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Shelly B

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Posts posted by Shelly B

  1. So, did you have a spectacular evening or what? My honey and I were both exhausted last night, but thanks to a Nasty Habits/BI combo, my 2009 started off this AM with a bang! Actually, with some big "O"s....ok ok TMI......


    Wildly amusing. :-)


    Slathered on the BI and unscented Cougar. Topped it with the last drops of my scented Cougar sample - so sad that's gone - as I got a million compliments on it - and found it only when it was no longer in stock for a big bottle. Waaah.


    Walked in - not too long after - an friend of a friend who likes very traditional women - which I am not - was sitting near me. Normally he is not that amused by my very independent outlook - but he sat next to me and grinned from ear to ear - striking up long conversations. Twice. Given I'm usually on his last nerve, I count that as a good thing. Harmony is always a plus.


    Then - another friend of a friend - had a little to much to drink. Told me how beautiful I was - in front of my husband and his wife. Both gave him dirty looks and he went away. Half hour later he did it again. <rofl>


    Hubby not too amused - jealous fit - sparked a fight. It got a little tense - but somewhere along the way - he decided I was still going home with him - and the sooner after midnight the better - because he had plans. Happy New Year to me. :-)


    Hope everyone else had a blast.

  2. I looooove both Cougars, scented and unscented they are awesome. Will try my BI the next time I see my TG. Sounds like it will be just what I need to get just what I want muwaaaaaaah!


    So - Happy New Year Ya'll.



    I will so not be on-line tonight - PARTY _ and tomorrow AM - hang-over. :wink2: Maybe after a couple of bowl games I'll dig myself alive and come to the computer - but I am NOT counting on it. And the Jalopena Chips/Hopping John won't be likely to speed me to a key board.


    Tonight is one of my best girlfriends best party of the year. 20 adults, 15 kids, and one hugely fun night. If my dogs could keep their paws crossed, we'd just stay the night.


    They can't, I won't, so I will make it to my own bed tonight.


    DH is paying attention - saw the wildly fushcia np for mani/pedi- and started speaking monosylables. And yet, he hasn't seen me in the spankin' beaded v-neck top or tight jeans. Add a Huge dose of BI and Cougar - if I don't have a memorable New Year - I will be very, very upset.


    Happy New Year's Ya'll - hope this note finds you on the way to an excellent evening. :-)


    And if not this year - I hope next year kicks off much more interestingly.




    Shelly B

  3. Sounds like a fun test....oddly, it sounds like something I would do! HAHAHAHAHA......when I first started out with pheros, I was married to a man who stopped having sex with me, and had not done so for over a year......first one excuse and then another.....the last time he had "tried", things weren't working properly, if you know what I mean. I was really skeptical that pheros would do anything, BUT I wanted to try......AND, I wanted a controlled test....you know, NOT a romantic evening alone, or anything like that. SO, when he went to pick up his two daughters for weekend visitiation, I put on some perfume that I had loaded with EoW. We had his two kids and my one here. I made sure he was in range several times that afternoon.....well, he takes the 3 kids outside to play.....and asks the 13 year old to watch the two younger ones for a minute while he goes to the bathroom.....he comes in the house, and promptly drags me into the bathroom for a quickie! No, I'm not joking!


    Several men later, I can still say that EoW, while smelly, does the job EVERY TIME. There have been young ladies who have said they had problems covering it, but I have a feeling that it is because young, fertile women produce a lot of cops anyway, so when they slather EoW on, it causes an OD level. Also.....we as females may be able to detect it, and think that every one else thinks we smell bad......BUT my man allowed me to do a test with him and his nose. I applied EoW (and let him smell it while wet), which he said smelled like BUTT on its own, to one arm. I allowed it to dry down completely, and covered it (I think with Naughty Minx).....I put straight perfume on the other. He said that he could detect the EoW, and that while it may not be a note that he enjoyed smelling, it did turn him on. He also stated that, during that evening, he would get little "whiffs" of the EoW, but only noticed it because I had asked him to pay attention. He said that after the initial sniff, that note was not CONSTANT.....it kind of faded in and out. I, on the other hand, could smell it all night......BUT I know what it smells like, and I have a sensitive nose. So, when you get yours, you may not get it covered 100%, but trust me, it WILL work. I have gone out of the house (for research purposes only) with Essence Oil and no cover.....I STANK.....but I STILL got hits.....no joke.


