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Posts posted by kblazin

  1. Really like the scent and love the intent... It does remind me of a woody Black. I think it's a little more masculine than LP Black, though it's def unisex.. I love this on my husband (it's his potion of the day today, via my sample) and I'm sure I'll be getting him a bottle. Would spike it w/ SS4M but then I couldn't wear-n-share it. Or, could I? For some sweeeeeeet dreams :lol:


    PS to Sass, hope your day's going well :wink2:

  2. Re C#5: When I was littler, idolizing Marilyn and reading about her perpetual cloud of #5, I wanted sooooo much to sniff and love it.


    I didn't.


    I've since heard that it is only the parfum, not edp, that lives up to the legendary status, and perhaps it does... I don't know. BUT it did inspire one of the funniest reviews I've ever read about a perfume online (I'm paraphrasing but attempting to quote from memory: )

    "It smells like a rich old lady bathed herself, powdered herself, and pissed herself, in that order."

    Makes me want to sniff it again, not that that sounds particularly attractive but it is a goddamn funny and kinda compelling description IMO. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


    Sorry this has nothing whatsoever to do with lorelei's tea. Which I just now ran downstairs to get my virgin sniffee of and try on my hand... Mmmm, it is really pretty, and from what I recall of C#5 I could totally see the comparison... to c hussy's review that is not the other one, though I guess that DEPENDS on your nose... ( :rolleyes: Wah--waaaaaahhhhhh!)


    PS... L's B Tea is SO pretty that I am going to make it a point to hit up sephora for a sample of C#5 to compare 'em :love:

    PPS... I could sooo imagine this + A/nol= :thumbup:

  3. OK, between the reviews from scourger, whiskers, viv and stkatz (bad enablers!) I had to at least get a sample of this. Your descriptions are delectible, and now there's yet another LP that may soon have me in it's thrall, it never ends does it... :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co That is so cool too, that this was a custom, didn't realize that. AND that it is a dream scent come true. Congrats, Vivica, M and D!!! :D

  4. Funny you mentioned the PUA peeps, and 'that vibe'. I remember checking out another website (possibly andriotics?) that was cross-reffed here to see their forums, and yeah, different vibe is exactly what I was thinking. 'Different' being a polite way of saying creepy and predatory. Wouldn't be surprised if Mystery blend was named for the 'community'/ NS followers. :winktongue:


    I'm just sooooooo glad to have found the LP forums, it's very cool to be able to come here and hear everyones takes on the fab smells AND get phero advice that doesn't skeeve me out. Not to mention, I was thinking this very thing myself, considering the B/B or G/G blend for social or work max-chillaxin'... :rolleyes: God, I'm so cheesy... no, not in the EoW way (for the moment... :D )



    ANYWAY, I'm really interested in this as well. I've heard good things about B/B (like posts in this thread) but has anyone tried G/G for social/sexual/ANY reason, and what did it do for you? ***If anyone has tried BOTH and can compare that'd be super...***


    The other day, I had a random thought about mixing the two, because they both seem bonding themed... prob a silly idea... so now I will do my silly monkey dance :UkkiBannana:

  5. Hi, just ordered via cart so do I need to send another email to cancel the attempted preorder/ invoice rquest? Or is it understood that it's been accommodated...


    I can't read much more of this thread though, yall are making me miss having kittehs waaaaayy too much. I want at least one (hub says two, so they can play together... aaawwwww) but we gotta buy a place first. Or at least wait til we move from here.


    Oh well, at least I'll have the precious LP Pink, sounds like a sweet kitteny smeller at least! :J001:

  6. Had to mention, I wore this yesterday and my whole day was just awesome. The apricot is really growing on me, it's a little intoxicating. I think the ladies found a fab apricot and used it liberally, bc the Scandalous(es) I got a couple weeks ago smells like a big ol sexy cinnamony amber tinged apricot as well. Different, but the apricot is very much there, too.


