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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. This smells like a syrup-y apricot on me, like dessert. I like the perfume, but Gotcha makes me feel off.
  2. Beccah

    A Lick Of Pink

    It smells like candy on me, but also leans quite floral. Idk have you ever eaten something like Turkish Delight or goodies flavored with Rosewater? This reminds me of that.
  3. You too? Does that on my skin. I think maybe the honey amps to a really musky type & my nose interprets it to be celery. I have the same problem with (scented) Sexology.
  4. Well, you were rich. You had a nice bungalow with a housekeeper. But the housekeeper accidentally knocked you in the teeth with a broom because she was trying to get rid of a rat that had gotten into the house.
  5. I wore this to church for Ash Wednesday & I'm really liking it today. I smell just like the incense that they didn't burn in church today, glad I wore it ETA: I really can't get over how much this smells like the anointing oil the priest uses. I love the way that smells!
  6. Eh, not every blend works for everyone. Cougar is a win for me, but I don't get anything from SS4W. I would just chalk it up to something being in-congruent with your natural signature if it doesn't work for you.
  7. Oh, this scent would definitely be for you, Lady V! Off topic, but I had a dream with you in it, the other night. As to the Pure Sugar, it has a hint of citrus on my skin & I just love it. I keep meaning to get a full bottle & I'm definitely thinking of getting it in spray, boosted with Topper. Since they're both in the layering category.
  8. It was a good article. I think she explained the workings of the potions fairly well.
  9. I could see that, actually. I almost had to throw down when wearing this blend, once. There was the problem of her husband trying to make her jealous. Her husband had dated my cousin & kept screwing with her & telling her he had dated one of us, but not which one. I really think that the extra shine Cougar gives me backfired in that situation.
  10. Ack, I'm not feeling this one. It could just be a bad day with SO, Idk. We got into it a little bit & I called him out on continuing a friendship with someone that confessed to being a pedo to him. His response: "well, what are you then?? Everybody has something!" Fucking idiot. I really hope Gotcha isn't making him feel comfortable enough to judge me against a pedophile & find me to be the one lacking morally.
  11. I have a sample coming. I wanted to go full bottle, but some honeys go to a funky, kind of musky scent reminiscent of celery on my skin. I hope this one works because I really enjoy collecting the Love Potion variants.
  12. Try here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html
  13. Dang, girl! You should have posted this before I ordered, lol. Now I want to add some Sugar to my bottle. I guess that's just an excuse to order a Topper boosted perfume spray of Pure Sugar *whistles & walks away.
  14. I tried it out on him the other day. It went well
  15. Beccah

    A Lick Of Pink

    Oh em gee, SO likes this one. As a matter of fact, he asked what I was wearing, so I told him & he raised his eyebrow. Then I showed him the sample & we giggled because I'd never caught the double entendre in the perfume title before. I really need a full bottle of this, if SO likes this everyone will.
  16. Yeah, I noticed that effect when I'm around my SO. It also worked on him. I believe the proper term for what happened when I last wore this (G2) around him was that he "attacked my vagina." He really loves the way Bosom Bows smells on me, also.
  17. No problem. I try to recommend it to newer members so they don't overlook it, like I did when I first started.(Well it was the Girl/Girl formula then.) If you already have a sample, I'd say give it a try before you're in a bind. I try to test out pheros before I actually need them. That way I don't get any nasty surprises.
  18. Have you tried G2 yet? Sometimes people get used to the phero signature & you have to introduce a new one. I suggest G2 in this event.
  19. With this being so important to you. My best suggestion is to stay the fuck away from cops with him. Stick with Lace babydoll
  20. I would strongly suggest sticking with cop free blends. I'll explain why. My husband has had a few gay friends that have tried hitting on him. One the things that has been a recurring theme is their aversion to "stinky pussies" (sorry to be so graphic). Anyway, I think it's best to avoid wearing something that brings to mind something that gay men are strongly repelled by.
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