring to is located at the bottom of this page.
  16. You can blend it with other resins to round it out, soften it with vanilla and/or musk, sweeten it with Br Sug Pecan or add fruits and berries on top.
  17. Oops! I did not, but I think it's ok, I'm pretty sure I have an extra.
  18. Looks like I do, Chrissy, I put you down as reserved. Thanks!
  19. The same smokes are in Allumette and Bonfire. It's the combo with the other ingredients in Allumette that you are reacting to...the vanilla and the musk with it I think. So you really want Sug Smoke without the marshmallow sugar?
  20. Tell him he's got a fan club across the pond! Everyone thinks he's adorable.
  21. You're only the 20th person to ask that question...he's causing quite a stir!
  22. Thank you, Tyvey! Well, the Sugars take about a half hour to brew. Regular perfumes take 4 hours to several days each, with breaks in between to rest the sniffer. And with these I did not have to plan what would be in them - which can take weeks per perfume. I knew....gather all my apples, pick my faves, balance how I want, sweeten and smooth to suit. It's a much faster process! Also the labels! Rather than spending my usual 2 weeks per month going through thousands of photos, you guys did the work for me! You sent me the pix! That saved me literally weeks of time, and it's been a total blast working with all these beautiful faces. If it were possible, I'd be happy to feature customers on the labels every month. So much more fun than scouring stock photo libraries!
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