    Oh, and have you tried Phero Girl? The one that is honey rich and LOADED with EoW? OMG.....you HAVE TO try that one, if you haven't already.....



    Rules of thumb.....for self effects, I always apply to my chest, where I will smell it. If I want something to diffuse well, and get "out there", I apply to the backs of my hands, because I am a "hand talker".....my man always huffs my neck (and cleavage), so if I want something to affect him, thats where it goes....


    Looks like you are on the right path.......keep working it!



    I'm dying to try Phero Girl - next order. :-) I did get Sugared Honeycomb and Honeyed Seductions in the last order - to offset the lack of Phero Girl but only because I have straight Eow coming. :-)


    I used your tip and applied Cougar to the chest where it would waft up today - and WOW - what great self effects. I felt like a rock star all day. I even got creative and did 4 new pieces of jewelry - one with a more complex pattern than any I have tried in over 4 years.


    The joy of vacation. Next week - I might smell Cougar and just knock out another 50 emails - but this week the self effect netted me one crazy foofy and sparkly - extremely girly - not like what I would normally wear - necklace. So hey - it's all good. :-) I'll wear it somewhere - and given what I normally wear - it will surprise everyone. And I love doing that...


    Kisses to all -

    Shelly B

  4. Sorry for the delay, Shelley B to answer your question. EOW is a big part of all of my mixes and I have most definitely mixed it with Cougar scented and unscented. It makes a fun time even more intense because of the sexual undertones and the Cougar gives me a playful albeit youthful aura.



    Hi Countess - no worries - have ordered the EoW to use with the unscented Cougar...am looking forward to seeing what happens when they arrive. (rubbing hands with anticipation)


    Thanks for the advice -



  5. I agree. If I want the upbeat mood, I wear Cougar. Men are flirty and happy (and so am I)when I wear it. With BI, my man RIPS my clothes off. I love it!


    I haven't tried unscented Cuddle Bunny.....the scented Cuddle Bunny didn't mesh well with my skin chemistry.....


    You could try layering in this manner.....put a dash of the Cougar on your chest where it will go up into your smell range......THEN, put the BI on your neck or wherever else your man likes to sniff.....





    Dearest Dolly -


    Once again - you are a genius. I wanted to hold a safe test - I've been really sick so DH knows I'm not up for extra curricular activity. However, I put the Cougar where I could smell it, BI where the hubby could smell it (covered appropriately of course) - this morning after my shower - which I suppose is kind of mean - but I wanted a controlled test. Ok - fine - it's really mean. But seriously - it's a controlled test. <sheepish> Hubby, broad daylight, kids are up- no hope of activity. (Singles with no kids, just take my word on that. :-)!!!)


    Not only did he decide he needed a nap when I went to settle down for one - he did the very innocent - "But I'm just trying to cuddle... why won't you snuggle?" routine.


    Seriously - BI is crazy. Must be the cops. (I've go an EoW on order....bwwwaaaahhhhaaaaaa - can't wait to test that as well - bring on the CHEESE!)


    DH would never ever try to start something in the middle of the day with the kids home and playing the Wii - 20 feet away. Ever. Did I say never? Yeah, never. And we've been married long enough that I can say that without fear of contradiction.


    Based on my very limited observations - if I can't get someone's attention with BI, they are just not that into me. Period. :-) If the 90/10 phero swing doesn't go in my favor with BI - I'm personally convinced it's not going to. :-) And that's a handy bit of knowledge for planning what to use appropriately.


    My .02 cents-

  6. Ail - I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. Please know you are in our thoughts.



    And on a lighter note - I read Dolly's cross link to the blend of SS/Cougar/EoW - and said Eureka! Not the biggest fan of SS - but could see the Cougar/EoW having exactly that effect. :-) Here's hoping - because there's an event I'm going to I just want to be so smoking hot it's memorable. Rock star, tongue tied, whip lash, sizzling crazy hot.


    I'm really going to have to stock up on more Cougar before it's gone forever. Unless Dr. Stone can be prevailed upon to recreate it... there's always hope.

