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Shelly B

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Posts posted by Shelly B

  1. This sounds like something out of a batman cartoon. A quick spritz of T-DHoc and ZAPPPP!!!! BAM!!!!! POW!!!!!! The target gets dizzy then sees you for the very first time. And of course your wearing a boatload of super sexy.


    Yeah, that works.



    Starlitegirl - TOO funny! :-)


    Who knew that this T-Doc stuff was so interesting - may have to order more Super before it disappears forever. :-)

  2. Actually, Mara and Danna sold straight A-Nol before, but didn't know if there was any more demand for it after it sold out. I know Mara asked VERY recently if people wanted it to be made available again (it comes in the same format as the Est and the B-Nol) as all she has to do is let Dr. Stone know, and he will have more on its way to her very quickly.


    I'm still working on this "thing" (heheh ^_~) for Mara, but will be calling her towards the middle of next week, so though I'm sure she'll see this thread in any case, if she happens to miss it, I'll let her know there is definitely interest in the A-Nol being restocked.




    Ail )O(



    First of all - Ail - I would take the Anol. So despite my itching fingers- and fleeing wallet - I'm holding out for this to show up on the menu of options.


    Secondly - I'm dying to see what happens with your thing. Seriously. I need new Pheros. Can you come up with some fab blends? Hoping you will...


    Lastly _ I propose LP Yellow - a yellow phero blend - of daffodil, sunflower, hyacinth, greens and white sugars With A-Nol in large amounts.


    Edit to say:


    Can't you see the label - LP Yellow - (with one of those big 70's Yellow Smiley Faces) - with the tagline: Fighting Recession/Depression one molecule at a time


    The proposed should contain enough A-Nol to make an elephant giggle.


    Seriously - one big yellow smiling party in a bottle.


    Just a thought -

    Shelly B

  3. No probem hun! I did get a good giggle......and, I love you too!



    Be sure to take notes of Ail's tips! She's a genious! And someone that I am very happy to call a good friend! Ail and I have been playing with pheros and bouncing ideas off each other for.....oh, almost 7 years now (I think)......



    Do you want JUST a happy vibe, or a happy and in charge vibe? And what kind of first impression do you want to make?



    Hmmmm - happy and in charge is good most days - but I'd really like a completely fun Phero blend - maybe for work - maybe for parties.


    How to explain?


    With the economy totally in the tank - everyone is too serious. Not that we shouldn't all be focused - but it doesn't help get things turned around if everyone is looking over their shoulder, not laughing, not having fun, and pulling together. I guess I'm thinking two different blends - one that facilitates a fun, focused vibe in the work place - and one that helps bring sunshine/joy/laughter to those around you whenever.


    Basically - I'm sick of winter. Sick of paranoia. Sick of crabby people. And I want a Phero blend that allows me to shape the change to behavior I'd rather facilitate - which is more laughter and smiles. Think Spring. Think a fit of the giggles with your best friend.


    Does that make sense?

  4. Ok ShellyB I'm right there with you, albuterol, late nights, laryngitis and all! My nine year old boy just wants to watch Spongebob over and over. No amount of wine, chiklit or smell goods can help me keep from being a little dumber from watching....only his squeaky little voice (sounding ever so much like Mickey Mouse) saying , "I love you Mommy" , make it worth losing the brain cells~~~

    Loves Therapygirl!


    I must admit - when DH and two offspring - decided tonight to play Wii - I snuck back into the home office for relief. After all - how much SuperSmashBrothers Brawl is one human expected to take?


    I totally get Therapygirl - Love SpongeBob. Really - the one about SpongeBob and cursing - nearly P*ssed myself laughing. But then I'm easily amused.


    And I wasn't even sleep deprived.


    At this point - after days and days of albuterol hyperactivity in the middle of the night - I could not only shake the snot out of Squidwerd - but - despite my aversion to all things Squid - at this point I'm so aggravated I'd eat Squid Sashimi. If only someone would promise I'd have a whole week with no Squidwerd.


    I'm pretty sure I explained my theory of water (children) versus rock (parents) in another thread.


    Which in the end equals I'm the Grand Canyon - whether I intended to be that or not.


    Much to a whole lot of peoples intense amusement. B*stards.


    Every last one of them.



  5. *Replies whilst typing away furiously in another window*


    T-DHoc (it's SO much easier to say that way, too!) is a very cool molecule.


