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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I've been using this since I was 28. My experiences with using it have been that it works like a sexy popularity potion.
  2. Glad it worked for you! I think you should definitely experiment more with your phero collection. It's always good to get a feel for what's in the toolbox.
  3. It's a little bit hard to find, it's kind of buried in the Perfumerie listings. So I'm posting the link to the order page here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SugaredLayerables/ They're definitely permanent, but you could always order a PE even if they weren't. That's actually the origin story of the PE option, as a way to just whip up what people were ordering instead of having 60+ separate listings.
  4. The Sugareds are permanent, but I don't think the sale prices are fixed.
  5. This just speaks to everyone's chemistry being different. My gay male friends also haven't responded favorably to me wearing boy/boy blends, while straight guys treat me like an MVP? I get great responses from my (male) gay friends when wearing the girl/girl blends. So Idk.....
  6. In my experience, gay men don't respond that well to Est or Est heavy blends. I'd go with Popularity potion or Levitation.
  7. Really, in classic Coke, huh? I'm looking forward to getting mine. I know the Sugared Grapefruit really helped me out of my funk the other day. It's so much simpler to reach for LPs when I need some help via aromatherapy. I still have a ton of therapy grade oils, but the single note LPs are diluted & wearable, straight from the bottle.
  8. Up until recently, I hadn't thought about Sugared Neroli. I began to get interested due to teh conversation in the LP Valentine thread, then the aromatherapy page I follow on Facebook posted that Neroli relieves anxiety & depression. I decided that I need to at least get a small bottle, after reading that. I'll update after I receive my order.
  9. Besides being the scent equivalent of Photoshop, Sugared Grapefruit is fantastic at lifting your spirits. Nothing like a spritz of liquid sunshine to boost your mood.
  10. I think you get more pronounced reactions from pheromones when alcohol is involved. In my experience, most pheromones really amplify the effects of alcohol & vice versa. I could see this also being the case for anyone that's in close proximity to someone wearing them. The best advice is to follow common guidelines w/ alcohol, which is to consume two glasses of water per alcoholic beverage.
  11. I got my full bottle today, woohoo! I have to say that this variant has the attraction strength of Red, but the vibe is different. Like w/ LP Red men are strongly attracted to you, but maybe not for long term stuff (wink wink). I think it must be the orange blossom, but the vibe w/ LP Valentine is that men that view you as girlfriend material are being attracted in. I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to use LP Valentine to lure out Mr. Right.
  12. I'm in love. The Egyptian Musk & Orris root are front & center. I think I will be getting a full bottle when funds permit. Fun fact; in Hoodoo, Orris root aka Queen Elizabeth root is used for female empowerment.
  13. Sorry, Bella. Should've been more clear; his Orthodontist. He's getting braces.
  14. I haven't noticed any bitterness from Neroli in LP blends, so that makes sense. I did notice Neroli can almost come off as masculine when I've smelled it from other perfume houses. Are you talking about the Sugared Neroli? I'm curious to try it now.
  15. The orange blossom in LP Valentine definitely works as a man magnet. My son's ortho gave me his # I'mma need a bottle & a spray of this.
  16. I should be on a no-buy, but I'll cry if I miss out on LP Valentine, lol.
  17. This blend is gorgeous. Perfect vehicle for H&S. I normally don't care that much for passionfruit as a scent note, because I find pink scents to be a tad cloying if there isn't a touch of citrus to balance the sweetness. Everything is very well balanced, the wood/spice notes ground the scent to add enough sophistication for those of us over 30. Not that I give a crap about any perfume's "intended age range," lol.
  18. I already knew that I would need a full bottle of this, but it's very unique. The Orange Blossom is very clearly present & complemented by the LP base. I would group Valentine in w/ the other "delicate" LP variants; LP White, LP Flutterby, LP Ceremony, & etc..
  19. Stacy, the tobacco / oud take this blend in a darker, more masculine direction. Still very wearable for women, though.
  20. Beccah

    Merry! 2015

    I finally reached for my sample today. I don't notice any creaminess of eggnog to this? It's very berry forward. There was a stage that I got the impression of a high end mulberry scented candle. Now it's settled & the sandalwood has come out, along w/ the amber. On to the selfies I've gotten from this brew! It could be that the sun is out, but I've been up since an hour before my alarm & I've felt like I could've gone back to bed for an hour or two all day. Still, I'm feeling upbeat, & just downright chipper. Merry is happiness in fragrance form. Lol.
  21. Beccah

    Minions of Santa

    Sexy holiday fruits.
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