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Everything posted by AncientGoddess

  1. Yes Yes My money fairy arrives tomorrow as well. Can we start placing the orders? I know its a little early and the discriptions haven't even been posted yet but I can't help myself. LoL! They all look honestly so amazing this month. "Voodoo Valentine" Wow! LP Original with BI, Wow! Sexology, Wow! Scarlet Silk, Wow! Valentine Queen, Wow! Ok Ok Ok Iam going to stop now not only am I feeling like a true addict right now but i sound like one too. "Sniff, Sniff" HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEE EEEEEEE HEHEHHEHEHE
  2. Well, as I open my mail box yesterday...NO HAPPY BOX! I went on the website to see the tracking and there is no information given either. UGH! Grrrr!!! Oh well, maybe today!! Hopefully!
  3. OH MY GOSH!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooo....I'am such an addict. LoL! They ALL look so amazing. Most Deffinatly an instant sample pack buy!!!
  4. LoL I hear that. As soon as the package says shipped I get overally excited. But its ok when it finally arrives and I see it sitting there in my mail box. I'am like EEEEEEEEEE!!! I should be finally getting my happy box today actually. Thanks to yesterdays holiday I had to wait an extra day. Booo, but its ok i'll be patient for a few more hours then EEEEE!!! YAY! LOL!
  5. I hope the ladies re brew "Something Voodoo This Way Comes" that was one of my favorites. I still have Big Sized half bottle left but I try to use this one only on special occasions since its Sold Out.
  6. Awww shoot, I forgot today is a Holiday which means the post office might be closed. Damn! My last order shipped on the 15th which means it should have been in my mail box today but I think I'am going to have to wait until tomorrow now. Grrr!
  7. Welcome Andrew. This is a wonderful website with a lot of amazing energy something the world doesn't hold enough off today but here Ive found much happiness, comfort, love and much more. Wish you luck in your journey here.
  8. Aw, I hope you find your package too. I know how frusterating it can be. Something similar happened to me not long ago as well. I went on the tracking website to see if my package was delivered and it said it was although I never got it in the mail and I remember I went nuts , However I got the package in the mail the next day I remember but it can be frusterating. Hope all go's well for you.
  9. Should get mine by Saturday. Right in time for the weekend! and Beltane is a good one! Enjoy!
  10. Hey Ladies, Woohoo my order is on the way Oh man do I love to see that happy box in the mail! Presents from the universe YAY! hehehehehe! I think iam falling deeply in love with myself. hehehe! Guilty of using "Vain" on a daily basis. hehehehehe! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Its amazing though, my lovers are like glued to me they can't get enough and wow iam a sexy women. Wild Cat women, MEAW!! HEHEHEHE!!! HEHEHEHE! XOXOXOXXO
  11. HAPPY FRIDAY ladies. Wooo iam on a roll. Just placed an order for more samples. Got a bunch of protection and self empowerment potions like "Sweet Revenge" "Bravado" etc etc
  12. Yes ladies I feel amazing today. Noone is going to mess with me here at work. YYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! The new "Ashes To Dust" is amazing. I noticed my recent order contains more protection, self confidence, protection against psychic vampires and etc...potions and iam glad I went with that this time because Ive realized here at work I can't wear anything that is love attracting stuff because the energies around my work environment are to negative working with the powers of the darker light but then again its a Corporation so what else is new in the world. However thanks to "Vain" and "Hectate" potions as well as "Ashes To Dust" I feel like i can fly. I feel like I can do anything today wow!! Its like all this weight that was on my shoulders is gone and i feel free. I'll just use the love, attracting potions on my lovers and when iam going out during the weekends or when iam with friends having cool experiences but for work ive realized I need deff. something different. XOXOXOXOXX Ladies! wow I feel so amazing and free. I usually never feel this good at work but usually feel drained. YES! WOOOHOOO!!! :banana006:
  13. Oh Thank Goodness!!! My package has arrived. I haven't opened my precious yet because iam still here at work aka hell but this shitty crappy stressful work day is finally over and now I get to go home to my little sanctuary and open my sweet delights full of magical goodies to cleanse these disgusting negative energies of today. *sigh*....YAY!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOX LADIES! Love you!!!
  14. ***HAPPY NEW YEAR LADIES*** I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year, be safe, and may we all continue to be blessed with such wonderful goodies from Mara + Danna in the upcoming year. xoxoxoxoxoxox
  15. I love this one! One of my favorites by far!! It smells very seductive on me yet invigorating. I have a big size bottle but i see its already on the low stock list so iam going to have to crab another soon before its gone
  16. Still waiting for my huge order. Trying to be patient but the anticipation is getting to me. ...lol! I'am getting like 30 samples along with a big size bottle of "Vain" and tomorrow is New Years Eve already so I'am guessing my order will be shipped after words. but its ok i'll be starting the new year off with goodies...hhehehehe!
  17. Oh boy ladies I have like 50 samples coming my way soon. I just placed yet another order for some samples. So with this month sample back and the big size bottle of "Vain" that i ordered last week and the order i just placed for some other samples I need I have a big order coming my way soon. EEEEEEEEEE YYYYAAAAAYYYYY!!! Well, thanks to the holidays and my beautiful bonus from work and etc...I have a nice present coming for the new year. hehehehehhe!!!
  18. So I placed an order for the December sample pack which iam so excited about, but also, for some reason I started using "Vain" again. I've also noticed that out of all the potions I like this one the best for wearing to work. The other potions are good for when I go out on dates, dining, friends, ,clubs, and everything in that department but "Vain" works the best for my working environment and it helps the most because it doesn't make my boss and co-workers go nuts. Ive noticed wearing the other potions at work makes things more difficult because the men start going nuts because they are so into me on the other hand they know I wouldn't date them so I think things like that can make a person angry then they start treating me with no respect and acting obnoxious and i start getting down on myself its not right but hey thats the world today especially corporate world but i noticed when i wear "Vain" something about it makes me feel locked inside myself in a good way. Iam not picking up on all the negative energies as much and soaking them in me. So I also placed a big size order for "Vain". YAY! HAPPY HOLIDAYS LADIES. XOXOXOXOX
  19. I couldn't help myself either and just placed my order for the new releases. They all look amazing. The "Time Travel" potion iam quite curious about that one because I myself astral travel in dreams often and find myself having De Ja Vu like all the time especially since I've started using the potions as well as seeing through other dimentions and etc...but they all look amazing. I'am also excited about "Ashes To Dust" that just looks crazy good and "Resolution" because every year my damn resolution is to lose 10 pounds....lols!
  20. Oh wow. Looking very good ladies. I'am totally eyeing the new "Ashes To Dust" potion. wow!
  21. Got my pretty yesterday. Soon as I opened my mail box a huge smile went on my face then I ran up to my apt. like a little school girl "eeeeee, yay yay". LOLZ! Thank You Ladies. xoxoxoxoxox
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