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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. As requested, a yummy, gooey, crunchy autumnal delight featuring English toffee and marshmallow fluff, maple sugar, and my beautiful chewy aged patchouli in the base. Ok, now I'm hungry. Thanks, Tyvey.
  2. This is just gorgeous and one of my faves for the month. Wonderful concept Tyvey! In Tyvey's words: "super girly pink grapefruit on top, super ripe passionfruit, some freesia (the heady, honeyed, yellow kind), and a little bit of the green stems of the freesia." A lovely, happy happy joy joy kind of feeling from this scent! Remember, grapefruit always starts off really loud but calms in just a few minutes on the skin, so don't just judge this one from the vial (although it smells great that way too), you want to test it on your skin to experience the full rainbow of ingredients. A+
  3. This is JLisa's wonderful concept, and she allowed me to choose the notes. One can't help but be inspired and I think this is a minor masterpiece, lol! I chose every ingredient with very definite intent and while this is a beautiful perfume that is fully appropriate for the workplace, it is also a powerful spell. I started with sandalwood and musk in the base - these have great power magically but smell velvety soft...like silk.Strong, yet yielding...sensual, but not passive. I featured orchid on top because it represents dignity and refinement, and olive blossom because it represents enormous power - think Alexander the Great. I added a splash of ginseng because it represents power and virility, protects and wards off evil. A few shakes of black pepper EO to remind people that the kitten has claws, and a single drop of carnation to inspire admiration and also for it's quarrel mending reputation in lore. The result is a deliciously fleshy clean scent, it's approachable yet highly respectable, and I think gives off an aura of health and wealth. Yet, it's still easily wearable for vanilla and foody lovers like JLisa.
  4. The creator says: "based on the Yoruba legend of Oshun and Ogun, a "beauty and the beast" type tale of soft and laughing femininity overpowering savagery with sweetness of honey and musk (and Aja copulins) saving humanity from the brute ways of the most hardened warriors of the patriarchy. Scent of river water, female arousal and lubrication, ambrosia, coconut, raw wild forest honey fresh from the comb in the tree hive, blacksmith smoke, the crisp smell of "just turning autumn", kola nut and red clay, red sandalwood and warm, moist, fertile earth atop which a Princess and a Hunter have just made love, the sound of her jingling waistbeads and ankle bells the music of their consummation, honeybees and butterflies their witnesses and chorus. Please make this dream come true! Thanks!" Thus, this is a wildly sensual blend, an SLF to be sure, crafted around several types of Honey & Aja, grounded with smokey African black musk, sandalwood and black coconut, with ambrosial peach flesh and blossoms, and a splash of homemade "river water" accord.
  5. Another unique and wonderful potion idea from Black Cat! I was faithful to her directions, using deep black vanilla and a splash of vanilla bean, sweet roasted chestnuts and smidges of deep violet and blueberry. She used the words "soft yet definite", so I added a few ingredients of my own to round out the potion. I added just a splash of velvety vanilla musk for softness and sensuality sake, and 1 drop each of precious labdanum - for power, and coffee - for determination. Best of success, Black Cat!
  6. A gift by Midnight Requiem for her friend Chiara, a sunny happy good luck charm crafted of juicy mango and coconut cream, rich vanilla, fresh pineapple, and a little sprinkle of pink peppercorn.
  7. The first day that I opened my trial vial, it smelled like straight up Liquid Smoke, the food seasoning. (Travel shock) The week that I gave this before trying out yesterday was time well spent. Ensens de Cafe, La Vie de Boheme; Liquid Shadow is a beautiful addition this family of scents. I like it, but I don;t tend to reach for coffee type scents, so no full bottle but this sample will be a treasured addition to my hoard for reference.
