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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I did consider it but didn't think there would be much interest. Would you really want it? I have tons of different kinds of pepper EOs here so it could be easily accomplished.
  2. Usually 2 weeks. After that I put them up on Artfire. I have not put these on Artfire yet, but will soon!
  3. We had a cancellation for a couple of PEs. so that means, Alternates, you are up! Amalthea, you are next in line for a bottle of Sleep Tight Might. Are you still interested?
  4. Well, the thing I love about this blend is it comes off sweet to the point of syrupy. For some reason, adding pecan to brown sugar amps the brown sugar smell tons. It's DELICIOUS, and will add a weighty brown sugar vibe to anything. Good combos are heavy resins, cinnamon - to make a cinn bun feel, vanilla - to make a rich cake feel, anything you want to add a sugary "weight" to, as most sugars on their own are quite light.
  5. YES! You should definitely bother - would love to have you, but it would be better if you do not use the low rez filters on them first. I am using pro software and can do that here, but if they are already manipulated the resolution takes a nosedive fast. Virgin pix if possible, thanks!
  6. Oh, yes, please blackcat! Would love to have a pic of you! And everyone - THANK YOU for all the new pix I've been sent over the last couple of days. So happy to have them. Watch out for your label soon....as soon as I can get caught up on the sale I will be making labels again! Thanks! xoxox
  7. I just posted credits thus far in the GC thread for image licensing. Thanks everyone! Still many more to come!
  8. I love this one too. I think it's one of the 'undiscovered' treasures. The grapefruit is bright but burns off quickly, and you're left with a very steamy sexy honey scent that lasts for ages on the skin.
  9. Pure Sugar is a mix of all the sugars, including cotton candy. And we already have OCCO/NOCO Pink, so there doesn't seem to be the need. Tulips?
  10. Calii, do not count me out yet...I am determined....
  11. THE ORDER PAGE IS UP! http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SugaredLayerables/
  12. I'm still working on labels, but I am going to add the rest of the titles to the list on the front page and fill in with pictures as I go, so you guys can see what will be available for purchase during the sale.
  13. That's one that I did NO work on, btw. ElizabethOSP did all the cool designing and color manipulating, as well as posing for it. She's a screamingly talented artist and musician. I am so touched and thankful that she allowed me to use this amazing shot for this collection.
  14. Do you have it in a larger than avatar size? I can use that one for Sugared Hay, it would be perfect!
  15. I was planning on Sugared Licorice. But if you want one closer to anise seed than licorice root, I can do that!
  16. Well I still have a vanilla variety that has your name on it. But I also have another 35-40 fruits, resins and flowers to go... just send some pix that you think might work well on a label and I'll match it with something suitable. And HEY, that goes for ALL OF YOU! You can friend me on facebook and let me mine your gallery if it's too hard to send pix, too. THANK YOU for all the kind words. I am really loving making these labels. It's the most fun I have ever had with them. I love looking into the eyes of the people I adore as I make them. Thanks everyone for making this possible.
  17. Ahem....I do not think I have a pic from you yet, Rosebud!!! email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com No pressure.
  18. Sugared Vanilla (Traditional) * When you think of Vanilla, this is the vanilla you imagine. Comprised of multiple sources from around the globe, gently sweetened with white sugar. Sugared Vanilla Bean * Extract-like concentrated vanilla bean oils and absolutes, with a tinge of booziness, melded with my blend of five sugars. Sugared Vanilla Velvet * A conglomeration of the type of vanillas I use when I want a "non-foody" vanilla....vanilla warmth, without the foody-ness. A more perfumey vanilla, that blends well with almost any other perfumey note. This is the elegant side of vanilla. I blended this with complimentary sugars - white and powdered. Sugared French Vanilla * A classic buttery creamy vanilla. Ice-creamy vanillas with buttered sugars. Sugared Vetiver * A beautiful woody smelling grass, vetiver is a fab essence on both men and women. I took a trio of my favorite vetiver oils and attars, and blended them with white, powdered, caramelized and pink sugars, but no more than necessary for softening and wearablility - the scent still retains it's beautiful freshness and unisex quality. Sugared Violets * Five types of gorgeous violet oils and EOs, lightly sweetened with pink, white and powdered sugars. Sugared Water Lily * A lovely watery fresh floral, gently sweetened with pink, white and powdered sugars. Sugared Watermelon * A blend of juicy watermelons, gently blended with sugars of white and pink. Sugared Wisteria * Exotic purple lovliness! Three kinds of beautiful Wisteria oils blended with cotton candy sugars of pink and blue, plus white and powdered sugars. Sugared Woods * Can woods smell delicious? I think they can! A beautiful bouquet of various woods - Teak, Mahogany, Oak and Cedar - given a lightly sweetened Autumnal spin with lightly spiced caramelized sugars and soft white sugars too. Sugared Ylang Ylang * Famous for it's love drawing properties, Ylang is a very hearty EO, and I've chosen five of the lovliest Ylang EOs on the planet to form a perfectly balanced blossom, sweetened with powdered, pink and white sugars.
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