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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Well, I've left two notes with our mail carrier, with no response. I also went to the post office with a copy of the delivery confirmation, and they just told me to try to "catch" the carrier when he's in our neighborhood and talk to him. Which is impossible because, you know, we work and we can't freaking stalk the mailbox. I don't know what to do! This was a big order from the ladies, and I'm freaking out. : \


    Go on line and fill out the missing package report. Also, there's an "800" number to call with the report. You'll find both at USPS.com


    Good luck hon!!

  2. I waffled...went back...couldn't decide...then it sold out! *boo* I'm very much looking forward to hearing all about it!! Hope you get yours soon Lori!!


    I think next week might be the week for my order...I ordered at the first possible moment, so I'm really excited!!

  3. :)


    Postal carrier said she left it on top of the row of mailboxes out front.


    Oh no!! You still need to file something (affidavit of lost package?) with the postal service, and maybe a police report. Postal theft is a federal crime. Also, send copies to the manager and/or owner of the building where you live. Postal theft is a big deal, I think you may get some support from the postal service.

  4. Sweetie, please e-mail the ladies, they will try to help you track your package!! When my package was mis-delivered I went on the USPS site and found the scanned-in copy of the signature, which had the address where it was delivered. They I called the USPS "800" number and filed a report. By the time I got home the next day a supervisor had retrieved and delivered my precious package!


    Good luck, there's hope!!

  5. Don't know about pheros, but I have a wonderful "prescription" for a bath that will make you feel much better! You need the following:



    cup of hot tea

    cup of room-temp water





    Draw a nice warm bath, but not so hot that you can't get into it comfortably.

    Have your cup of hot tea standing by the tub.

    Have your room-temp water by the bed, which you've lined with two large towels.

    Get in the tub, with whatever scents you like (bath salts, oils, etc. are fine)

    Once in, start adding HOT water, you want to end up in a close-to-scalding tub.

    Once super hot, you will probably only last about 10 minutes, that's fine. You should be sweating!

    Drink your hot tea in the tub.

    After about 10 mins. or so, get out carefully, dry off quickly and go jump in the bed, between the towels. You're gonna sweat!!

    Cover up with every blanket in the house. The idea is to sweat it out!

    After about 45 minutes or so you will stop sweating. At this point it's ok to drink your water. Don't drink it before, because you want your body to stay as hot as possible.

    Take a quick rinse in the shower and relax!!


    By raising the body's core temperature you help yourself fight off and kill viruses and germies. This can be done 2x a day as needed.


    BE CAREFUL!! This is not appropriate for people with heart problems, high blood pressure, vertigo, etc.


    Hope you feel better soon hon!!

  6. Arrrrgh... I am gonna cry already...how can Kimberly's Pumpkin Tropique be gone? already!. This just better not be as good as Shake rattle and Roll. LOL, I am just joking, but sooooo not joking about being upset for missing this one.


    Bet it smells scrumptious. I was planning to get this one too.


    be blessed -djac


    Me too! I'm crushed, it was in my cart and I was trying to be good...never again!

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