    Know how it's often claimed that you can NEVER make a second "First impression" on someone? Okay, T-DHoc GIVES you that unique chance. It has the effect of causing even people who have known you for AEONS (UK spelling, so probably not correct for those in the US..) to see a "new" you..


    It's like a veil comes down over their memory, so they will not quite recall exactly what the impression of you they had BEFORE was. T-DHoc totally resets their Neurotransmitters that effect long-term memory recall, to absolute ZERO, and I am very excited about its usage in pheromone blends - can you tell? ^_~


    There will be a lot more to read about that ..soon..


    *Gets back to work* ^_~





    Ail )O


    Ummm - hate to disturb you - particularly as it's probably like 1 am - BUT ...


    If someone wanted a wicked blend for work - that gave first impressions PLUS a totally happy vibe - would that include T-DHoc and A-Nol?


    Wondering - because I'm not above ordering and mad scientist creating.


    And thanks - you were one of the first women in this space - and I am personally grateful for your work. :-)


    Dolly - nope - not grateful. <rofl> TEASING Dolly. :)


    I couldn't resist. But I'm sleep deprived so my sense of humor does not reflect that of someone with even the most rudimentary social skills - so if you didn't laugh at the tease - can I apologize?


    And if you did - are we still good?




    Off to bed - 4 days of a child with pneumonia/bronchitus/asthma breakthrough - makes one less able to cope with normal human interaction. And believe it or not - people expect me to actually work. B*stards.


    Night ladies - unless of course - in a fit of albuterol induced hyperactivity post-midnight- I'm forced to watch Hannah Montana or iCarly. In which case - I will abandon my offspring and check the message boards. Sorry - but mother or no mother - there is only so much God can expect of me. I believe I've mentioned lacking patience? Well - Hannah or iCarly - require far more patience that God equipped me with. So I won't watch. I can't.


    Seriously. I can't.


    Night - again.

  6. Or, as a parent, over time, your willingness to be patient while your kids wear you down to a tiny little nub of the person you were before you were a parent dwindles into oblivion...



    OK - Let's put it this way. Back in the days Pre-Children - there was another woman in the office I worked in at the time - who I did not like. Which was fine - because it was a mutual no-likey. And we were lucky - because we didn't actually work on any projects together. Anyhoooo - she went off and started spawning. Frequently. I was happy - she wasn't in the office. She was happy as she had discovered her calling.


    Then I became pregnant. And the witch called me out of the blue from yet another maternity leave to ask - and I quote - "Is it true? Is the maternal anti-christ going to actually to have a baby?"


    Yeah. Thanks for that.


    And there were office pools on what net effect parenthood would have on me. Because even pregnant - I wouldn't hold other people's babies. As I told them - if they are less than a month old - they are pink and wrinkly. They just eat, poop and sleep and I find them wholly uninteresting. But when mine comes - I'll take care of it as I'm sure biology and hormones will overtake my own lack of interest in everyone else's. But intellectually - I'd be happier if they got delivered back to my house when they could smile so at least I wouldn't feel so used.


    And yes - evolutionary biology/hormones takes over - and you love your own with a fierceness that will take your breath away.


    So - more patience? Well - you have to find it in you somewhere. But if God didn't put much patience in there in the first place - there's a limited amount of stretching and growth that can be achieved. So - with that said - yes - I have slightly more than none, a whole lot less than I need, and I'm more inclined to agree with the wear down to a nubbin' thing. Children are like water is to a rock. Like it or not - sooner or later the water wins - and you end up wholly different - and suddenly - the Grand Canyon is what's left of the rock.


    Of course my mini-me was diagnosed yesterday with infected tonsils, borderline pneumonia, and a massive asthma breakthrough - so I've just spent half the night up administering breathing treatments on a nebulizer machine. So - I'm not really all that perky today and more than a tad crabby. But Mr. Shelly is staying home with the sick one today - and I'm delighted to be returning to the land of adult conversation- also known as work.

  7. No kidding. Patience clearly is not one of my virtues. But I keep telling myself that anticipation is a good thing. Of course, every time I do, I know it's just bullsh*t

    I'm with you dear one - Patience? I call bullsh*t.


    Have none, have never had any, and honestly - don't really want any.


    Impatience might not make you popular - or loved- or any of that other cr*p I don't really care about.


    But - Impatience does mean when the bullets are flying, you rock.


