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Everything posted by tink333

  1. This is exactly what the description says. It's a fruity suntan oil coconut scent. I'm wearing it over OCCO White. Very yummy combo! I agree that this is a good hot weather scent. I just put it on so I'm impatiently waiting for the dry down now.
  2. I'm still fairly new to pheros and have had some pretty rough experiences. For example, Treasured Hearts makes me really emotional if I wear too much. I would absolutely recommend trying these out on s day when you're not really doing a whole lot. That's what I have learned to do. I've also learned that some work for me and some don't, which I think almost anyone else will say too. Don't give up though! When you find the sweet spot or the ones that do work, it's worth it.
  3. There is so much more out there about vultures. Apparently, if vulture enters your life as a totem or animal spirit guide, then vulture will always be with you. Very cool! I feel like I need to add more because I just took the regeneration part. What I've read is vulture symbolizes death and rebirth, soulful cleansing, reaching a higher spiritual place. This is just a small amount of what I've read. I have time to really learn about them since now Vulture is one of my permanent totems. Yours sounds awesome and now that song is stuck in my head! LOL! I can't wait to hear about the rest of these too. ?
  4. OMG! THIS MADE MY DAY!!! I'M SO EXCITED! I LOVE the label! Mine is Vulture and The Egg Potion. Here's what I requested for ingredients: Meringue (Representing Egg), Salt Water, Yucca (or Cactus), Smoke or Ozone, which ever one made more sense. My idea is a Healing and Regeneration Potion inspired by my trip to Death Valley and staying at this tiny place right by Death Valley called Tecopa. They have natural mineral springs there. It was an incredible experience for me. It was a healing and regeneration/transformation type of experience. The Egg is very symbolic for birth, rebirth and so much more. There is a lot of symbolism for the Egg that I don't have time to go into. For me personally it represents this inner light within. Vulture is an incredible bird. When I was leaving Death Valley I saw a tree filled with vultures. It made such an impact on me that I started to research vultures. They are amazing. They are peaceful creatures who cleanse the world of death, decay, etc. They represent regeneration. I learned they never kill anything and if attacked, one of their defenses is to vomit on themselves in order to get away. I cannot wait to see the final ingredients AND to smell and wear this one! YAY! HAPPY DAY!
  5. Wore this today for the first time. I completely understand why so many love this one! This is YUMMY! I cannot stop huffing my wrists. It reminds me of sitting on a beach on a hot day in the summer. It creamy coconut musk scent with this hint of floral but zero pointy floral notes. Here is the image I keep getting: I'm sitting on a beach on a super hot dayw and I used coconut suntan oil but it was applied quite awhile ago so it's blended and more of a creamy coconut skin musk now. I also wore a perfume that's blended in too and I'm eating or have a sugary, creamy treat nearby. It's so good! Perfect Summer scent but I could see this being a great scent to wear in the Winter to chase away the winter blues.
  6. I was testing some new scents and reading the forum last night and saw Luna's review of this. It made me curious so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I really didn't know what to expect because when I initially read about this one, I thought 'I don't know if I want to smell like clean fur, do I?' Of course I should always test things and never ever assume. At first I thought this was interesting but not a me scent. I was chatting about it with Chelle8422 and said I could see using this as a room spray but I'm not sure I'd wear it. Then something beautiful happened. This turned into this beautiful skin musk with hints of soft coconut and linen and grass. I kept huffing my wrists. I wanted my linens on my bed to smell like this. It's so light and airy. I'm wearing it again today!
  7. I love Sneaky Clean and I forget how much I love it so it gets overlooked in my collection a lot. I'm wearing it today and I'm pretty sure I've gotten some phero hits. I went to a local coffee shop and was in line in front of an extremely fit cyclist. After I placed my order, I moved forward and stood in front of the gelato. He wandered over to look at the gelato, as if he may buy some, got really close to me and then took a deep breath. It's possible that he really wanted gelato but he had zero body fat so I'm guessing that was not the case. Later, I had a customer at work look at me with deer's in headlights and I've gotten extra friendly responses from most other customers.
  8. So I'm sort of obsessed with green tea. (Not sure why it took me so long to buy Sugared Green Tea...) Anyway, I drink a lot of green tea almost every single day. I love matcha tea the most but I've found it's sort of expensive for me. My favorite brand is rishi and I'm obsessed with their Sweet Matcha. I will eat it by the spoonful if no one is watching! No joke. Just a giant spoonful of sweet matcha green tea powder. It's amazing. My point is that Sugared Green Tea reminds me of sweet matcha tea. I'm craving a spoonful of it! LOL! Well, more like a giant mug of it with coconut milk. One of the best things in the world for me. This Sugared Green Tea is spot on! And, like QG stated, it's not too feminine nor masculine. It's clean, refreshing, and beautiful. Now I need to go so I can go buy a few boxes of Sweet Matcha tea...
  9. tink333