    This is LPed up, creamy and sweet, and the BI is sooooo stealthy and wicked in this yummy little potion. It's just delicious and I :lolipop: it!!

  7. As a mater of fact, I have a bottle of Slave w/ a whip of the Dom added in en route to me as we speak... This is how I picture it right now, hehe :020105~21: turtle= UPS...


    Got the magical "Times Square has sent you a package" email last night... Hurry, hurry, turtle!!



    Still, imploring for the Real Deal PG Dom... Someday, soon, this must happen... And I'm surely not remotely alone in this desire... If there's ingredients that must be intended, I'm there (and throwing in an extra little prayer for whatever Bastet and Bunny need, yall sound as forlorn as I am!)


    Prettiest please, ladies??

  8. I'm curious, because I think I prefer pheros pre-blended. BUT, want the option of changing it up... does that limit my options as far as using a different mix then? Example: I was thinking of adding CB to Sugared Honeycomb, but I would be layering it with other scents, and might want to bump it all with, say BI or TH, depending on my mood;-)


    Would that be a bad idea, since Mara said the Labs recommended not to mix the blends... and I am definitely not a pro at it.


    Better still, wondering if Stone Labs has some kind of list of blends that can likely pair vs. blends that shouldn't be, as a general guideline. I can't help it, I'm a compulsive mix-and-matcher... in the kitchen, the bedroom, and all things scent-related...


    Or for you forum gurus, which 'ingredients' (and LP available blends, if possible) play nice with certain others in your experience.



    Love you all and TIA for your advice! :020105~21:

  9. YES. As a matter of fact, I believe there is a thread about Scented Super= pee on here too.


    And for me too, it is the only LP that does this... but it REALLY does something odd. I am utterly perplexed by the reviews of people it works on, all innocent cake smells, when on me it has a sharp tanged uriney edge-- WTH? :wink2:


    I have no idea what it's about. I smell unscented pheroblends distinctly but nothing like this... I have no idea if it's just the SS blend of pheros that turn on me (I'd gladly try a sample too, to just to see if it's a mone-alone quirk but NO way am I getting a bottle of SS, considering!) Maybe it's a bizarre combo of mones and notes that is either hit or miss in a big way.


    I'm not in the mood to try Super on now, but soon I will and try again to deconstruct the issue, it's perplexing! But rest assured Darbla you are not alone. I'm a little sad to be missing out on the 'real' scent, because for those it doesn't wonk on it sounds delicious. But, like you said, it's the only one that does this, I've still got (WAY too;-) many LPs to cherish and covet :love:

  10. I full-bottle ordered this last night, a couple hours after picking up my order with a sample of it... and was intrigued by the fruitiness that everyone's describing... I'm too new to have a lot of familiarity with LP notes, having only Red and Black... and as of yesterday have BI as well. But I was thinking the same as these posts regarding the fruitiness, not quite melony but 'tropical', 'green' and 'juicy' as I recall.


    OK, scrubbed an arm to apply this. Got that sweet creamy LP base as I recognize it, sniffed through a couple stages but now that I'm typing it's... green apples with a tropical/buttery edge... I've never smelled the Summer Solstice LP but this is how I might imagine it. I smell the pheros tweaking it but don't actually smell them on their own (which I always do when layering unscented mones with a scent.) It makes the fruit hard to figure for me though. Maybe it's pear, some crazy exotic melon, no--cinnamon--? Apricots! ...It's Rorschaching on me. I do know I dig it. My arm smells like a sexed out peach cobbler to me at the moment.


    Interesting side note: Hub's take was "Hmmm, is it Nox? With the cheese (we call EW stinkcheese/hornycheese)?" He totally gets Essence, and fruit/resins. Then again he thinks Red is all appley cinnamon to my buttery vanilla/brown sugared amber. I get it but it's funny how different notes stand out to different folks. He doesn't smell unscented pheros, either, another difference.


