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About Snoopyace

  • Birthday July 5

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    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Pretty much anything spiritual fascinates me. Lets just say for now that I work in counseling and communications and that impacts my spiritual beliefs.

    I am also something of a cologne hound and love to try new scents as well as new things in general.

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  1. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question, since you seem really knowledgeable.  I got to reading on the PheroTruth forum about Wolf, Aqua Vitae, and Bad Wolf and was wondering if you knew of any equivalents here.  From my research and recommendations I got over there, those would work for some situations I want to wear them in, but I've bought much more from here in the past and wouldn't mind sticking here.  Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snoopyace


      I understand what you mean.  I used to be an LAL customer but then he had his whole payment snafu (and to be honest I'm rather suspicious that it has been a few years and he hasn't gotten it straightened out) but I find that the products from here work fantastically well and don't burn me out like some of the products from other venders will).  I think you will find that consistent use of SWS will get you some very nice places, in work but also in life.  It is a great VIP vibe phero.  

    3. Darbla


      The payment snafu I experienced recently is that his site says you're choosing Paypal but there's a note at the bottom that says you can choose a different payment option on the next screen, but when you do try to go to that next screen it hangs up on Paypal and you can't finish the order.  There are no other options.  His explanation to me was that Paypal won't process sales for any phero company now because they decided that pheros were drugs, and I could buy LAL through Amazon.  No explanation of the non-existent other options.


      But a couple weeks before that, he had promised to send some samples but never did, which didn't bother me as I was about to make an order anyway when I hit the Paypal oddity.  But he also skipped answering some questions in my emails, and all of it together just started making me feel devalued as a serious customer and I ended up a bit turned off ordering from him.


      I've read so many of your posts here and you seem really knowledgeable, so I thought I'd ask your learned opinion.  I used to be super active on here but have not been online much for the past 3.5 years, and during that time I was finishing up pheros and scents I already had before buying more.  Too bad Intellectual Woman and SS4W are gone, as those were my favorites.  But I am about to order some unscented SWS and I'll get samples of those others you mentioned and try some tests.


      Thanks bunches!

    4. Snoopyace


      That's a weird explanation because Love Potion, Pheromone Treasures, PheromoneXS, and Apex Pheromones all use Paypal.  I like SWS.  It's a great unisex work blend.

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