    Impatience does mean the status quo will *Never* NOT Ever* be good enough.


    Impatience means that every day - your point list starts at zero. And until whatever calculator that counts points in your head is satisfied - you will have "divine restlessness".


    So Starlitegirl - I'm with you.


    This part of the month - in the LP calendar - does NOT play to my strengths. Not even close.


    sighing. deeply.

  8. Ok - this is one I reach for again and again - particularly on work days.


    It really is an awesome combination for work - between the scent and the loving Pheros.


    I get compliments every time I wear it. And the loving Pheros - even people I have challenged relationships with - seem to listen better on those days.


    I am watching for the subtle hits - as this is subtle Phero - and I get them. A little more listening, longer/deeper conversations, people more at ease around me. Hard day? Put a big swipe on the wrists before bed. Every time you turn, you get the equivalent of a big phero hug - wafting into your sleepy face.


    I like it enough that I bought a second bottle.


    I am really surprised more people haven't reviewed it.

  9. Shelly, I think you and I are two of a kind! Love the combo idea.....I have all of the ingredients....your H.A.M., Unscented Cougar, and Unscented Dominance.....may have to give it a roll.....sure it will be fun.....especially when I add some Essence Oil to the mix....hehe.....



    Well let us know how it goes. And I could count on you to add in the the Essence. :-)


    I decided with the sick kids - I'd just settle for hot and in control. (Dom/Cougar) Rather than hot, in control, and do me now. (added Essence)


    Sadly - Feverish offspring spewing biofluids tends to be a significant distraction to those sorts activities.


    Oh well - at least it's now only biofluids spewing from one place - not two. After last nights joyous parental activities - I guess I should count my blessings.

  10. IIRC, depending on how much is available of a Custom Sugared, it's always offered for sale after the creator requests their quantity.


    Oh. Blushes.


    And here I thought I had discovered some previously unidentified talent for sniffie development. :oops:


    I'm still hoping they turn out delish. :-)


    Huh - on the search for the right emoticon - I found some that were interesting - so totally OT - but:

    Thought this was priceless: :spambanana:


    These two pretty much convey the crabbiness I was greeting the world with earlier today: :angry3::lol:


    I'm sleepy - sick kid woke me up so I checked the boards before going back to bed - (this place is an addiction in about a million different ways) - so TTFN - again. :-)

  11. I think I may have to hunt these pheros down, I could use some kick ass attitude.



    If Honey/Amber/Musk + Unscented Dominance and Unscented Cougar - doesn't lead to spackled wall and floor boards - well - love u. But U R clearly, white, pasty and very, very dead.


    That combo - at my house = a trip to Ikea to buy new furniture. And vases. Because the glass would have gone in the first earth quake.


    Just sayin'


    That may be a Texas Truism - but there U R. It's not braggin' if u can do it.


    And baby - between H/A/M with Dom/Cougar - it ain't braggin". Go to iTunes - search Queen - Somebody 2 LUV me.


    There U go - a scent in a bottle for August. H/A/M + (Dom/Cougar OR Cuddle Bunny Unscented.)


    Warm skin, and either "Do me now or I will Kick UR A**" OR Warm skin AND "Want me, do me, and spoon me later."


    Either way - it's a good thing. I'm done - either way.


    Hopefully with some kind of satisfied smirk.

  12. But use it for a good reason. Right now - my reaction to a dead cell phone battery lacks all proportionality. :w00t:


    Just a thought.



    And an hour later - I want to kick his A**, make him do the laundry, watch Patton rerun on TBS, and otherwise - rule the world.


    Omnipotence is awesome. If u are the omnipotent being. If not _ well _ s*cks to B U.


    See - what did I tell u? Cross Dominance with Cougar - and get wickedly determined female.


    And a Phero Charge that screams "Yes Ma'am". "No Ma'am."


    And honestly - in the moment - he might ask please.


    I'd say no - but he could ask. It's not outside the realm of possibility.


    AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - H/A/M with Dominance and Cougar.


    With all due respect to Dolly- this could be the Phero Combo of the Year. Add in some EoW - neat - and there would be weeping/begging for more.


    I could not peel them off if I did that combo.


    Just sayin'.


    As someone old. And experienced.

  13. Private Editions....











    Hot D*MN!




    New PE's - and the white orchid amber musk made the list - shocked that the second did as well. Hope it turns out as well on as it did in my warped mind


    Thank you Mara and Dana.


