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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. OMG!! I am in love with Sugared Honeycomb! Got my first order today and slathered this one and it's sooo good. It was a teensy sharp at the wet stage but after it dried down...Insane! So smooth and sweet with the honey richness. I think I need a vat! And also I am on a honey high :666:


    Yes, I love the "honey high" too!!

  2. I'm sure the other ladies can answer more eloquently, but maybe you overdid it? I've read (here) that sometimes too much cops can cause an O.D. which actually repels men (and women). Or, maybe you just weren't in a place where the men felt comfortable letting their...um...reactions be apparent.


    Almost everything I've read leads me to believe that it's best to start with less and work up from there! It takes a little trial-and-error, but once you find your personal "sweet spot" you will be able to count on it!!


    All the best, and I'm sorry about the mishap with the BI!!

  3. This is a strong contender for my favorite of DA!! To think, I was about to trade it away...Then I decided I'd better give it a proper try before doing so. I'm so glad I did!! I'm sure I'll be getting another bottle (or two) of this!!


    After the initial fruitiness drys down this becomes a soft, very sweet, creamy tropical delight!

  4. Hehe....are you referring to my flushed cheeks?

    I really wish I had more "Dolly in me" if that makes sense... I'm alot better than what I used to be in that if I really like someone I can psych myself up and go flirt... But if guys flirt with me, or pays me compliments I get caught off guard and don't quite know how to respond...so I get embarressed & don't know what to do :go:


    It's funny how that is really... In many areas of my life I'm really confident in myself & what I can do and if I want someting I go for it. But anything to with men or my heart and I still feel & act like a darn 14 year old with butterflies in my tummy & who blushes if a cute guy looks at me. I was a tomboy growing up, and I think having pursued the career that I did I'm now continuing as a "grown up tomboy"...always hanging out with the lads and trying to be as good as them. I do love what I do, and I like working in a male dominated field but it's also really easy to hide behind the tomboy stereotype rather than break free from it & work on my self-esteem & self-confidence in terms of matters of the heart and allowing myself to be feminine...


    Sweetie, I imagine that being "caught off guard" is extremely charming to the fellows!! Guys don't always want a ball-buster!! AND, as I've read your posts over the last few months, it sounds like you're doing a great job on pushing your limits and stretching out of your comfort-zone in the area of relationships with men!!


    I'm coming right over to hang out!! *wish I could*


    ETA: Not that a fully confident woman is a ball-buster!! Oh no...sometimes they like us to take charge. What I mean is that the "flustered innocence" is also so attractive!! That's the area I wish I could bring forth in myself, even though I'm completely and blissfully happy with Mr. Goddess, I sometimes miss the "back and forth" of flirting!!

  5. Personally - I've got my hand up for 2X Cougar. :-)!!!!


    Since that one is all about creating a sparkly/sassy/look at me vibe - the alcohol - with the faster diffusion - should really be ideal for social/party settings. Like a big date night. Or someplace where you will be around a bazillion people and want to be SMOKIN'.


    That wouldn't be something you could unleash at the office - who could get any work done?! I'd feel so full of myself I don't think I could function. :-)


    But - for what's it's worth - my regular strength A-nol in alcohol spray? (Already available here - duh - it's where I got it. :-)!!!) Awesome. Just perfect. A couple squirts on my wrists and the back of my neck - and people are so cheerful and happy. I do like to have fun/happiness and laughter around - I'm not happy if everyone isn't cracking up - so it's just perfect. Speaking of which - I think when I'm done typing - I'm giving myself some sprays. It's gray and raining so a little fun would be good.


    I'm not trying to get a drunken stupid affect - just a cheerful affect. And the regular A-Nol in alcohol is just perfect for that. I could see that being really popular with folks in a service industry - where a good mood can lead to increased tips.


    I can't believe I never thought of this!! *runs off to purchase*

  6. I'll play!!!


    I'm hoping for another chance at Sugared Bonfire!!!


    Since LP's, I've discovered that I really like scents with cinnamon, and other spices, just not too spice! I think a yummy one would be Cinnamon/Apple/Pumpkin with a luscious Vanilla Cream, and maybe a touch of musk!! I'd love an autumn foody scent for body products, and maybe a candle!!

  7. I'm LOLing about how I made you all laugh!!


    See, when I tried it on, I was so freaked out that I almost IMMEDIATELY took a hot, scouring shower!! As read the reviews and comments, I'm wondering if I should give it another try, when I have hours by myself, and no danger of Mr. Goddess coming home. I traded away my bottle, but I still have the sample.


    I'm skeered!!!


    Then again, I'd love to pass my sample along to someone who will love it, or at least love the process of deciding if they love it.

  8. Mystree, I love the way you write!! LOL!!! Keep em' coming!!


    Dolly speaks about cop over-do in her blog, and Ail has many informative posts in the pheromone section, both great reading. I had an experience the other day with layering a number of different cop blends (straight EoW, OCCO and Tantric Butterfly, I think) and Mr. Goddess was very quick with his attentions...a little too quick. I'm 47 and perimen, so I can wear quite a bit, I think it has to do with your age and your natural cops production as well. My feeling is, when at home or in private with your man, use the whole bottle if you want to, but in public alone or out with the girls, proceed with caution. I usually use a bit every day, just to make me feel sexy and alive, but it's just a few swipes, nothing major. Also, I work with all women (in a salon) and we rarely even have male clients, so I don't have as much danger of unwanted attention.


    All the best, keep those stories comin'!! Hope hubby feels better soon!

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