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Posts posted by kblazin

  1. AG, just saw that my notice came this afteroon, maybe yours is in the same batch!




    Hoping too that maybe the stamps could have been delayed, and the package shows tomorrow or sat... Placed it two weeks ago tomorrow. And yeah, I'll bet these delish offerings have kept 'em SUPER busy... Any way it comes, I know it's en route so I HAZ THE HAPPEEZ :cry:

  2. What browser are you using kblazin?


    Interestingly, looks like it was on my norm (IE) so not the browser... but firefox didn't do it either, I checked JIC. Freaked me out though, that format is common but I CAN'T STAND IT and really like the way I normally see the boards, full posts chrono ordered... So's I can see all yall are saying right away!


    Including all about the new Cravings and Native Soil (thank all that's holy!!!!... and/or ebil!!!)


    COLOR ME :aola:

  3. I think you may be on to something there!! Same with Native Soil...



    Whats this about the Native Soil? I only see five or six releases, no NS there...




    The boards aren't posting right, they're in some hideous format that is a pain in my butt, I don't know if I screwed up my settings but I can't fix it... ;)


    Pleeeeeeeeeease, someone, HELPS!! And this talk of Native Soil when I can't read about it has honestly got me thisclose to crying!! :):UkkiBannana:

  4. Citrus oils cause photosensitivity!! Best to wear them in areas covered by clothing...even sunscreen can be a bit iffy in the face of citrus!



    Thanks ladies, I didn't think that this one had any real citrus, that was my confusion! (I hope it doesn't have actual grapefruit at least... I'm not a fan of the sulfur on the breakdown side :666: )


    Just noticed at the start of the thread Mara mentioned that even faux citrus can create photosensitive reactions... Good to know!

  5. Some of them do not. For me, the P-com version of CB, the phero mix, is a bit strong without a cover. Dominance and BI I'd never wear without a cover. Stone Cougar, on the other hand, is not unpleasant, nor is Swimming With Sharks or Drop Your Guard. A-nol is not too bad on its' own. It all depends on what your nose can tolerate, but I don't agree when people characterize them all (i.e, all pheromones) as having the same kind of scent because I do not believe that's true at all.


    I smell A-nol a LOT, though I keep hearing most people don't. :neutral: I also find it VERY interesting that the *Pcom* CB is mentioned as being smelly, somehow (though I cannot stand the stench of cops) Pcoms UN-CB was nearly odorless to me... and worked, shall we just say, WELL. :666:


    When the betas were finally introduced, I quickly ordered the last CBs in spray, but my long awaited P-c CB sprays got bumped by a non-beta order :censored: and Pharmacom's Cuddlebunny was lost to me forever... Then through an order mix up, the replacement (Ail's original) CB stayed 2X, though on a hunch I'd changed it to 1X... Lo and behold, the end result was that I now have a full bottle of 2X UN CB that I cannot use, because the est and cops alone are intolerable to me. Everytime I see that bottle I cry inside... :winktongue:


    I have NO idea why, and it doesn't make sense, but something in the UN Pcom blend mellowed my nose, at least. Plus it worked like, well, magic. I bought the *scented*, but unfortunately am a member of the Tide detergent contingent.


    I actually just ran off to try it again, it's been a while. It's very pretty actually, but too floral, just not my thing... I know someone in particular it would probably be awesome on, but am wary of giving it to her unless she promised never to wear it around me; I could NOT compete with that!*** I know the awesomeness that is/was CB!



    ***...Did that sound bitchy? :wink2:


    eta for semblance of clarity!

  6. Beccah, seeing your MILF potion on there gave me a much-needed smile after a pretty horrible day. Unfortunately jasmine is an extremely iffy note on me as my chemistry often turns it to either cat pee or rancid banana, but I do hope to try a sniffie and see what verdict my skin reaches!



    I thought night-blooming jasmine was different than regular? I've smeled NBJ in perfumes before, and MMmmmmm... not necessarily the way i feel about jasmine in general, though...


    Does that make any sense? What kind of jasmine are we talkin' here? Cause between the cardamom and vanilla, I'm pretty much on the hook already! ^_^



    eta: guess it doesn't matter now, after all. Boo. Interested in reviews anyway, I guess... *pouts inconsolably*

  7. NATIVE SOIL :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.coNATIVE SOIL :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co NATIVE SOIL :beggingpleasesmiley: ...Here's a few more votes for that...