    This is - (sadly?) the most fun I've had in years.


    My best -


    Shelly B

  14. Bump of old topic.


    So - new nominee of Phero Combo of the Year.


    Are you mad? Do you feel self righteously p*ssed? Would you like to grab the world by the tail, beat the living Sh*t out of it, let go of the tail - and tell it "NEVER EVER do that again!"


    RU married? (It doesn't have to be long - just RU married?)


    If so - try a healthy swim of Cougar unscented (while it lasts in inventory) and Dominance.


    Trust me on this one. They will NOT F with U. Not once. Unless they R begging to die.


    And with this combo? Yeah - you will hope they are begging to die. Because U - U ROCK, U R HOT, and U *WILL* no question - Take No Prisoners.


    But use it for a good reason. Right now - my reaction to a dead cell phone battery lacks all proportionality. :thumb_up11:


    Just a thought.

  15. Apparently SG's super powers are greater than we originally thought. I suspect she gains strength from grilled cheese sandwiches and laughing (this is done by reading our thoughts and predictions on the future descriptions). Curses!! We shall find her kryptonite eventually.



    Well for pity's sake ladies - someone needs to find the Kryptonite that works. Because I'm so low on patience on a good day - and after a night up with a sick child - I want *details*...


    grumbles, stomps feet.


    Sleep deprivation makes me bratty.


    Need more coffee, a warm binky, and a kitty cat on my lap. Blah fooey. I'm out of coffee, working in my home office, with a smelly dog on my feet. The only way to fix the smelly dog is to give her a bath - and I'm not convinced that I've had enough sleep to take that task on. But I can always go brew some more coffee, locate a blanket, and try to entice a cat to hang out with me. Although generally my cats have the good sense to avoid the smelly dog.

  16. You can either apply over the BI or beside......like CC says, try to use a perfume that has good throw.....it will make people want to get closer and smell you, thus getting more in range of the pheros.


    I think CC covered the rest of it pretty well, also......and I agree with her.....for your first time out, BI is pretty sexual to be going out running errands (not that I haven't done that, but that is just me).......as a younger woman you will probably use less BI because it is loaded with cops and most younger women produce a lot of those already. Start slow.....


    Hits will not always smack you in the face (sometimes they will).....they will usually be subtle reactions......it is most fun to wear pheros around people you already know, because you are more apt to notice if their behavior strays from the norm.


    Above all, have fun!!



    Sp - with the caveat that CC, Dolly and Luna - are all a million times more accomplished at this that I am -


    I'd echo BI is pretty sexual. I burned through a bottle in no time - but that's because I'm nearing 40, have been married *4* Ever - and wanted the DH to chase me around the house. A LOT.


    BTW - With BI - desired response achieved. The DH - thinks I am SO stinking hot.


    Would I wear BI to work or running errands? No. Because I really don't want the zitty clerk over at the Walgreens to want to jump me...seriously. Maybe the clerk at yours is cuter?!


    With some tongue in cheek - it's about premium targeting? An overall aura of hotness to the general public - at least for me - is Cougar or SS4W. Although I know there is a large portion of folks on the board who would not use either one in public as it would be too sexual. That being said...


    Ensuring I get horizontal and superimposed with the DH? BI OR Cougar/loaded with a BIG Ol' swipe of EoW neat


    Being generally loved? Treasured Hearts (Thanks Dolly) works like a champ and is excellent at work. Although I'd tell you Tomashi No Tomo is a close second. For some reason the PE of Freya with Betanol is just ok - and the Betrothal with Est - Peeeeuuuuuwwwww. Something in my chemistry amps some herb in a bad way - and I smell like some freaky slightly floral basil/rosemary bread. Even if basil and rosemary are not in there - it gets on the skin and RUUNNNNNN AWAY! Stinky, bad smelly Shelly B. With everyone at work trying to be polite - well that's *interesting* - which are you wearing today? Think the one yesterday was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Just a thought.


    The others - use the search function on the boards. :-) Anything by Dolly, CC, Luna and Ail - are bound to be tutorials in ways to use/consider.


    Night night -it's a school night - and the first call comes early. :-)


    Kisses to all -


    Shelly B

  17. Have you experienced a man wearing the Super Sexy pheros? Main tip.....do not let that man out of your sight loaded with those! Second, if you have determined that you personally respond to pheros, you are gonna LOVE it when he wears it near you.....I love how it makes me feel....


