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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Did they? I don't think I saw that post. Someone asked on the phone for an apple scent yesterday too, but our apple perfumes don't seem to move as fast...hmmm...


    Pear is too light of a note, alone, but could definitely be a part of a fruit salad. I was thinking of maybe trying for my old Ambrosia recipe, or Cucumber/Melon, or.....? Also maybe a musk variety?


    Cucumber Melon would be fab!!! Could the musk be Egyptian Musk??

  2. ...Here we go again, I keep hearing the KD Lang singin' this one on Ingenue... what a great album! Perhaps I'll love the scent just as much - my package is being held for ransom at the P.O., to be liberated this evening!!


    ...thanks for the awesome reviews, Dolly... I can't wait...


    SUCH a great album!!! I need to go find this and put it in the car (the cd) and wear Constant Craving tomorrow!

  3. oh lynnie...the pink is so lovely as well...it is pink but different in that it is not heavy pink like the pink scents we have already...it is more light and delicate, however, the pink musk gives it a more adult sexy tone...it is lovely... i hope you lik it.


    be blessed - djac


    I'm sure I will!!

  4. I'm so sorry you have to endure this, and the time for it to end is NOW !! With the cost of medical/dental care (even if you have insurance) there is not excuse for your practitioner giving you anything less than everything you need for a comfortable treatment. Grrrrr, this makes me so mad!! Your kind of experience is the reason Mr. Goddess neglected his teeth for so long, and we now have huge expenses for his teeth. Thank goodness we have a wonderful dentist!!


    Good luck, I'm sure you can find someone who will treat you right!! (sounds like relationship advice, and, in a way, it is!!)

  5. It's funny - the vanilla (WHITE) is not STRONG smelling, but it lasts forever. I put it on last night, on my HAND just to smell it while discussing it, and even after sleeping in it and washing my hands multiple times, I can still smell it - like a beautiful warm cakey skin musk. Lovely.


    I just realized that this will be wonderful to layer with my Temple of the Goddess!! Mara, you're a genius!! AND, I love your new avatar!! Breathtaking!!

  6. I picked up my ENORMOUS box of LPs at the po yesterday, and, in the parking lot, searched until I found OCCO WHITE! I applied a medium amount (2 or 3 swipes on each forearm, small swipe on each side of neck) and drove to work (about 30 minutes).


    Wet: I could definitely smell the EoW, but it wasn't super-stinky, more like fruity-stinky. As I was driving the vanilla scent started to come through stronger.

    Dry: The vanilla is very pleasant, not too sweet, and the cops smell is completely gone!


    I think this will be a wonderful layering product for me! The vanilla scent is very pleasant, but not enough to be only scent for the day.


    Today, OCCO Black!


    eta: trying to make occo white show up!

  7. Ladies, I can't thank you enough for my fragrance!!


    This will definitely be a hit with the Honey Ho's!! Wet, there is an intense, almost herbal honey scent. As it dries down, the muskiness comes out, along with a touch of vanilla, and at about 30 minutes there are hints of sandalwood and incense.


    I'm loving it!!

  8. I just have to LOL at "waterboarding"!! I have never had a treatment with the vichy shower, but I really want to!! I'll save the LP's for after. Now, on the other hand, I'm going for shiatsu in a couple of minutes, and wondering if I should remove the fragrance I'm wearing...I don't want to make the poor guy uncomfortable!!

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