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Posts posted by Amalthea1978

  1. It's so weird how different we all are. I think this phero gives me more selfies than any other I've tried - and then I come here to read that the majority find no selfies with it! So far, every time I've worn SS4W (in Rocket Fuel) it's just put me in a really good mood, which I haven't experienced with either OW or Levitation like most have. I'm loving this, and probably will spring for an UN bottle very soon.

  2. Wow Luna! What a thought-provoking answer!


    I've so far only told one close friend about my phero use, and that's mostly because I know she's experimented with pheros a little bit in the past.


    Because I've said ALOT on this board about my current crush at work, I definitely don't tell anyone at work about my pheros or even lp, because I honestly don't want them to know my feelings for this guy. I think it's just best kept private.


    I think, if I did have a significant other, he would definitely know about my phero use. I just don't think that's something I could keep secret, but then again, sometimes it's hard to know exactly how you would act in a situation until you've actually experienced it.

  3. Honestly though, I came here for the pheros, (and I use them almost every day), but the huge variety of amazing scents is what's held my attention the most. 10 new scents every single month? What a riot! :D


    This exactly. I never thought I liked perfumes until I found LP.



    Yes, I am looking forward to your reports. I am one of the ONLY people in the world for whom the scented Cougar doesn't work on. But I get to enjoy the phero in one of my favorite scents, Pizzazz!


    WARNING: if a scent doesn't work on you wait a bit and try it again at least a couple of months later...maybe even a year later! Your tastes will change dramatically throughout this journey and you will fall in love with a scent that did nothing for you the first time you tried it. Also don't judge too much by descriptions and notes! Some that sounded like they would never work on me became favorites.

    In fact...it's probably time for me to try Cougar again...just in case!!


    You're not the only one, MDC! Of course, I've only been able to try Cougar Potion once, as my vial broke the first time I tried it:(


    And it is crazy how much your tastes change so quickly. I can tell a drastic difference between now and when I first started with LP, and that wasn't even a year ago!


    Have fun playing with your new fragrances and pheros, Lovestruck!

  4. Well, after an all-day test I'll have to say...I think I'll wear it again tomorrow!


    I should probably say, too, that the trial vial I have is Rocket Fuel III.


    I got great results from the guy with this one - as seems to be the norm with Est blends, he was happy, playful, teasing...and that's been lacking a bit lately. I would have sworn by the hits I got that this had cops, but when I went back to look - nope, no cops in SS4W! I wasn't around many other guys today though, so it's hard to say it's a fair test. I think with guys in general, so far I've gotten the most phero hits with gotcha. I'd like to give this one some more testing.


    Opulent is a good word for it NuTrix! After wearing all day, I do see where some people get an incense quality from it. It stayed mostly foody on me though. Not really cinnamon, but just a nice thick spicy. I do have to say that it seemed to fade out quite a bit, but that may have more to do with my skin not being moisturized than the perfume itself. Like I said above, I'll be wearing Rocket Fuel again tomorrow, and see how things turn out!

  5. I was wondering if the Apple in it is Apple or Apple Blossom. Either one would be lovely.


    I kind of thought the same thing, but I would think if it were apple blossom it would be listed that way. I think just having peach blossom listed next, the brain just turns "apple" into "apple blossom"...


    Which makes me glad, too, because I would definitely prefer the fruit over the floral...although peach blossom sounds lovely! I just can't wait to try this one, I'm so curious.

  6. This one looks so intriguing, but sadly the dirty honey note makes it impossible for me. I'll be really interested to hear how it turns out for others though.


    I'm with you! I've got my fingers crossed, but I know how honey usually plays out on me:(


    And when I see "black orchid" listed as a note, I immediately want this because it makes me think of Dr. Who:)


    So happy I decided to go with the sampler this month - I get to try them all:)

  7. Pure sugar for the kitties for sure!


    I would LOVE to send in a picture, but I usually hide from the camera as well. I'm trying to be better about that lately, because as much as I hate pictures of myself sometimes, I also hate NEVER having photos of me:( If I get a chance to get to my parents' house any time soon, I might look through old pictures of me from when I was a kid - that would be fun. I just can't think of anything that would work for a perfume label off the top of my head!


    I should look through pictures of my doggies though, I have a MILLION of those! And I actually think I have one with daffodils in it somewhere...hmm...

  8. Omg...Maple sugared bacon? Haha, the guy at work LOVES bacon, it's kind of become a joke with us. That's what I need to finally get him - to smell like bacon!!!


    Lol, I don't think I want to smell like bacon, even for him. Although if anyone can make a bacon-scented perfume that's good, it would be Mara!


    Also want to throw in there that I'm excited about Warm Milk & Sugar and also Sugared Lemon...yikes, there are just SO many of these that I want now! And every time I look at the list, I see something that I'd missed before!

  9. I've recently gotten two bottles of this from the trade board...I think one is the original, and one is the re-brew. I LOVE them both! The original is much heavier and creamier, while the re-brew is a little lighter. They are both pure vanilla though, and great for layering. I think I might still love OCCO white just a teensy bit better, but AVV is a great alternative to avoid the cops. I think I'm one of the few here who is not crazy over Lick of Cream - on me it is so light and tends to just disappear pretty quickly. So I definitely prefer AVV. One of my favorite uses is to layer with TMI and Caramel Musk, since I really like the scent of these but they go a bit sharp. The creamy vanilla rounds it out and makes it perfect!

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