  7. Yes, it probably is the 'Nol that is giving you that vibe. I love True Confessions.....it is Alpha Nol and Beta Nol.....you really should try it. Throw on some Essence Oil with it, and you have just what you described.


    I feel sure that the lovely ladies will find more new funzies for us, now that they are working with Dr Stone.....he is the Pheromone Master!



    I'm quite excited about the new funzies- and about ordering some that I don't have yet. I've noticed the new scents are in process of going up in the gift shop - even if the detailed descriptions are not up yet. Will wait and order first thing tomorrow so I don't miss something fun.


    Dolly - or Countessrezzo- have you used Cougar and amped it up with some EoW? I'm thinking that could be hugely fun in the right place.

  8. I think you may be correct about the Nol's bringing about that happy vibe. Whenever I mix up brews I make sure they are heavy with androstenol because I like the shiny happy effect it has on me and those around me.


    I've used Unscented True Confessions, Cuddle Bunny and Cougar with the same happy upbeat effect.Perhaps due to the Nol's. Of course the copulins in Cuddle Bunny and Cougar give it an undertone of sexuality. Cougar is my favorite because the effects are obvious. It is truly a fountain of youth potion and makes me feel and seem more youthfull to others. True Confessions is also great. I started a post here about the effects it had on my fellow co-workers. TC is like a truth serum IMO and I always try to apply it so that I don't get the self effects.


    I read your thread from the summer on True Confessions. :-)


    I totally get the desire to get a new pair of shoes. Sometimes those comfy tennies you've been living in for years seem a bit dull. Every now and then, the new pair of sparkly pumps look intriguing. I might not actually try on a new pair - but I sure have enjoyed *looking* at the shoes every now and then. <rofl> And sometimes, those new shoes just call out your name.

  9. Could one of the more experienced Phero users explain or point me to an answer?


    It seems as if the bright, sparkly effect from Cougar unscented could be the EST and 'Nols combination. ? Checking for understanding...


    And the 'Nols in Happy Water is what gives it a happy vibe.


    If that's the case - would Cuddle Bunny or True Confessions have similar - happy, perky self effects? Or am I taking a logical step that doesn't exist?


    If there is anyone who has used either Cuddle Bunny unscented or True Confessions AND Cougar - could compare - it would be helpful.


    I've clearly discovered that Cops are key to my husband's interest - I'm just trying to figure out if it's the higher 'Nol content that gives me such fun self effects.


    And I'm hoping that as Mara and Dana start working out new blends to replace the ones that when gone/are gone - they find some way to combine happy, perky, confident with higher doses of Cops. To borrow from Countessrezzo - the whole world should be in love with me. And I'm guessing that if I'm perky/confident and with 'Cops bringing in male attention - well heck - that's just "Party in a Bottle." Wouldn't that be a fun potion name...


    Anyway - happy day after Christmas sales to ya'll.

  10. Dolly -


    I would NOT have ordered the Bl if you hadn't bragged on it and I'm so glad I did.


    I put Cougar unscented on one part of the Arm and BI on the other for a dry down test yesterday.


    While the BI smells GAWDawful when first applied (CHEESE - phew) and the Cougar is mellower - after a 10 minute dry down/cover scent application - the BI mellows into the skin more than Cougar - at least on me. The Cougar I smell a little tang from but it's not offensive. With a deep enough scent, the BI covered up more completely.


    So - having road tested the Cougar for a month and the BI for just 3 days - here's my impression.


    - Cougar - has more self effects. I feel perkier and confident. Men are more flirtatious with me.


    - BI - Makes my DH crazy. He was speaking mid-thought last night - when he huffed my neck. He stopped, went DIHL, looked at me, said "Your beautiful. I can't remember what I was saying. Nevermind." And left the room. ROFL.


    So - the easiest way to describe it is - if I want to be all perky and chipper- it's Cougar. If I want my husband to chase me around the house, it's BI.


    I wonder if I added a couple drops of EoW when I applied Cougar- I could get the perkiness for me and the Cops for the man? Hmmmm - is that sort of what Cuddle Bunny unscented is like?




    BTW - Merry Christmas to those celebrating today. :-)

  11. Well, give that combo a try......BUT be sure to tell us how it works!! Mara said that she wore Blatant Invitation at a function and that it worked as a "popularity" type potion.....that might work too.....



