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Everything posted by tink333

  1. You definitely should! It is so good and I highly recommend it! So far, this is probably my favorite LP variant. I love the smokey creaminess of it. ❤❤❤
  2. tyvey, what an amazing description! I love the blown glass comparison. And, I can see myself in this field you're talking about even though I've never been there. I get that soapy scent at first too but I didn't get Irish Spring. I don't really want to smell like that either so I'm glad it went away for you. Oh, and I have never tried Port Jolie, but I got a bottle in the sale and now I'm super excited to try it! Cheesy, this has some crazy staying power. It lasts a long time on your skin but get this. I wore it last Tuesday to work. I haven't been back at my desk until today. I could smell it at my desk and my nose is stuffy! And BC, THANK YOU! I'm so glad you like it. I cannot wait to try Farmhouse Afternoon now. And, you are exactly right. These nostalgic scents bring back only the very best of childhood memories! Opal's Joi de Vivre is very similar to me in that aspect so I'm sure Farmhouse Afternoon will be amazing! ❤❤❤
  3. I keep coming back to this one. It's so beautiful and delicate. I love that it's this pretty floral yet it's so soft. There are these base notes, Amber and sandalwood, that ground this but I barely detect them at the same time. I love the long dry down of this too. It's such a perfect softness. I am adding this to my FB list. I love everything about this one. The label is gorgeous and this scent is gorgeous.
  4. Thank you! I'm guessing I would like it. I'm positive I would like this specific scent too. ?
  5. It could also just be the mix of the specific one. When I first started experimenting with pheros, I tried to pinpoint the ingredient that was causing negative reactions but then realized I could use other pheromone blends with said ingredient. Sometime you might have to find your sweet spot with the phero blend too. I'm no expert though and I've only used a handful of them but I figured out that for me it wasn't necessarily the one ingredient. Maybe set this one down for a bit and try a different one or few and then come back to it to see how it works. ETA: we just posted almost at the same time, Halo! LOL! And now I feel like I might know a little about what I'm saying.
  6. Oh wow! Thanks Luna! I had no idea it could vary like that. I need to find some scents with blue musk in them. ?
  7. What does blue musk smell like? I don't think I have anything with blue musk in it so it's hard for me to wrap my mind around how this might smell. I'm intrigued by it though. ETA: Just realized it's sold out but I'm still curious about blue musk
  8. Yes!!! Flying Potion! I only have samples of the last couple of years. I need to get a special "piggy bank" for Flying Potion so when the next one comes out, I can buy it immediately. ?
  9. I'm getting excited about fall too. I keep looking at all the LPs I wear in fall. I'm also thinking up at least 1 fall PE. hmm... I probably need a winter and spring one too.
  10. The PE sampler was not offered this time because there were only a few of them this time around. ?
  11. You guys are all killing me here with these reviews! I am not really an apple scent person, even though I love apples in general. (I think a combo of cheap apple shower gel/shampoo/conditioner and that apple-cinnamon like scent in Michaels has turned me off of apple scents.) Now I'm going to stalk this one and if there are any left maybe next month I will buy a bottle. I think I'm missing out on something really good here.
  12. So here is what I ordered. FBs of LP Summer 2016, NOCO Spicy Brown Sugar, Summer Sky, Jennifer's Farmhouse Afternoon, and Gadda Devita (sp?). I'm getting 4 free FBs with this order! Such a great deal! I'm always amazed at how generous the sale is. Can't wait to get this package! (Who am I kidding. I'm always excited to get an LPMP package!)
  13. I just looked up and read about Farmhouse Afternoon. I know I've seen it on Etsy but it looks like it was released right before I joined the forum. Back then I was super duper newbie and had no idea about all the wonderful treasures around here, especially PE's! (Now I'm just a newbie LOL!) So now that I know a little more, after reading Farmhouse Afternoon again I can see that these are very similar in the intent but with two completely different views. Dang it! Now I need Farmhouse Afternoon too! ?. Just reading it, I think I can almost smell it... almost but I know it will be way better than I can imagine. I can't wait for you to try this one! Hope you like it! ETA: Farmhouse Afternoon has been ordered.