    Time Turner

    Great reviews! I think I need this in my life!
  10. Chelle8422 brought her April Sampler set for me to smell and I'm so excited about these! They are wonderful! I loved the smell of Elara in the bottle and I could not resist testing Time Turner. Loved it! Chelle8422 was wearing her surprise extra too! Awesome!
  11. I've never tried Phero Girl before. How I've gone so long without trying it is beyond me. I received a package yesterday and I got this as a tiny sample. I was going through all the scents and when I got to this one and opened it up, I knew I had to try it. When I finally got the chance to put it on BAM! It almost knocked me to my knees! I LOVE THIS. It made my eyes roll back in my head! Thank the gods this is in the permanent collection! I will be saving up for a FB of this lovely!
  12. I'm hoping to get one of the remaining FB's with my next order. (Fingers crossed it's still available.) It's beautiful and I'll be out of my tiny sample within days. Anyway, Here is why I wrote the review above. I went to a mall today with little makeup on and messy hair. I was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes. I had left my house feeling sloppy and a little blah. I hadn't slept well and I caught the last part of Anna Karenina on the old movie channel. I don't remember ever watching it before and didn't realize what I was watching at first. By the end, it just made me sad. So anyway, I'm walking though the mall and I could smell this on me. It gave me this confidence and made me feel loved and believe in my own beauty and love my whole self. It was subtle yet so strong with a deep soulful feeling and knowing. The experience made me smile as I was walking through the mall and I could have sworn I was gliding a little. SO thank you, Blackcat, for coming up with yey another amazing potion, and thank you to Mara for working your magic and creating it!
  13. I got the tiny sampler of the PE's and this was the one I tried first. When I first put this on, I was sure about it. It surprised me and I didn't know what to think. It was fresh, green, earth, with strawberries and roses. Within less than a minute, I started to figure out it's beauty. It's exactly what is described here. This potion is full of love and beauty. It's not cloyingly sweet love. It's not naive love. It's this deep true understanding of what love embodies. It's Goddess Love. If I had a FB, it would sit right next to Persephone Potion.
  14. I cannot wait to order the NR Sampler! Time Turner is calling to me so I may have to order a FB unsniffed! I'm so excited for these! I have to wait a bit still though.
  15. That is fantastic!!! One day I'm going to make it there for a NR party! AND the new releases theme, names, and pics are brilliant! I'm obsessed with the sky, stars, space... my point is that I LOVE THIS THEME! Now I'm saving up for my next order later this month.
  16. Tuberose is becoming one of my very favorite scents ever. I never really knew anything about tuberose before LPMP. I'm so happy to have discovered it! This is quickly becoming one of my favorite go to scents and since I only have a tiny little sample of it, I wear it sparingly until I can buy a bottle. It's so beautiful and sensual to me. I think the cake part of this grounds the tuberose to make it a much more casual perfume yet somehow it's still fancy. I guess what I'm trying to say is this is definitely an everyday type of scent yet beautiful and fancy enough to wear on special occasions. I love it!
  17. I tried this for the first time in honor of Spring. . At first it smelled like cupcakes and those decorative fancy soaps old ladies had in their bathrooms when I was young. It didn't seem to be blending very well BUT then after about 15-20 minutes it it turned into the most beautiful scent! I agree with everyone here that this smells like eating the best vanilla cupcake in the world while sitting under a lilac bush. I love this one! I'm falling in love with all the flower fairy cake scents. They're so beautiful.
  18. I cannot for the life of me figure why I've never reviewed this one. This is so true to raspberries that it makes my mouth water. It reminds me of eating sun ripened raspberries right off the plants on a sultry summer day. Not too bright yet not too black raspberry either. Raspberries are my second favorite food in the entire world. Blueberries are my favorite but it's really close. And even though this reminds me of eating raspberries, it's still this beautiful perfume. I love to blend this with other sugared scents. It's pretty perfect, if you ask me.
  19. May I please reserve s sampler set? I've been away too long and almost missed this! Thanks!!!
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