    I guess it could - I do have the BI and it's mostly men at the function. But there are enough women - and the ones scheduled in for this event are all pretty alpha too. Would not want to wear BI and get "hated on" by the rest of my gender. :-) Not a good place to spark hard feelings. If it were just a regular party for fun - I wouldn't really care.


    What do you think about Dominance/Popularity Potion combo? Heavier on the PP?

  12. OK - wearing Happy Water from a tester and Cougar unscented.


    And I am in LOVE with myself. Can't stop sniffing my arm and I am way perky given my lack of caffeine. :-)


    For someone in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt - I feel rather smokin' hot too.


    What a fun combo!


    I feel the need to respond to myself. I'm sure that's crazy - but - oh well.


    So the DH comes home, I ask him to sniff the Cougar unscented /Happy Water combination.


    He says - smells like a candle.


    I said - duh - work scent. You don't want someone smelling me and wanting to bend me over the desk.


    1st Reaction - well - you would never let them. 2nd Reaction - smelling like a candle wouldn't do that anyway.


    This from the man who smelled stinky cheese yesterday and attacked.




    You can't live with them.


    You can't kill them.


    But you can dream. <evil grin>

  13. Well, I haven't tried Popularity Potion, BUT I love both Treasured Hearts and True Confessions. Treaured Hearts will have them "spreading the love" for sure. If you want a "love her" vibe, that one will do it. Also, a combo of TH and TC works very well along those same lines.



    Speaking of Dominance, though.....I am also a very dominant personality.....you may want to give a little dab of Dominance a shot (not necessarily for the particular function you are talking about though).....trust me.....I STRUT when I wear it.....it puts me in even more in my element (if that's possible).



    If you are trying to project "Rock Star" plus "love" maybe PP plus Treasured Hearts?


    I could see that rockin'. Maybe with a dab (tiny) of EoW for after drinks festivities?!


    Have to quit sneaking a peek here and get back to wrapping. I hate wrapping. I could procrastinate on it until 1 am Christmas Day. I did last year - what would the difference be?!

  14. Yeah, the dark scents work really well.....one of my faves is Dirty Sexy.....you may want to try Native Soil.....cinnamon is really good for EoW cover....also Blood Martini, Crimson Black, Down & Dirty.....I would agree that you should try some samples that you think he normally would NOT like.....that is how I found some real gems! Mara and Danna have so MANY different types of vanilla, that you may find one that he likes.....you might even try some sugared amber....amber covers EoW BEAUTIFULLY.....I discovered that years ago.....


    Be sure that if you get the straight Essence Oil, that you read the thread where Ail describes IN DETAIL how to use it. Also, if you want to pre-mix it with some of your scents, I would suggest taking a small roller top bottle and mixing in a few drops at a time. After adding some, always let it sit for several hours, then do a sniff test. It takes some practice to get it right, but it never fails me!



    OK - first - yes, I've read the thread. Yes I understand how it works. Yes, I promise to use it for good and not evil. Well, ok - sometimes good and evil are mixed but I digress. That's a topic for a different day.


    Dolly - have I told you today I love you? Seriously? You rock.


    So - I'm off to wrap presents. Which I HATE. Which is why my wrapping looks like a** - and why I should use a wrapping service. But I don't. And this year - that's because I'm saving my money for another LP order. It really is an addiction...what if I mixed X with Y? What would happen? What hits would I get? What could I cover it with?


    Off to change my future shopping list again.

  15. I'm trying to decide the next order. I have a business function next month where I have the chance to make a first impression on a big crowd.


    I've got confidence and project it. (One of my friends wants to know if it's hard for me to find the right sitting position with those big brass ones I've got...My answer is no. I sit just fine - thank you for your concern.)


    Don't think I really need dominance - I'm swimming in it anyway. :-) Thinking it might be a good idea to get PP - thinking about Ails advice to use congruent Pheros - so that I'm "working it." And I'm a pretty happy, upbeat person so this could work well.


    Has anyone combined PP with TH or TC to see what combined effects you got? And can you share? I'm a little scared that I have little control of my big mouth now - can't imagine if I got self effects from TC. Frankly, it could be career limiting. :-)


    It would be nice to generate a happy, fun, LOVE her vibe at the function - so thinking PP/TH combo?