    As much as I truly adore Tantric on DH, Native Soil is literally ultra magickally mmmmmmlicious on him, and has protective powers from PMS and other poopyheadedness (that's the scientific term, I wikied it ;P) that are staggering. Whatever planetary allignments, ingredients, ANYTHING that is needed for this, oh please to the ladies and powers that be...


    Another vote for Constant Cravings too. But ooooooh, for a Native Soil rebrew... :Hug_emoticon: Mmmmm...



  8. Pheros use up much needed neurotransmitters that usually replenish and are not an issue. When you are sick, you dont replenish as easily.

    Pheros will make you sicker.

    Am I wrong?


    I don't want to hijack this thread, but might like to start a new one just on this subject...


    For now...is this ^^correct? And in particular, how might this affect someone with ADD/tendencies for chem depression? :cry:

  9. Quick question: is there still an "order being proccessed/ shipping shortly" notice, or generally not... Cause if it's just the stamps notice we'll be getting, I can breathe a little easier... it's barely past a week from part 2 of my order, anyway, and part one did involve a bunch of betas.


    I am just so excited, and soooooo impatient :unsure: ... :blush: !!

  10. I'm with you on that one SB.... I'm still waiting for stamp.com notices for my mid-Sep order... :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co:waiting:

    It aint easy being an addict...


    Wow, mid *sept*? I'm impatient for my early-mid-oct order already!!! Hope you get your notice (and goodies) soooooooooooooooooooon.

    Man, I feel just like those yellow guys look.



    So, finally placed my order after putting it off forever then like a dozen botched attempts. So FINALLY have some OCCO red coming, in spray form no less... hehe :lol: And Pcom cuddlebunny2x spray and as an add-in, so I sure hope there is at least that much left.


    Shit, just realized what I left off my final order, the alcohol spray bottle. Damnit, I knew the amount was off!! It'll have to wait til next time. For now I will be VEEEEERRRRRRY impatiently waiting for my goodies to get over here, hoping the alcohol doesn't make it take forever, cause it will already feel like it. Man, I've been wanting the OCCO red since... well, since it was created.


    Why oh why am I not in Cali...

  12. Mmmmmmm, cuffs... oh, ahem *tries to clear head*


    I have a question for the Masters, or anyone out there who has tried both Autumn Mist and EinC: I swear they smell very, very similar to me. I think they're both gorgeous, for the record, and my EinC sample is more cinnamony (which I love!) but I can't help but compare them... do they even share any notes? I don't know why I get that... esp since Autumn Mist is totally one of my 'innocent' scents and the EinC is so full of the nicely naughty juju. I am so getting an EinC bottle anyway, once I choose a carrier :lol: . I have more than enough tickets already! <_<


    Sooo, maybe Autumn Mist is the 'good' twin, idk... opinions?

  13. Aw, dammitall! Thought there were a few found... ah, well...


    Another question, anyway... are these likely gonna stay the prices for alcohol stuff? I was thinking (yeah, ok, wishing, hoping, dreaming, drooling... whatever) when I first saw the term 'beta testing' that it was a free or ridiculous discount on stuff to guinea pig it. It looks though like the prices are what the ladies were estimating earlier. So, I'm wondering if these prices are pretty much set. AND, finally, if we get an alcohol phero with scent added, how much scent is there? I swear I read it before, but can't find it now. :begging: Sorry if I'm buggin'!!


    Ooops, clearly stated on the order that it's 5 ml fragrance, which is like, half a bottle? (Can't remember if the reg bottles are 10 or 20 ml, or what.) So, it is like a cover for the pheros, vs. a tweaked pefume, is my guess?

  14. So, is the alcohol base option the same price, re: perfumes? Or for that matter, pheros in regular strength? I couldn't even wish it was possible that the 2X pheros would be the same... or could I... hehe...


    Man, Red as a spray is *very much* happening for me. And I haven't even ordered OCCO Red yet, so depending on the availability maybe I'll get 'em together... Eh, who'm I kidding. OCCO order now, alcohol next...




    eta: Another question for the brewmeisters(mistresses?): Could we put the oils in perfumers' alcohol for sprays, or would that be too diluted?

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