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Posts posted by kblazin

  1. While I can't say I am glad to hear that I'm not alone there -- misery loves company but LP denial is sadistic! -- I am relieved that the thread just isn't fully up yet, I guess...? For MOAR goodies, I'm hopin so too miz liz OSP :) And relieved I wasn't blocked to prevent a buyout as well :) I'll admit that thought crossed my mind, LadyV... speaking of:




    Aaaagh caught in enabling crossfire! I am trying so hard NOT to need a bottle of this one, too!


    Well, back to sale stalking!

  2. OK, before I totally lose it, is anyone else not able to open the HUGE SALE thread? I went from massive excitement to devastation in the count of zero, my head is reeling.


    I didn't want to start a new thread about it if it's just my computer, or I caught it at the wrong time or something. But I *SEE* the thread there and couldn't access it after trying several times :)


    Pleeeeeeeeeeeease helpz!!!!!!

  3. This. Is. Dead SEXY! ... It's distinctly a Love Potion, but on steroids (hahaha).


    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and amen to that! :)

    I have yet to really review this one, I put it on DH before work when I got it and fell asleep that night before he got home... BUT this did what several other LPs do on him, where well into the next day I smell it on his skin, not exactly the fragrance itself (tho I have learned to differentiate) but like an LP scent stamp of resiny sexilicious NOM... :J001:


    Today is the first day he's worn it since, but I left for work first and must wait impatiently to love-huff on him for a few more hours, then a literally 'noted' review can follow. For now though, I can certainly say that I am loving it's magickal deliciousness for sure.


    Here's my question for PM & crew, to which the right answer is obvious :lol: : Is Homme entering the permanent lineup... not needing to mention of course that it is only the fair and honorable thing to do for our Loving menfolk?

  4. Trying my sample and with no recollection of the notes, my impression was mostly 'perfumey', which I think now is the musks, which I really like. So now I get the vanilla musk thing going on, though I don't necessarily feel caramel coming through on me... certainly not to a Sutra or Kittenish degree.


    Re the powdery aspect, I definitely get it but not overly so (I do NOT like powdery as a rule.) As a matter of fact, while sniffing back and forth between this and Luminessence and deciding that just maybe I could do one as a bottle (money's tight) I was dismayed that Lumin was becoming irresistable but heartened that TMI seemed to have crossed a powder-line into the 'pass' category.


    BUT. It is still soooo nice, and not too powdery really... feels to me like the creaminess of the cocoabutter accord, which is actually what I was thinking I smelled upon the first application, and what gave the perfumey vibe. Not sure if it's in there or just that impression from the musks?


    Curious to hear reviews on the phero side!

  5. Aha, the musks tricked me again! I was thinking melons at first, but with much more rounded prettiness and depth... No wonder, it was the lotus/musk/MANGO combined! I wasn't recognizing floral in it, either.


    This is really georgeous, and keeps getting better. Some warm spicy citrus is peeking out now, which is just killing me... :666: Damn, this may be an unplanned bottle buy!

  6. Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, it's heeee-eeeere


    Homme is scrummy, sexy and nommy and while I am sure DH will rock it madly , I will def try it myself too. This is for boys *and* girls to enjoy, for sure! And my freebies (TMI, light and 'perfumey' and luminessence, mmmmmelonicious) are absolutely lovely. Also got the Black wax melt, which is oozing dark honeyed goodness even through the bag.


    I'm glad for no sniffees this mini-order, though, because Homme is today's superstar and (while I HAD to whiff the samples) it is all about him today!


    THANK YOU M, J, AND CREW! :666: Off to slather!!!!

    eta: wanted to clarify the melt hadn't MELTed thru bag, just the beguiling scent! That bad boy is gonna throw fo sho when melted, nomnomnom

  7. Aw dag! I forgot about PEs... Oh well. My laptop was fritzed and I had to hustle to get a June order in on my droid, w like 20 minutes to spare! But I knew I wanted the LP Homme for DH, since as I mentioned LPs in general are soooo magickally delicious on him it's silly. If I got the kinda hits he did (scents only, mind you, he's not even into the pheros) I'd feel like a frikkin' princess!


    I was toying briefly with the idea of a sample first, but when I told him the notes and said, honey I think I may need to just get you a bottle, he said 'Baby, *I* think I need a bottle!' :666:

  8. Dearest PM:


    Wondering in regards to Gillmaufry, is it a sister or cousin to no.5, in either notes or overall feel? I know you don't do dupes, but say in the way LP Pink is like Pink Sugar (DH voted on LP in a side by side sniff at Ulta, btw ^_^ )


    I'm esp curious about OUR aldehydic offering because though I recall being rather unimpressed with the Big House aldehyde powerhouse, a super close male friend who generally poo-poos everything cited it as an example of what he DOES like (I have a feeling he may have just grabbed a name of what he considered 'high end', but whatever :lol: ) and I'm wondering if this will be his in to LP fandom... and his lady's next scent, hehe...

  9. Too weird! I came on just to read, hurting too much to report (unrelated to testing, read below!), interesting to see the last ones though. I also noticed today that I wasn't noticing all that much. I wasn't really out and about, though, shopped with a friend but nothing struck me as really noteworthy, it was mostly just us and our normal interaction. I was totally disinclined to hang out, but that was because **Huge testing caveat** I have been dealing with a now for sure UTI (sorry if that's tmi) which has been hovering on the radar all week and was pretty distracting today... Then a few hours ago ooooooooowwwwwww... the can't-put-the-dr-off level pain hit. I'ts been years since I had one, and DAMN i forgot how much it hurts. Plus it'll be at least 12 hours til I can get to a dr, yikes.