    Didn't find a discussion on the archives with that combo but might have missed it.

  16. So, Shelly.......how did it go? Did the man react? DO TELL.......


    So - cover scent applied - Musky Dusky Roses has just the right deep bottom notes to hide the cheese - and the DH likes it. After the cover drydown - no cheese smell.


    I think you can safely count this as a BI hit - since the DH did what for him is unthinkable after a long commute home in bad traffic.


    Walked past me in the kitchen where I was moving dinner along, slooooooowwwwwed down, turned around, stuck his face down into the side of my neck - took several deep breaths, told me I smelled amazing - and just about pounced on me right there. If I told you that nearly never happens? Sure - before the kids were born - now - never. Don't mean to disillusion the singles here - but think the Mom's understand completely. <g>


    Kids were put to bed early last night. Santa wants them well rested when they play with their presents Christmas morning - don't ya' know. :)


    side note: Good Gawd - if EoW is stronger - wondering whether that should make it into my next order or not?! I had sort of liked the idea of amping up a couple of the blends with a drop or two of that - may need to rethink it. I'm not sure I've got anything deep, dark enough without food smells in it that could cover the cheese.


    Taking recommendations from the EoW users on a non-food LP pretty smelly that would hide cheese. The DH hates food scents and vanilla with a passion. It's a bit limiting for me - I've been diving through the lists - but food or vanilla seems to be in many of them? Again - open to suggestions - he's a bigger fan of musky scents that smell of skin or white florals - but not sure a white floral would cover EoW. Please and in advance - thank you.

  17. My PREcious (latest LP package) is here! Doorbell rang and God bless the USPS!


    In my order is a BI - so - time for a Road Test.


    We aren't going anywhere - we are just decorating the tree tonight. Yeah, yeah, almost Christmas. I know - the guilt - I get it! I've been traveling. Which is why Charlie Brown's Xmas tree is in my living room. :-)


    So - I've slathered on the BI - and the top note - EGAD - it's CHEESE. Puleeze, puleeze, puleeze - say the dry down will happen before my DH comes home an wonders why I smell like a ripe Taleggio. (Look it up on Wiki - smells terrible - tastes delicious. Everyone on two floors of the building you are in will evacuate in protest - but sooooo worth it. But I digress...)


    Drying down accelerated due to whirling windmill arm motions - that had to look really interesting to the neighbors behind us - will have to tell them we got a Wii fit. Anyhoo...


    Drying, drying, drying - and thank you God - NO cheese.


    Ok - maybe just a scoche of cheese. But with a good cover, I can get this done. If EW is stronger than this - I'm not sure I can cover it?


    Yikes - DH called - 10 minutes away? Got to get on the cover scent.


    Crossing fingers that this translates to a Merry XMas to me. :-)

  18. I would give it a try CC......it was originally CREATED with older women in mind, but it is a mood-elevating AND attracting blend.....



    Hah - LØVEs Cougar. "My Precious....wants my precious" - said like Gollum.


    Last night - had been doing the normal Christmas shopping, evil (truly evil) traffic, lines everywhere - everyone seriously CRANKY. Bah Humbug.


    Clerk at busy store where I'm picking up my online order, keeps walking past me without helping...I'm getting irritable. He's cute - in his mid 20's - and WAY too young for me. I'm in the Stacy's Mom category of one whisker under 40. And no - I do NOT look like the Mom in the video. I so wish.


    He walks close by, passes, slows....turns around and said - Have I missed that you need help?


    Stays close, I remember the Cougar on back of hands (Thanks Dolly for that great tip btw) - I start "hand talking" - he perks up, get's my order, keeps looking at me with this appraising look under his eye lashes. Gives one REALLY big (honestly too big but hey - it's still FUN) "Thank you SSSSSSOOOOOO much for your business." :001_tt2:


    And then DH chased me around the house all night - with the "You are soooo hot" - I might even have let myself get caught. Maybe. Just sayin'. :thumbup: Break out the Dom Banana.


    Where the sam hill is my replacement Cougars? Note the Plural. It's shipped, it's somewhere in USPS hell.... I'm down to the last few drops...and I need my Precious. Waaaaaaaaaaaah.