  8. If a man smelled like Bloodroot, I would probably just spend a majority of my time w/ face buried in his neck. Luckily for that sake of my virtue, there are no men that smell this in my area. I keep huffing my wrist. There's I can smell the currant, playing off of the dragon's blood, & the mahogony grounds everything nicely. Everything combined almost gives me a mineral rich earth impression, not like patchouli. It's more like I can actually smell the scent the rocks give off when it's a little cooler & you're hiking.
  9. I noticed that after about 5 hours the spice backed off, & I was left w/ pumpkin marshmallow fluff. This is the only variant that doesn't wear down to the signature LP base at the end. Kind of cool. I'm going to need one bottle for wearing & one for aging.
  10. Well, this ended very nicely, but I spent a few hours w/ the initial sent. I woke up w/ a soft & sweet candy smell. Idk, my skin just hates this for like 8 hours first. :/
  11. It is with a sad & heavy heart that I must confess Universal Antidote is not playing well w/ my chemistry. I am sad because I love fig. I am getting the dreaded self-tanner smell, unfortunately.
  12. I couldn't wait anymore. I love this variant. After settling & calming down; LP Pumpkin is decidedly very spicy on my skin. So This is not Red, but it is spicy, sexy goodness on my skin. (Reminiscent of LP Red, but LP Pumpkin is distinctly her own woman.) I just keep sniffing, & sniffing, my nose keeps finding it's way back to my wrist of it's own accord. To think, this was all Werther's Originals on me in the beginning due to travel shock! This is your PSA, ladies. Let those bottles rest before you crack them open! *Actually this is going to sound like a weird thought, but there's also something in this that reminds me of Prada Candy. so it's like Prada Candy & LP Red had a love child, & I just smell so, so, so good right now. Lol.
  13. Man, I want to wear my sample, but my skin is doing strange things to fragrance, atm. I tried this on the day that it came, so travel shock + menstruating skin chemistry. I ended up with something that smelled almost like pure caramel. Like one of those soft ones wrapped in cellophane. *But* I was getting this weird character to the scent like other notes were feebly trying to come through, which was the case with all the NRs I opened, (because you know I cracked every vial of the Halloweenie goodness as soon as it was in my grabby hands).
  14. I'm down to the last millilitre or 2 on my full-size bottle, that's about 2 yrs. old. Today LP O is doing something on my skin that hasn't happened before. My skin is amping the apricot & it smells amazing!
  15. Omg, I made a huge rookie mistake & cracked open my samples when they came yesterday. They had a huge case of travel shock. I think it was due in part to our 90-degree weather yesterday. I'm not so patiently waiting for my set to calm down before I try it again.
  16. Pure Sugar or Sugared Red Musk? I'll know for sure after I rip open my happy package! Lol.
  17. Yes, shake those bottles & samples. I always wait a week after I get the NRs & shake them up well before I test them out.
  18. Fun, fun, fun! Halloween is a blast. I know it's not Halloween, but maybe for November you could do a Dia de los Muertos themed monthly party? Like, do an ofrenda for Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, & other beloved celebs we've lost in 2016. Idk, might be more fun doing something Thanksgiving-themed, lol.
  19. Beccah


    I probably should have put this in the men's section because it is a gender neutral scent. What a clean, blackberry forward scent. I am strongly reminded of The Magician w/ this one.
  20. Yeah, I think 7-8 hours between blends is enough time. The only thing is that you may bring some burnout on, but that's going to depend on your own personal chemistry. I tend to be anxiety prone, extra sensitive to caffeine, alcohol & phero lightweight. So for me, two blends in a day might send me on the fast track to neurotransmitter burnout.
  21. Snoopy. I can see this with Aja. I get 0% jealousy from other women when I wear it.
  22. Beccah


    Yeah, I was thinking there's a point in Sticky's evolution that I get strongly reminded of LP Pink, which is great because I love that. My oldest gave my wrist a sniff & told me that it almost smelled like the stuff the girls in his school wear, except there's grown up note to it.
  23. Beccah


    Sticky is a Beccah scent! There's no caramel corn on my skin, just a grown up pink scent.
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