    I am extremely responsive to pheros. Which is why I'm hoping for the expected effects. And seriously - what man who has been married a long time doesn't want his wife ripping his clothes off? If it does work that way - I'm hoping that it gets me out of the dog house for all the money I've spent here in the past few months. Woof!




  18. Synchronicity had Drop Your Guard.


    I'm hoping Sorcerer/Sorceress has a special blend we haven't tried before...though we won't know if Ail has worked her magic again until tomorrow! *twitches*


    Hey Luna -


    I'm with you. :-)


    Now that I have enlisted Mr. Shelly B into the phero madness (can't wait for the Northshore loaded with some SS4M to arrive and the full size of Teddy Man. Yee Ha for Mr. Shelly!) I'm hoping there is a new blend coming as well.


    But then - I keep thinking with unscented Cougar nearly extinct - that maybe possibly some new Stone Labs Phero blends are coming? Hope springs eternal. Hey - wait - it IS spring... .at least here in the deep south.


    Mara/Dana/Dr. Stone? Taps at the monitor...tappity tap tap - you hooo.....do you have new goodies/Phero Blends coming soon?


    Actually - I'm kind of wondering what the stock levels are of the Pharmacom blends so I know which to start hoarding.



  19. want...want...want more details.


    Spring smellies! Yummy.


    Look at the label for Hoyden - makes me think of the label for scented Cuddlebunny. Wondering...


    And the Phero Potions? What Phero would make a power potion? Something new? To replace the almost extinct Cougar? Or using Dominance in a blend?


    Fooey. Friday the 13th - and only unanswered questions. I need more coffee.

  20. So SS4M plus the pheros that are already in Teddy Man? Just curious.



    Oh dear.




    To be clear - Northshore with an SS4M load - with an additional and wholly separate bottle of Teddy Man.


    Northshore/SS4M for Home Use - ie - chase Shelly B around the house AND so that she let's Mr. Shelly B actually catch her.


    Teddy Man for Poker Night and sometimes at work for charming people. Don't you love the idea of Alpha Male at rest? I do. Hope Mr. Shelly does. Or he's going to be some kind of p*ssed when the bill comes.

  21. _Bumped _


    Two more custom Sugars - soon be on their way:


    ONE:ORCHID, TWO:AMBER, THREE:MUSK, Looking for a very white scent - like skin with a warm kiss of orchid floral

    ONE:MANGO, TWO:MELON, THREE:SUGAR (powdered), Cucumber - a drop? For a summer coolness


    The first is has an orchid overtone versus the Honeyed/Amber/Musk. Secondly - where Honey/Amber/Musk is really dirty - just a down and dirty "do it now" scent - hence the order of it spiked with SS4W - I am picturing warm skin, white amber, white musk - for a sort of innocent - could be blended with Cuddle Bunny kind of feel.


    The other one - well - it's all about summer. I'm in the very deep South - so it's not far off. Sorry for you snow birds who are still having your driveways plowed out or worse - taking the 2-stage out and blowing it yourself. But I'm already wearing short sleeve shirts and capris - so I want something I can sit on the patio and sip Margaritas (real lime, no sweet and sour, on the rocks, with salt.) while I'm wearing it and eating yummy Shrimp Tamales too.




    Planted the Cold winter annuals last weekend. Time to fertilize the lawn, treat the fire ants, and weed. Yee Ha! Let Spring Begin.


    FYI- Fire Ants came from the Devil. Which is where I plan on sending the new mounds in my back yard. Back to the Devil that spawned them. The little evil red b*sterds. Let me at them with some barely legal home cooked blend of poison. If it was legal to pour gasoline on the mounds and light up - BOOM. But it's not. So I won't. But a girl can dream of the sound of tiny, red, poison filled exoskeletons bursting in a petroleum-fed heat. Before they bite her family and pets. Just sayin'. Little red f'ers.


    And on that violent, chemically filled rant - Happy Friday the 13th? I think?

  22. Dayum..... I have been seriously under-applying this. I only do about half an inch swipe on each wrist, and the same on each side of my neck on pulse points. No wonder I don't get any noticeable results.



    <rofl> Darbla - amp it up my friend. :-)


    If this isn't working - you aren't using enough. I was trying to get the DH to chase me around the house - which btw BI works beautifully for - and went through a bottle in a month and a half.


    WCIS - I was lonely?!


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