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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I think there's something to that Hoodoo/Voodoo Come to Me spell. Although it's working in reverse with my hot CFO. Instead of him coming to me, he has started calling me to come down to his office. We were a little up close and personal yesterday and I just know Mr. Right..now had a lot to do with it.


    The scent for me took some getting used too. I paired it up with Amber Enchantment and the combo is really sweet smelling on my skin. I don't want to be without it.

  2. I really like Banishing Moon. It smells good. It made me feel really positive and clear headed which I think is the intent. It alo reminds me alittle of Flower of the Beast although the only ingredient they have in common is sandlewood. I'm going to buy a full sized bottle and pair it with FOTB which I should be receiving sometime next week.

  3. My money fairy wants to know when we can order. I've already made my list and am checking it twice. I must have the following



    Dark Seductions ll

    Mr. Right...Now

    Elevation Potion

    Remind Me Again

    Beth's Blushing Milkmaid

    Ails Vanilla


    I've also got 2 LAMS and 2 BAMS as well as various other goodies being delivered today. Life is sweet...smelling that is.

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