    Here's one thing I remember about today though re "M": I noticed I want to use MORE of it. If we were testing full size bottles I prob would've sprayed a few more, in hair and on chest. I had already sprayed both arms, and chest twice. Part could be the odorless aspect: cost and everything I've read/experienced aside, the smell factor alone encourages 'less is more' with most pheros! But I mention it because I was aware of that urge. Course, I coulda just been chasing the Wonder Woman highs I saw in some of the other posts :Dannaalterego:


    Anyway, for obvious reasons (ouch) I will not be testing tonight, and tomorrow will depend on how that goes. I am toying with the idea as well of taking a little break, esp if I'm not up to going out yet by nighttime. I reeeally want to try it with the lady I work with tomorrow, but can always do that Thursday...

  10. Well, I accidentally deleted my way too long post and am too tired tonight to redo that, but I want to hit the bullet points of phero "M"ystery and explain more later.


    First off, I have totally been reading this thread, as I am a very curious cat. I don't think it will influence me too much except maybe to contrast/compare a bit.


    One interesting note: "M" is nearly odorless to me and to DH, which is very unusual, esp for him. We both smell all the blends, 'nols, etc; he rarely let's me put any on him because he is *so* sensitive to it (even in perfumes!) not as super BAD but not pleasant, he calls it "oily". But I was able to apply this without him knowing, and he couldn't smell it in the vial either whan asked later. That really stuck out to me, I even wondered if PM was doing a true blind trial with placebo control group! I noticed later that someone else in the thread mentioned the odorless factor as well. Anyway, thats a plus in my book.


    My first test day, yesterday, began badly and went downhill fast, and on top of it I was way more upset than warranted. Just a shitfest of personal and work stuff, plans falling through, little snafus abounding, DH very bummed over his plans upheaval, and me so losing my poo I didn't know if I would be able to test, even though the package had arrived. I took the day off to spend with DH, and there were 'complications' with that too, so I decided a work face to face would be a good initial test.


    I was determined to chill enough to be fair to test "M", but think "M" assisted more than just my efforts... I had gone from thinking "this stuff would literally have to be a miracle", to getting my poo back together and actually feeling functional. As I said, I was able to apply while hanging with DH before going to work without telling him, and relatively soon I was in a perfectly decent mood and my overreactive frustration had blown over. When I went to work to discuss both the problem that day and other schedule issues, we were all joking around, not *too* unusual but considering the earlier situation it was noteworthy. Things got settled, and DH and I had a really enjoyable day after all. Deets later.


    Today, testing "M" at work... I sprayed arms and 2 on chest/throat, all on my skin but when dressed so clothes got some too. I had read about the sensory stuff, and did notice when driving that my visual attention was sharper, like I totally noticed how the pollen swirled in little spirals off the back windows as I pulled out of the parking lot, that kinda thing. Now, I was predisposed to thinking "M" was gonna command mad respect and was surprised to get some attitude soon after arriving (from a not unusual source, but still.) Also, a couple other irritating factors present initially.


    Here's the thing. It's not that I was calmer per se or hippy dippy cool... I just Did Not Give A Fuuuuuck. Like, as an attitude, not an apathetic (non?)feeling. You know when you just kinda feel in control and like no one's dumbass bumblings are gonna break your stride? I felt a CONFIDENCE, not a strutty hotness Miss Thang thing or even a sense of super competence as much as... centeredness, if that makes sense. I also was a bit more chatty in an eased social sense and noticed the same from others.


    I will detail my interactions later like I said, but wanted to at least get this out there. Earlier today I was calling "M" 'liquid courage' in my head. Speaking of which: I noticed last night, like someone else reported, a heightened wine tolerence... which I became determined to overcome. Very determined :nanerturtle: And yes, if you drink enough, it'll catch up to you :001_tt2: (hence no review last night, heh.)


    eta: Just realized this is almost totally a self effects review, but that is what I noticed the most. Especially at work.

  11. smells like coconut and LP black mixed together to me. just get the same feeling as the black.



    Aaaaaaaaaand that got me off the fence. This is going in my next order!

  12. I'm sure this was covered but I can't find it for the life o me, sorry! Why doesn't Egg 2011 cloud when shaken? The different marshmallow ingredient?


    I think it makes me feel it smells more different from 2009 than it actually does, also. Like it's missing the weight of 2009, seems less substantial somehow(?), and not just the choco-factor. Maybe I associate the Egg *look* and scent more strongly than I'd realized! So weird :frown:

  13. Awesome report, lady!


    Even though it's early, I am already stalking mailbox AND my poor Stamps link has been clicked a dozen times... Does anyone else click on recent past package links to calculate the arrival of a currently awaited package? Guilty :party: ...since the notice arrival! I half expect Stamps to take out a restraining order :rolleyes:


    And now, LadyV's report has me that much more excited, sounds super intriguing... Can't wait to hear more!

  14. Heh, I am anxiously overeager too. All you Cali gurls, please let us know as soon as it arrives! :P


    I'm on the east coast so it'll be a few more days, I am guessing. Lately tho my packages have come lightning fast, so maybe just a couple. Hoping it'll be here for work trials Fri night and Saturday, then a Sat night social excursion...

  15. OMG, not on for a few days and miss THIS? Sigh... :)


    If by any chance at all you need another tester, I'd loooooooooooove to be of help! Assuming that this is an, ahem, public-friendly blend, I could relay how it works in the customer service field :) (Of course my definition of work 'appropriate' is pretty much anything short of the infamously tagged "raging assload" of cops...)

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