    Seriously - Dr. Stone needs to come up with something similar. It's like my Crack. It just can't be gone forever.

  19. AHHHH I never tried Cougar unscented....hey dolly would you think its good for a 24 yr old...


    Oh and Shelly you may want to check out Super Sexy, it seems to be quite a fun one. But Blatant Invitation is a MUST! ;)


    I've gone through one bottle of SS - have to say loved it not as much. EDIT - Had not considered this when I mentioned I'm limited to Cougar. I'm not - I did have one bottle of SS before it leaked out into the travel bag on a long distance flight. It was creating this rather weird alpha male p*ssing contest effect around me - and I'm not too delighted to be the fire hydrant. A bit too dominant to appreciate that. <g>


    Made DH act all cave man in my presence and as a newbie - I wore to work. Now - I know better. But it made for some tense business meetings with all this odd jostling for my opinion in a weird way. In retrospect - I was wearing it to the wrong place. SS just doesn't have a place at work - at least not for me. Some of you may find it works in that setting - but for me - because SS doesn't have reported self effects (and it didn't with me anyway) - when the men were acting all alpha and weird - I wasn't feeling the same thing - so it was totally crossing up communications.


    In retrospect, Treasured Hearts, Dominance, or True Confessions would have been better at work.


    I still add a drop of Cougar in the AM before work - because it makes me feel - to borrow Dolly's quote - all bright and sparkly. So while the goal is not to grab all the guys attention per se - it does make me feel like I'm hitting it out of the park. Sure hope I can find a Stone Labs Phero that has self effects. Because it's really more about me and confidence than them and their reaction.

  20. HAHAHAHAAAA....thanks for my morning giggle! Enjoy the pheros......they can be a blast!!



    I will also note - I'm not only getting more Goodbye Hugs from men I know than normal - but they are lasting longer - and a couple have had an interesting extra dip and squeeze at the end. <g> :blue_dancing_banana:


    This is so much fun, I've spent a lot of time researching the old posts trying to decide which Phero's to buy next. I'm leaning toward Dominance Potion (for work - demanding job) and BI with EOW for interesting times in the evening. If anyone has thoughts they want to share on that topic - I'm open to listening.


    Merry Christmas to ME! (Oh - and ya'll. Since half the fun came from finding this site and reading your posts in the first place. So thanks for that.) ;)

  21. So - admitting my Phero Usage is limited to Cougar unscented... a string of hits for your weekend fun...


    - Someone who should have known better (seriously) who has flirted a bit over the past couple of years. At a non-work related party, who grabbed my butt and said "I'd let you...." use your imagination. I did. I'm not dead. I'm just middle aged. <roflmao>

    - Someone (who has previously not shown any similar behavior except an inordinate amount of time seeking me out) looking all moony: asked me if I'd lost weight, complimented me on my new top, and then bought me lunch - in that order.

    - Someone who has spent quite a bit of time sparring with me on issues at the office, suddenly doing a 180 about-face - and deciding he thinks I rock. And I quote.


    Aaaaahhhhhh - I know Cougar unscented, when gone - is gone - due to the formulating lab going out of business. What a shame. Thankfully, my two bottles out of the remaining stock should arrive soon.


    Here's to other LP Phero's having such a fun effect.


    And once again - my thanks to Mara and crew.

  22. Urg, if my husband knew how much I'd spent on scents and pheromones in the past month...


    NO Joke. :-) My husband figured it out yesterday -(not the pheromones part - he thinks I've buying scents) - YIKES!!!!


    I'd ask how the rest of you get out of trouble for this - but I suspect I know the answer. :turtle6:

  23. Quote:

    As far as contrasting the Cougar and Blatant Invitation, that's a tough one. They do have a different vibe. From MY personal experience, Cougar makes me feel more "sparkly" and young, if that makes any sense. BI makes me feel hot, sexy, and sensual. More like a vibe of...."You want me and I KNOW you do."



    So - that's a good image of Cougar. I do feel sparkly. But the BI sounds awesome. Nuts - can't possibly sneak another order in. DH will have a fit. (And two bottles of Cougar were ordered so it will keep a while) Have my fingers crossed a sample of BI will make it into my package. :-) Unless someone knows how I can get a hold of Mara and ask to add to an existing order?

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