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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. The same thing with mine. The hubby is going to pick it up for me tomorrow. He's a sweetie because I call him throughout the day asking "did you get it..did you get it" and when he finally does pick it up and calls to tell me. I chuckle like a school girl. Hang in there Katz. Just one more day and the world will be ours.

  2. DRUM ROLL PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!



    Soon to be released very shortly will be a rebrew of COUGAR !!!!!!


    Thats right ladies !!!!! Notify the media... no even better someone notify SHELLY B !!!!



    AWESOME. I cried when the scented version was all sold out. Cougar literally is the fountain of youth LP. I simply must have it. So....when is it coming out. Hmmmm

  3. I got my stamps notice too. I was so happy you would've thought I had just won the lottery. :bananajoy: Oh yes my LP's will soon be in my anxiously waiting hands. I bought an obnoxious amount of stuff this time around. I should be ashamed. But I'm not. And looky here my money fairy arrives again on Friday so I can order more more more.

  4. I'm pretty certain we have more of 7 Minutes. We just have to get through the current orders and see what's left, then I will re-stock the cart. :lol:



    That is great news. I plan to buy a boat load of it once it's restocked. I LOVE LOVE LOVE 7 Minutes to Midnight and everyone loves me when I'm wearing it.

  5. Djac, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandson. It's got to be tough on you I'm sure. And dealing with the loss of your mom. My heart goes out to you. I lost my mom about 7 years ago and am still dealing with unresolved feelings. Hang in there girlfriend your a tough one like me. Everything happens for a reason, unfortunately even the not-so-good things. At least that's what they tell me. You and your family are in my prayers. Much love.

  6. I've been married three times. I'm on my third marriage now. Third times a charm or so I've heard. So far everything is working out awesomely and it's been 10 years. I know the mistakes that were made the first 2 times and I dont plan on repeating them. My hubby is a dream come true when the other 2 were nightmares. What was I thinking.

  7. There's only been minor things but I can tell he's still interested. The other day he rode his bike to work and he had shorts and a top that showed off his muscles. Oh my oh my. I have discovered that he's very responsive to Heart and Soul so I'm stocking up. I think given the right circumstances (lots of alcohol and loud music) he would be all mine. But alas I'm married anyway but he sure is eye candy to me. Yummy.

  8. I just placed an order for the samples. I also picked up some True Confessions and Cuddlebunny in the beta sprays, a bottle of Heart and Soul and many assorted samples. I'm being a bad girl because I still have Sexology, DYG and Cougar Beta sprays on the way and I think I was lucky enough to get some of the last samples of 7 Minutes to Midnight.


    Happy Friday everyone. Let the good times roll. Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez. ;):P

  9. Too Funny! I just sent the info on this to DH and told him that the only thing missing is BACON!


    His reply was "DO NOT order a bottle of this for me!"


    I thought he was more adventurous. Perhaps I will just have to be brave like you SWB, and wear it myself. Kinda like buck lure...


    That's so funny you say that.I actually still have almost a full bottle of Cronk's Apple Musk Deer Lure. Cant believe I still have it after what 4 years. I was adventurous and did put a drop in some of my mixes. Can't remember now what the effects where. I think I was more afraid of some young buck,(a real deer) trying to ram me.


    I cant wait to smell Get Stuffed. I'm definitely going to wear some at Thanksgiving dinner.

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