    Sorry for the schizzy review. For me this is a winner though! :)

  11. I'm thinking this may end up my fave too... This isn't my 'real' review yet but I couldn't resist making a comment because I just put on a precious few drops earlier and MY GOD I LOVE THIS. Sexed up buttercreme, yes. Pachouli that patch haters can love, yes. Addict? (as in Dior) ...it's been a while but I could see a connection, perhaps. I was actually asked when I wore it to work if I was wearing Angel (Mugler) which I've never worn (didn't like it on me, prob the patch base) but sniffing an Angel knockoff today to remember it, I bet the real thing and Black have a lot in common. Except I LOVE Black. :love:


    The vanilla is very dark to me, and there's something I want to say is coconutty, but also dark. Many notes that I can't quite discern... It's sweet, but-- you guessed it, dark. And what I'm assuming is a (much better :D ) patch base keeps everything together soooo beautifully.


    This is such a lovely, rich scent. I am Golluming out on my little (less than half-- yikes!) sample because I foolishly put my Black bottle order in with Scandalous@Omaha(which I am over the moon about getting to try and have a feeling could rival Black for faves.)


    Just one more week, I hope... waiting impatiently... for my preciousssss.....

  12. hey do you guys know if perfume oils work just as well in atomizers? are they too thick? i know I have some dry oil sprays, is there a difference?



    (pasted Ivy's earlier question^^^not sure if it shows as quote...) ^_^

    Anyway, I was wondering this as well. Plus, has anyone here blended LP oils with perfumer's alcohol, and how does that work? I'd like to do that and be able to keep little plastic atomizers on me... but since no ones mentioned it (that I've seen) and LP doesn't sell perf alcohol, I'm worried it might not work so well... help?

  13. FINALLY placed my order :thumbup: beginning at MagicalOmaha with Scandalous, Cougar and Black... and then to the real shopping over here.


    Bottles: Treasured Hearts, then BI too cause y'all make it sound SOOOOOOO good.

    Samples of these that I absolutely HAD to try (If I can recall all of them <_<:)



    Scarlet Silk

    Teddy man

    Warrior Heart


    Plaisurs de Nuit

    Slave to Sin

    976 GIRL

    Justice Potion

    Bayberry and Gold


    Hecate's Potion

    Sugared Honeycomb

    plusses: Sugared Amber, Musky Dusky pure


    I'm sure it changed each time I started out, but that was my final... I think. I'm already remembering other stuff I meant to get :o plus I forgot to ask if Sin City and Figgin Awesome were allowed as the plus two, cause they weren't on the regular list, though I'm guessing they're gone anyway. *sigh* I just discovered today, wearing Sugared Magi, I REALLY like fig, too. (Extra excited about Holle now. Well, and the Infamous Sugared Honeycomb. And, mmmm, all of them)


    OMG waiting will be rough... I've got one hell of a sinfully scrumptious sample-sniffing smorgasbord coming to me... :love: I wonder if all newbies go so sample-mad! I've already got a couple dozen!

  14. Well, my first post vanished so I'll try again-- Oh, and, hello everyone! :hello:


    I've been lurking constantly for a couple months and have so many questions I didn't know where to start, so to start here: Re the January New Releases ( :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co btw) the order I've been holding off on grew-- again-- to include the sampler, descriptions unseen... But now that they're out (yowza!!) I can't tell if Scandalous is included or not. I also thought I read that the rebrew hasn't been released quite yet...


    Anyone know if it's part of the package? :huh:


    Or for that matter, when I can just get a bottle of it, I'm sure I'll want one... Then again the LP/BI... and that cinnamony Scarlet... must try... ^_^ But I gotta get this order out before I run out of Black! And need to know if Scandalous will/can be a part of it...


    PS Thanks again to M & D for all of the fabulous, addictive concoctions... And, in advance to my fellow LP junkies, I'm sure there is much enabling in my future ;)

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