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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Announcement!: I did a fresh brew of LP Pink yesterday, and had to replace two ingredients that are no longer available. Side by side, they smell a bit different in the bottle, but once they dry down, and I mean after only about 5 minutes, they are nearly identical. Hope you enjoy this brew just as much as previous editions.
  2. I can do almost anything people want. I do have the ingredients to make a Sug Basil - if you would like it, order it, and I shall make it for you! BTW - Sweet Dill is another note that is quite beautiful if you like herbals. Tarragon is lovely too.
  3. Personally, I think I like Burnt Umber better than Cry Havoc. I think Havoc is a little more traditionally male, therefore sells better.
  4. LOL! It is an intriguing earthy scent. It's one of my faves from that collection.
  5. Sug Frank & Myrrh is very sheer and powdery. It's def appropriate for men, and it'll pass for your own natural scent or grooming products, rather than smell like a COLOGNE. Of the ones you have listed, Cry Havoc is the most popular seller amongst our male clients, if that helps.
  6. Ok, I will add Sugared Black Pepper, just for you! Yes, order it and I will make it. ETA: By the way, I just checked, and I do not seem to have any more pink peppercorn. Must have used it all up. But I do have lots of black, white and green, so no worries re your request, but for the other suggestions on pink peppercorn, cannot do that right now, will have to order more.
  7. From the perfumer: Excalibur was modeled after the heavy club scents of the 80's (which I personally love)...in the same realm as say, Halston Z-14 or Polo. If you like that kind of thing, go for it. You are in an age appropriate set to pull this scent off, although I feel it is a night time scent unless worn extremely lightly for work...the stuff has throw. North Pole is sweeter and more "modern". It's a manly woody gingerbread type of scent. Women tend to drool and want to eat you up, which to most men is a plus, even if it feels a little sweet to your own nose.
  8. John just had me laughing my butt off...he loves these simple layerables, he's all excited saying "Make sure everyone knows that for a mere $1,500 they can have the entire set! No really! It's what every woman needs, their own boudoir apothecary!" ,
  9. Androstenol, have you tried shaking your bottle to make sure it's well blended? I haven't had anything separate over here, but we always shake bottles before we decant them to make sure.
  10. Well, again, the Kush Resin doesn't smell anything like pot. Please don't order it with that expectation. I also have oils that smell exactly like fresh cannabis, so if you want me to add that to the offerings, I am happy to do so.
  11. I answered this question weeks ago via email, but will restate for everyone's benefit here. Some are cloudy and some are not because of the base. One of my sources uses a solvent/base for the pheros that blends with silicone, the other does not. The new sourced Est (at least 3 years ago) is of a stronger concentration than the old source as well. Whether something clouds or not is of no consequence to it's efficacy. As to odor, a five year old bottle is going to smell different than a new one. Oxidation over time will subtly change the aroma, but not enough to notice while it is happening. But comparing a 5 year old bottle to a new one will make the difference more obvious.
  12. I was wondering about the oil because I have a family member going through bout #2 with cancer and chemo, and is the type that thinks anything "alternative" is absolute bullshit. I have not approached them about this yet because I wanted to learn more...especially about how anyone can assure a regulated dose if it's commonly produced in people's kitchens. Thanks for keywords to use on google, I will look it up later. xoxoxox
  13. We are running very low on wax melts and I plan to make more within the next 8 weeks or so, if I can. I'm starting this thread so that I can get an idea of what everyone wants...more of something I made before or your own fresh ideas are all welcomed. I will do my best to accommodate requests and also take suggestions for which pheros you might like with which scents. Please remember, that while I have a few hundred oils to make these from, that's not actually all that much compared to the thousands of perfume oils I carry. My palate is a lot more limited with candle oils. But I am sure you guys can think of some combos that I have not, so please, suggest away! Thanks!
  14. I really don't know if it would be illegal or not, but I'd be nervous about putting a spotlight on us or on you, just in case someone comes along with bad intent and tries to mess with either of us for it. And just to be clear on the point, the oils I am using for it are cosmetic grade perfume oils, they aren't essential oils, and would not be safe for consumption of any kind. Curious though, what do you and the Mr. think about this? If you can't see it, I will post another way: https://www.facebook.com/TheMindUnleashed/photos/a.434569209933563.103142.432632306793920/674809135909568/?type=1
  15. Yes, it's cannabis resin, but doesn't actually smell anything like pot. It's kind of a greeny plant resin smell, very dense and rich. Masculine on it's own but I am lightening it up with the sugars. It still comes across as unisex in any case.
  16. I just heard Jessica scream from her bottling studio and ran to see what was wrong....scared the hell out of me. She was actually squealing with delight. She says, I LOVE THESE, I LOVE THESE, THE DOGWOOD AND CHERRY BLOSSOM ARE THE BEST!
  17. Good question. What I was thinking: If you buy 10 bottles, you get two free. If the 10 you buy are larger, you get larger ones free. It's not about the total dollar figure, it's the quantity at issue. Does that make sense? Does it seem fair?
  18. Blackcat is the one who seems so familiar to me. She looks like part of our big group of friends that turns up for Venice Beach parties and rock and roll events. As soon as I saw her pic, I was like, wait, I know her!
  19. Yes, we are behind due to the sheer volume of orders. Especially those with custom items and new releases. Please be patient, we are working as fast as we possibly can. Sorry for the wait and thanks for your understanding!
  20. Thank you ladies, thank you EVERYONE for all the marvelous images you shared. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these labels! I am out of time, and I'm pretty much out of submissions from our forum members too...I am loading the "generic" pix for the rest of the labels tonight, but will replace those with more pix of our beloved friends when they are sent to me. Love you all, bunches and bunches!!!!
  21. Pure Sugar is a mixture of all the sugars. Sug Amber does not really lend itself to being a pink heavy scent, but NoCo Pink is pink sugar + amber....with the emphasis on the pink. That's probably what you are looking for.
  22. I tried that tactic, Memorare! I put myself on Sug Leather cuz I figured no one would really want that one anyway, but it backfired on me. It's one of the most highly requested scents!
  23. I urge people to try Sugared Neroli to see how gorgeous REAL natural neroli smells, esp if you've only ever been exposed to the chemical concoction offered elsewhere which has no resemblance to the real thing. Our neroli is beautiful. Neroli is essence of bitter orange...it's a bit peppery with a tinge of peel. Sugaring the neroli smooths it's pointy edges and is a scent that is comforting and uplifting at the same time. It is a main ingredient in Phero Girl and Une, and pairs beautifully with Honey.
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