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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. 1. Birthday Cake 2. Warm Milk & Sugar 3. Cocoa Butter 4. Coconut, Grapefruit (tie) 5. Apricot, Cream, Eng Toffee, Egypt Musk (tie) 6. Bonfire, Leather, Peaches (tie)
  2. Hi Stacy, I can't use a fax. I didn't get any pictures of you yet. Send it and let me see if I can work with it, thanks!
  3. Who said any were low? I am brewing according to demand, and still in the process of getting through the list! Anyone wanna guess which ones are the most requested?
  4. I'm going through them in order of arrival, still have spots, no one has been turned away yet. Might even get finished today!
  5. Here's my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marafox1 You can PM me some pix - that would be great. Thanks! @ CinnMel - You were going to email me something but I didn't get it! Please send again. I'm in the home stretch here with labels, hope to have them complete by Monday.
  6. On the serious note, YES! The white and powdered sugars do not necessarily come off as feminine, they just soften what might be a sharp note. There are many of these that won't be getting the pink and brown sugars for this reason, so that they can be worn by either sex. I'll be doing this with the woods, greens, certain spices, vetiver, your musk...just keep an eye for ones that focus on the white and or powdered sugars and those will generally be the ones men will be comfortable wearing as well as the ladies.
  7. We've been overwhelmed with orders for Clean Musk, and in the notes section girls keep asking for your phone number! What should I tell them?
  8. Just ask for an invoice and we will redeem for you. The Sugars won't sell out, I am making them permanent while the demand for them lasts at least, so do not worry!
  9. Ok, have come to decision today, based upon the OVERWHELMING response for the Sugared Collection. Out of the 125 we have offered, already 102 have been ordered, with the list growing every day. I honestly did not expect the variety of orders...I think I expected to make closer to 75 in the end, but I am very pleased with the range of different kinds of scents people are interested in. The same goes for the sale this year too! A much wider range of interest than usual - people stepping out of just the foody realm and into more daring scents. I'm quite proud of everyone for that! I mentioned at the start of this all I would only brew what had been ordered, but the number of different ones ordered is so vast, that I realized I am not going to have time to do a September set as usual. The Sugars are coming out sooo great, soooo awesome, I really want to devote my time to getting these right, and as fast as possible to get them to everyone. So, halting everything to work on a Sept set doesn't make sense. The sale goes halfway through September, people can catch up on their wishlists and get all the Sugars they want, and I'll be back with a kick ass new collection of Autumnal and Halloweenies for October. Hope this is ok with everyone. Thanks so much for your understanding! xoxox
  10. Ok, have come to decision today, based upon the OVERWHELMING response for the Sugared Collection. Out of the 125 we have offered, already 102 have been ordered, with the list growing every day. I honestly did not expect the variety of orders...I think I expected to make closer to 75 in the end, but I am very pleased with the range of different kinds of scents people are interested in. The same goes for the sale this year too! A much wider range of interest than usual - people stepping out of just the foody realm and into more daring scents. I'm quite proud of everyone for that! I mentioned at the start of this all I would only brew what had been ordered, but the number of different ones ordered is so vast, that I realized I am not going to have time to do a September set as usual. The Sugars are coming out sooo great, soooo awesome, I really want to devote my time to getting these right, and as fast as possible to get them to everyone. So, halting everything to work on a Sept set doesn't make sense. The sale goes halfway through September, people can catch up on their wishlists and get all the Sugars they want, and I'll be back with a kick ass new collection of Autumnal and Halloweenies for October. Hope this is ok with everyone. Thanks so much for your understanding! xoxox I am going to cross post this in announcements as well, to make sure everyone sees it.
  11. That's quite normal. After 2 perfumes, one's ability to define notes is cut drastically, and by 4 you are pretty much done. You have to rest your sniffer for about 2 hours before you can properly assess scents again. That's why it's better not to do "quickie reviews" of a whole set at once when they first arrive and wait, as you did, to give each scent a proper try. I'm more inclined to believe that sniffing too many at once is more responsible for skewed reviews than what people call "travel shock". When I brew and/or assess ingredients, I give myself 2 hours to recover between each sesh. When people believe that everything smells the same or they can't smell anything in a vial, it's not the perfume, it's the nose.
  12. The review threads are being posted because these are starting to ship, but a reminder, please do not fill these threads with speculation if you haven't tried the blend - there are other places for that. Let's keep the review threads for reviews and other pertinent info. Thanks!
  13. Ooooh, those both sound great. We'll have to add a section for everyone's experiments in the new Sugared sub-forum when we put it up.
  14. Honestly, I had forgotten how much I love these sweet pure scents. Sug Apples is just instant happiness to my nose. I am going to start putting one-liner descripts up under each label today. I have to take a breather on the labels and brew, but more labels to come as soon as I can!
  15. Yep, the bandmates are in too! Alex is Sugared Coffee Carol is Sug Violets Janet is Black Musk more rockin' ladies to come! (Leslie's fave from the last lot was Sug Eng Toffee!)
  16. Yes, there is years of commentary on this subject in this forum. Copulins, as you have experienced, have proven very interesting for me with cats and dogs. I think they perceive them as "honest" smells.
  17. I'm in the home stretch, Christy, but I still have room, send NOW! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  18. If I don't shower the next day, I have noticed that they last pretty strongly a day and a half on my skin...at least 36 hours. Many women have reported that they seem to work "better" on day two.
  19. Yuppers! I *plan* to have labels for all of them by the end of the weekend. If not very soon after.
  20. I'm officially swamped with pix at the moment! I got a whole flood of them once these went up! Thank you everyone for all your wonderful contributions! I am making my way through the stack and sending each one to the contributor for an OK, then they are being posted. My intention is to have no more than one label per person, and no one can send pictures of anyone other than themselves unless I get a direct ok from the subject. Yes, I even got permission from the kids on these labels. Please do not send pictures of other people without asking their permission first, and if they want to be on one, they should send me the image themselves. But right now I may have enough - I do not need any pet pix or generic pix, I think we just might have enough people, yay!
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