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Posts posted by Calii

  1. Heart's Ease is all soft smells and cozy feelings; I felt comfortable, no hard edges anywhere to be seen!


    a rather sweet floral fragrance, with the lavender being the strongest note on my skin. It was quite relaxing to sit there and sniff on this; I can see myself using this one right before bedtime. I was actually fairly surprised at how quick the self-effects were. I had just returned from a fairly stressful day, and dabbed on a little on both wrists. After about 10 minutes, I found that I was perfectly content to just sit there and watch some TV.


    This!!! ...nicely put and exactly how it is on me :D

  2. Now that I have a bottle coming I can sing it's praises :001_302: ...this is every bit as yummy on me as Baskery! and I can use it later in the day when my fav coffee scents are too stimulating :)

    Chai,I think this would be wonderful boosted with Cougar :D

  3. That was Da Mawa - she did the majority of the work on the descriptions and thus their fabulosity!




    ...so we can't promise we can make you fly like Superman


    Thoroughly enjoyed reading all of these! Da Mara is an equally skilled wordsmith,which is no surprise,afterall she is describing her passion :abfx:


  4. It's funny how these all work so differently for all of us.


    :yeahthat: ...to infinity and beyond :D


    ...what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another what works for one will NOT work the same for another

  5. Wore this last night and this is still the best chocolate scent ever it just gets more droolworthy with age! I really need to wear it more often :)


    "A sugar cookie base is piled with layers of deep dark fudge-y chocolate laced with sweet amber and topped with lavish cocoa butter. This is an absolute no-holds-barred CHOCOLATE scent"


    Welcome to our home :) ...you will find exactly what you are looking for,and sooo much more! Great advice has given to you! definitely try the pick your own sampler pack,with at least Cougar Potion,Enduring Appeal<try both scents> ,Sneaky Clean,and Tease. Cougar is the best all around,all purpose blend, IMO it ,was my first too,puts the sparkle in your step and action in your attitude! :)

  7. Ohhhh SF,do try LP Red in a few weeks,then a few weeks after :D ...I truly did not care for it first time ,and now it is one of my top favs,especially paired with OCCO Red,the final dry down is this totally ah-mazinging sweet sensual smokiness, that lasts through the night <drool>

    ...ok,gotta wear it tonight :lol:

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