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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Yeah TH could work, but I don't have it Un. Oh well, SO sprays cologne in his room all the time. I guess he won't question if I spray something as well...
  2. Bwahahahahaha! Is that like a plural of vag???? Yeah, it's why I don't want to start with B2, B2 is the resort as I don't want to mess with ANY sexual blends until last resort time. Yeah, us heteros use G2, & the B2/BBs as socials, but why risk it in a child's sexual development era?
  3. Uh, yeah, I don't even like dealing with my own PMS. Woe unto you, you live in a house with 3 other vaginas. At least two of them are prepubescent, lol.
  4. Yeah, if it wasnt such a tense, stressful situation stuck at a stalemate, I wouldn't even consider it.
  5. Ok ladies, I am avidly against pheromone use with the under 18 set. However, today a light bulb went off when I was thinking about my spouse & his complaints about my 13 yr.old. Ever since my 13 yr.old has hit puberty, my spouse complains about his smell, the smell of his room, etc.. Spouse's testosterone levels are elevated, now my 13 yr.old's are too, ding! I'm only planning n doing this short term. I think I'm going to see what happens if I have my 13 yr.old wear PP, B2, SwS, or other things of the like around his wicked step-father. I'm also planning on spraying his room with these pheromones. I'm at my wit's end, there is no peace in the house, my GPA is falling, I really have to think outside of the box in this situation
  6. Yeah, those two scents don't seem complementary to me. Those two both contain cops, so it probably puts you in the ghost zone. I've worn OCCO White with Compromising Positions before & SO told me he felt anxious & uncomfortable from the combo. You could definitel be in over dose territory. If you like the scent combo, why not get a sample of unphero'd Red to try out instead?
  7. My SO perceives them to be more appropriate for "functional" fragrances, i.e. body lotion/soap/candles, he doesn't like foody scents as "fine" fragrance. Yay!
  8. I don't feel icky during this time, my boobs & skin get really nice, actually. I just think it's my nose telling me I'm in overkill territory.
  9. I think I'm going to experiment using a blow dryer to help my EoW dry down faster. I made the mistake of applying some around ovulation time & it smelled awful! Almost like hot rubber & funk :/ Normally it just smells like vinegar to me.
  10. Yeah, I haven't been loving cardamom on my skin, but in this? Yum! The vanilla in this really brings on the happy for me & it normally dominates in fragrances (for me), but I couldn't really smell it in here. This is probably just going to keep getting better as it ages. It definitely didn't smell this good to me when it started out, which is why I overlooked my sample for so long. Full bottle time
  11. Beccah

    Spider Silk 2012

    You guys are getting me really excited! These kind of scents really work to tame SO. I can't wait for my package to get here, so I can give it a go
  12. I'm ok with the sexy ones in alcohol, because I hate waiting for the dry down that comes with oil & I don't like feeling like I'm covered in oil. I don't spray them, though. I take my Sexpionage & use the siphon tubing as an applicator wand. Wit 10 minutes, then I apply an oil over the top. The only thing is that oil/silicone bases don't evaporate like alcohol does.
  13. Haha, actually I revise my earlier statement: unless it acts like a magic potion that gets us dropping to our knees & blowing them (is my personal experience), they don't care
  14. I wouldn't.....I think the hits are just subtle with this one. I've never gotten anything over the top, like with Cougar, out of this.
  15. Glad it worked for you. You could probably divulge the phero secret to him, but unless it acts like a magic sex potion for him, he's probably not going to care either way. This has been my experience with men & pheromones, anyway.
  16. Wow, I'm getting some culture today. Thanks JOC
  17. Yeah, but they're different type of sweet & pink. Normally, I'm into pink scents, but I think my son hit the nail on the head about passionfruit. On me, it comes off as more of a functional fragrance. Not something that I would mind as a candle, but doesn't come off sexy on my chemistry. The berries in Lick of Pink are going to give it the kind of tartness you're probably used to with pink scents, imo.
  18. What's the "iron rice bowl" concept? I am very curious!
  19. Yeah, but we're also in a different part of the world & thus are using it in a different type of culture. This is not a reserved phero, this is a girl time/ female bonding phero. To me, Asian culture seems generally more reserved than Western culture & work is always more conservative environment, no matter where you go. Imo, it would seem that Popularity Potion, SwS, or even Mother's Little Helper would be much better for you to wear to work JOC.
  20. The good thing is that with Empathy potion in Empathy & Harmony, I think all the Uns are available in a trial size now.
  21. Bahahaha! I only find myself doing things like this when I am short on sleep.
  22. Beccah

    A Lick Of Pink

    Well don't wear it around me then...I already want to tap that a$$. *JOKING* Good report Lady V, I will have to reconsider testing this out
  23. This is what the Pharmacom version contained from here http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/PGirlCougar/
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