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Posts posted by androstenol

  1. This is the one I call Electric HEAT. The comparison to OCCO Ambrosia is apt. It starts off strong and remains strong. I am loving the combo of prickly pear with sandalwood ! I really can't pick up the bamboo at all for the longest time, because my nose is very busy being intrigued and amazed at the pure power and energy coming off this concoction. But then finally the bamboo is there, softly, in the background, like a supporting melody while the rockstar goes to town center stage. This is not for the faint of heart ! But then by the time I'm wearing cops, I am not in hiding and this totally suits my personality. The photo is also an excellent match for this scent :)

  2. I love imbibing this "neat" but just rolling a generous amount to my wrists and huffing as I go to sleep. I find this very complex and have never combined it with anything. The only other sugared like that I have is sugared red musk, they both are excellent stand-alone for me !

  3. Man, I had some tough choices at the New Release party. But Electric Heart just reached out to me and wouldn't let go. It's intense, I've renamed it "Electric Heat' in my mind. Got Elera which is softer and more feminine, and the hedione in Mystic Mountain is to die for. And then I had to have Time Turner because it smells unisexy and has an ingredient I can't place and I just love to keep my nose interested like that sometimes. A very different scent. Bravo, LPMP team, if only I could afford the whole set :Emoticons04235:

  4. I didn't like Voracious on my hubby either. Just felt wrong somehow. Probably because we are so imprinted on each other. He has instant favorites and "no that's not you" with me as well.


    Another vote for Dirty Old Man in the SLF direction. And since my hubby pretty much wears any LPMP for me I ask him to, I can be the one wearing the sexah OCCO-type SLF scent and he can just be wearing an unscented man phero and that's definitely a very potent combination.

  5. I get better results from the fragrance/phero combo. Mara's scents are topnotch and very potent on their own. When the intent of the scent is aligned with the intent of the phero, then it's a double whammy. Also don't forget, we all have a sweet spot with how much phero we need to use, and more is not often better. I do fantastic at the 33 % with 3-4 swipes of the oil. When I buy unscented, I mix it with something to get back the 33 % ratio :)

  6. This FB is out on my dresser along with NOX. I reach for this when I feel I need 'something' to pick me up, or calm me down, or just - wait for it - to smell amazing. The longer I am with LPMP, the more I reach for the potions as medicine. And this one is my "everything is ok, you are a beautiful person" bottle. Especially after an emotionally trying day at work, or prior to one (even a swipe to my collarbones help, as I'm not supposed to be wearing perfume at work). I do love to rotate through my stash, but this is absolutely my go-to during the day right now. The scent is complex and varies on me with each application, which stops me from ever getting bored with it. I am excited that this is permanent now.

  7. So here we are in March on a Saturday in the Pacific Northwest, and the violets are blooming !! Which gave me all the inspiration I needed to dust off my husband's FB of this (because yanno, some very thoughtful wife bought it for him - or herself - who cares) and made him apply liberally. Swoonworthy violet-forward, just like I remembered from last year. For me this is very seasonal, as in I couldn't see anyone wearing this for fall.

    It's raining and we can't work in the garden so we go to a local Garden Center. My husband smells better than any of the flowers there !!! Take THAT, mother nature ! I will be very sad when this bottle is gone. If I were a guy, I might layer with some sugared spices, pepper or musk, but it's also perfectly fine the way it is.

  8. Update, as I said above I wear unscented Dominance pheros almost daily (or SWS) to work. I was still craving the scent and wore it out with my friends, even though I was thinking it might not be a good choice, too serious, too standoffish. But it was hugely well received, almost as though I were wearing Lumina. People wanted to hug me, bad. Like literally wait in line. Some males not caring that they were showing more affection and attention than usual. The only difference I can see is the scent ingredients. I usually avoid rose like the plague. It's doing....something...to my friends. This is very interesting !!! Must explore more.

  9. Walked out of the store with a FB of this, my hands almost shaking. Sat down in my car and broke the bottle open as though I was opening a bar of very expensive European Chocolate. Yes, I was craving it THAT badly. Applied it at my hairline in spades so the oil wouldn't be so obvious for the next 15 minutes...and boy I tell ya, a few measly swipes of a trial vial is nothing compared to a walloping dose of this goodness from a roller bottle.


    Choooooocolate and the scent of roses that doesn't make me think old lady like very other rose scent out there. Sexy, refined rose. What this reminds me of is a chocolate bar with raspeberry or cherry filling. So sexy. Had to have this, no question. I've been using the Dominance blend unscented for months at work, and this is a fantastic option to sneak in around my collar bones even at work, and then maybe just top off with some unscented. Hubby approved, btw :)

  10. My son asked for a new LPMP scent for Valentine's Day :hearts09780:

    I started researching. He adores Raspberry Chiffon (has 2 bottles of it) and my NOX but that has pheros so I was looking for another berry-scented unpheroed option for him. I used the search /suggest function and Blue Smoke came up along with several others. I let him try several of my samples. This one he loved IMMEDIATELY, so much so he kept sniffing it at the application site and spilled the rest of my sample vial onto the kitchen counter from turning his hand. Which my daughter then proceeded to mop up with her forearms because she was loving on it hard as well.

    None of us of us have a finely tunes nose. We just know what we like. I agree with the autumnal scent description. The smoke element is light, and gives such an interesting background to the berry. This is definitely a step into a more grown-up version of a berry scent for my son, and I'm very excited about his choice. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone !!

  11. This is hubby's instant favorite from the New Releases, and I'm happy to wear it for him. We had an interesting bit of synergy happen. We decided to go to the movies so I was like: "Hey wear something cuddly for us too" . I have his pheros organized by intent. So he chose Mark's Girl Nip with Perfect Match. The 2 pheros are very compatible.


    The two scents, meanwhile, started to intermingle, and to me created Totem: Bear with all the ingredients except the peanut smell, but my mind filled that in. We ended up watching "The Revenant" about a bear attack, which I found rather shocking and gory. But in the background, the cuddle pheros and olfactory message of Totem:Bear kept me enjoying the movie and reminding myself that all animals have a role to play. That was a totally unexpected effect.


    I don't feel strongly about this scent, but since then hubby has remarked on it consistently as liking it every time I've worn it. Is it the phero blend ? Or the scent ? Or both ? I don't care :) I'm just grateful it gives him pleasure.

  12. Interesting, after using LPMP almost daily for well over a year on my neck and décolletage, I finally have irritated skin on the upper half of my chest and in my cleavage. So I'm switching to my scent necklace, back of neck, and wrists. I didn't think to track whether pheros with DHEAS were causing more irritation than the others, but I will be tracking that now for sure ! Also after 5 days of laying off it, my skin is back to normal, but I may give it a bit more of a break and rotate sites.

  13. I really like this one as a softer alternative to Pherodise with Lumina. Pherodise is so awesome for summertime, it really blooms with the heat. This one I associate more with spring, possibly office-friendly if worn lightly, possibly first-date friendly when you're not sure how much scent you really want to surround yourself with. I've worn this out to a restaurant, it stayed very close but still gave me those selfies I love: feel more social, feel happy, feel like I'm glowing. And I would describe the scent as a light creamy floral. I keep reaching for my sample, which tells me I need a FB !

  14. I've always smelled dry leaves, some wind, and in the distance, someone who is burning leaves on a warm autumn evening. This is very seasonal for me and I'm reminding myself to use it more often before spring starts. The Gotcha! acts on me a little bit like Teddy BB, it calms me. Also calms skittish animals like my feral cat. I may try to use this for bedtime ....it's such a lovely and unusual scent.

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