  14. I got this on Friday and have worn it every day since then. I've been trying to figure out how to review it. This is my second PE. I am blown away at how Mara can take your idea for a PE and turn it into something that's what you were requesting but a million times better than you can ever imagine. Anyone who is reading this and has been considering a PE just DO IT! You will not be disappointed! (Make sure the PE making time is available) So there is this field that is on and near my family's homestead in northern Minnesota. When I was young, we lived in one house and my grandparents lived in another house across the field. We had a trail leading to their house and visited almost daily. My sister now lives in my grandparents house and all of my sisters and I have inherited the land. It's important to us all. When we were little, we played a lot in the field. It is tall grass that is full of wild flowers and clover. I would lay down and hide in the field and just see tall grass, flowers, and the sky. We would pick the clover and suck the nectar out of the little tubes on the flower. OK, so now to the actual scent. I tore into the box! No joke. Actually cut my finger because I was careless and way too excited to see and smell this. (Cut with a scissors. I'm clumsy and accident prone) I shook the bottle a lot (because I'm finally learning this) and applied A LOT. Initially, it was very wild flowers and greenery. (Don't let this scare you... keep reading!) Within 30-45 minutes the clover tea, honey, and musk started to to become a lot stronger and the wild flower and greenery stepped way back. It's GORGEOUS. I was in love. Next day, I put it on again and it's EVEN BETTER! It was way more blended and then I remembered that I should try to let the LP's settle first and then try them. It's hard. I'm impatient. It is this beautiful mix of clover, honey, and musk, with background hints of wild flowers and grasses. It's like the flowers and grasses are gently blowing in the wind around me. The clover tea is almost indescribable but I can almost taste it, it's so good. The tea and honey act as the lower base note in this. It's soft. The musk brings the clouds. Like Mara said, it's pillowy, like those big puffy clouds on a perfect summer day! In the longer dry down, it turns into this lightly perfumed skin musk, like I've spent the day in the field and it's now perfumes my skin and I've been drinking clover nectar with honey bees buzzing around me. I can see the grasses, flowers, honey bees. I can hear me and my sisters as little kids, whispering and giggling in the field. I hope they love this as much as I do! I hope it brings the same types of memories to them as it does to me. I LOVE THIS! FYI: This is a type of scent you could wear anywhere. It's feminine, soft, pretty, not overly floral, soft subtle honey, not too sweet, beautiful musk.
  15. Hi Mara, Can I please reserve another bottle of Summer Sky? I made the mistake of telling my sisters they were getting a bottle and I can't just keep theirs now. LOL! This is so beautiful! So beautiful! I'll write a review soon! ❤ tink
  16. Eggers- I know those tough kid questions! I get them too AND for some reason I try to answer them. The funniest one I have been asked was my nephew, who is 6, recently asked me if people ever eat people. We were playing a game and we're animals and we had to eat other animals and his mind started working in his scientific way and he had to ask. The look on his face was like "OMG. Do people ever eat people?" That was fun to stumble all over! ANYWAY, back to Lumina. This is now my go to social phero. I am wearing it at work and have already had some great convos with coworkers. I think this helps break down walls and makes you more open as well as others around you. Everyone is more comfortable and relaxed, just like you experienced at your job. I'm in an office job and it is working well for me he too. I have new coworkers and I think it's going to help with building relationships with the new people. I LOVE LUMINA!
  17. Oh Mara! This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love this label so much! It's perfect! I CANNOT WAIT to try it! I made this for me, my sisters, and my Mom, to remind us of this field behind our house when I was young. I can't wait to share this with them. ❤❤❤
  18. I'm going to be placing an order for LP Summer 2016 and maybe NOCO Spicy Brown Sugar or something else. I haven't made my final decision yet. I'm getting threebies: Port Jolie, ATO Amethyst, and ATO Sapphire. ?
  19. I can't seem to post pics from my phone either. I was trying to save one and I couldn't figure it out. User error! LOL!
  20. LOL! My SO is also terrified of kids! He says it's from horror movies like Poltergeist and The Ring. LOL! And AWESOME that Lumina works for you at work! I'm wearing it again today to my second job to test it out. I think I'm going to try it at my FT corp job too just to see what happens.
  21. OMG Eggers! That sounds like a fantastic night! I hope it was Lumina too and it works again for the awful shift!!! Let us know. I wore this yesterday as well. I had great experiences with it again. I was wandering around the town I traveled too and chatted with all sorts of different people. People definitely seem to gravitate to you when you wear this and they are all friendly. I had lots of convos with different people all day. We were at our friend's huge party, which is the reason why we are here, and it made that all the more pleasant. I was in a great mood, people around me were as well. I mean, we were at a party, that usually makes most people happy so there is that but I feel like this made it even better. Oh, and I think kids LOVE this stuff! Kids do like me but even this shy little girl struck up a convo with me about how she hated fish but loved strawberries. LOL! She was about 3 and adorable. ? Lumina is getting the front row spot on my phero shelf. I love this stuff!
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