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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. PEAR ~ Love, lust, passion, longevity and luck. POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility. MAPLE SUGAR ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant. PUMPKIN ~ Fertility, plenty, abundance, prosperity. Male sexual stimulant. ALLSPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.
  2. Candy Cane Cookies Who doesn't love cookies, especially Christmas cookies? The Cookie Exchange is a beloved tradition during the holidays. Some people wait all year before dusting off their most treasured family recipes and spend days whipping up all kinds of high-caloric delectable goodies. Here's our (peppermint) twist on the old-fashioned sugar cookie recipe in scented form: a rich sugar cookie accord base swirled with buttery vanilla and creamy chocolate, sprinkled with crushed candy canes on top…a triple treat of taste with a tingle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. CHOCOLATE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love. PEPPERMINT ~ Stimulates, restores and uplifts. Cleansing, purification, relaxation, sleep, healing, psychic amplifier. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
  3. ...and I feel fine As if the holidays weren't stressful enough, it's the end of the world as we know it! The end of the year - coinciding as it does with the holiday season – can normally induce equal amounts of joy and dread. But this year is different…unless you've been living under a rock, you know many are in a panic about the end of the world occurring on December 21st as allegedly predicted by the Mayan Long Count Calendar. As with any eschatological event, sure, there's a lot of gloom and doom surrounding the theory, but we figure since it's a time of revelry anyway so why not avail yourself of this fun brew to help you relax so much you might not care if it really IS The End. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CHOCOLATE FUDGE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love. MAYAN ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, refinement, fertility, creativity, psychic powers. CANNABIS ~ The ceremonial, ritual and medical use of marijuana dates back over 5,000 years. Variously used as a love potion, to deflect the power of witches, for communication with the spiritual realm, divination, luck and protection from evil. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
  4. Eh, maybe...you know how stubborn Scorpios can be I can see the horns holding up your halo, missy How did it go????
  5. Open Windows works well for my SO & I'm pretty sure he has low self esteem. He also likes Topper.
  6. I won't say, but let's just say that my family won't ever want for cookies It's so weird, I have the hardest time growing body hair, I barely get any hair on my legs, & the hair I do have is blonde so it's not highly visible. My 5 yr.old can see EVERYTHING, he has eagle eyes. I feel sorry for his future wife
  7. Oh good, you scared me lol. Well, have you tried Cougar outside of work on strangers yet? Why don't you try it in a more social context before you decide. Another question, are you getting self effects? It's hard to rock something if you don't get anything out of it. For me, SS4W is like that. I know it works because I've tried it on strangers, but I don't get anything from it & my SO doesn't react to it. It doesn't end up being one I reach for often as a consequence.
  8. My SO is furry, it looks like he has a sweater on when he takes his shirt off, lol. Idk, I kind of like it, especially because he gets all pokey when he shaves it off. It bothers my 5 yr.old though, he tells daddy he's not going to cuddle because he's hairy. My 5 yr.old is weird though, he also gets on my when I don't shave my legs or armpits & picks at the hair on my toes. I'm not a hobbit but I do have a little hair on my toes & feet, I am a mammal after all!
  9. Ladies, you're killing me when I read that you're using more than one unscented sample at a time.... Which two samples did you combine? Not to sound like a broken record, but...when you layer the more complicated pheromone blends, without having tested each one individually to ascertain it's merits, you risk getting an awesome combo or a dud without knowing exactly what components caused the reaction. Hell, I consider myself a vet now & I've become very leery of mixing blends willy nilly. Case in point; when I first started out here. I had a great result with PP & I had heard great things about Cougar. So without even testing Cougar on its own first, I ordered a perfume boosted with 1/2 PP, 1/2 Cougar. I got such strong & weird reactions to the mix the first time I tried it, that I couldn't bring myself to test it out again & traded it. I still kick myself for not even testing Cougar by itself first. Man, I wanted to wear this today, but I had to go the TH route :'(
  10. Those be real silver flakes, dollface You're a wise man, we will report back to Mrs,QG, lol.
  11. Yeah me too, LOL. I've switched it out for pearlized highlighting & managing to sneak some on the very top of my cheek bones to brow bones daily Not fair! I am more excited about December's collection, than I was Pheromas. I am wearing LP Silver in anticipation......
  12. Don't forget to throw on the schmexy pheros to up the cat & mouse ante Yeah, I think you're right. It really isn't any good to use it, if you're the one holding back, lol! So would you say it's to bait the trap for the mouse
  13. I didn't get any lavender either, & the dry down went to a sweeter version of Spider Silk on me. Go figure.
  14. Well you know, it all depends on which side of the push/pull theory you want to be on
  15. Slow down with the unscented samples, chica! I know it's tempting to slather all of the scented samples on (with or without pheromones in them), but I am curious to know why you would double up on the unscented samples sweety? Idk, have fun testing, but I strongly advise not to mix the pheromones until you know how each one works for you all on its own. I have had the fun of an unexpected reaction before that wasn't fun, lol.
  16. What! You never got one??? Eh, well I never got one either. If I had a time machine I would a. have been using LPs from the I first had disposable income (which would have been like always because I would also make a jaunt to give my parents the winning lottery numbers), and b. have started off with a Love Potion sampler
  17. Awesome sauce. I'm so glad you spoke up about that M!
  18. Oh my, well, my first test run with this didn't go so well. SO & I weren't getting along yesterday. After he apologized to me, I was feeling lonely, so I put some of this on. Fuzzy Wuzzy does smell like delicious cake on my skin initially, but then it dried down to a lovely, sweeter scent in the same vain as Spider Silk. SO was in bed, so I stood right next to him, talking to him, to make sure he got the full blast of phero/scent. I got nada reaction from him. He didn't scoot over for me, or ask me to lay down with him, or anything. So I came back out to finish studying Sociology. I was feeling pretty bummed that I didn't net anything from Fuzzy Wuzzy, so even though it smelled good, I ended up washing it off. I will try again, maybe when we're getting along better.
  19. You'll just have to sniff until you find your signature scent missy. I always think I find mine, but then I change my mind. I like Dirty Pretty Thing there is an aura of mystery with that one, yet it calms me. Goddess of the Blue Moon is always a good one. I find LP Red to be a staple for alluring & daring. There is nothing more alluring then a woman who smells like delicious cinnamon buns & incense, lol.
  20. I am in FULL agreement with you actually, Dolly. I would go with Open Windows & I would suggest covering with Aura Cacia's Love Potion blend for essential oil cover, if that's what he's responding to. My SO doesn't necessarily respond well to some of the tried & true scents on here either. He doesn't seem to register EOs, though, so sometimes I can pull a sneak attack with this one as the essential oils in it set a more romantic tone. Unlike sexual pheromones though, the romantic/sexy essential oils can have a dual purpose of soothing & calming therapeutically.
  21. Sexpionage has that effect on my husband as well. Too bad we haven't been getting along better, so that I would want to break it out on him......
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