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Posts posted by Calii

  1. First,welcome to the forum and welcome to the wonders of LPMP...great timing with the newly created pick your own sampler option <see New Cart thread> best advice from me is to read what others are using,there are so many ways to go!

    The descriptions on the website of what the different phero blends etc do are most helpful.

    Honeyed Love Potion with Gotcha came to mind first,definetly get a sample of that :)

  2. Yeah,am in the habit of shaking <or rolling> everything! :) ...I have H&S in oil,boosted into Love Potion Original,yumz :lolipop: ,oh and it's in Passion in Pink,darn forget to wear that one,just too many I love !!!!!!

    Everyone is different in what and how much works for them,the only way to find out is to keep experimenting,fortunately that is the fun part :lol

  3. Sending vibes of strength to Mara and thanking you for keeping us informed Halo :Hug_emoticon: ...I am so sorry she is going through this :(

    I simply cannot imagine anyone knowingly doing anything to bring her added stress...shame...shame :mad:

  4. Gosh,Lynne,I am sorry you had such a reaction,but happy you like your new chiro,and hope you get the relief you need! :Hug_emoticon:

    ...it boggles my mind how different people react to different stimuli,even at different times !! ... could be dose related maybe,I've never had a bad reaction to Lace,that being said I wear it mostly in G&L,or Red Lace...but even the sample bottles I added G&L to spray in my hair work well with me,and all in range being extra nice,cheerfull.

  5. I wonder if its the phero that made it lighter or the scent was heavier to cover cops? Thanks caliii! I'm gonna grab a bottle and find out.


    Good observation on the cops,I think the scent is heavier to cover :) ... I spent the weekend in MRF2 ,and there is really no mistaking the difference,if I had the choice it would be no contest,the heavy deep rich brown sugar and the BI in the 2nd version floats my boat...and the boy's :666:

  6. Wore Un cougar yesterday to a car show. And felt like a freakn celebrity! Almost thought I was wearing PP! People were dazzled. People came over to say hi, some wanted to meet me. Was complimented many times. This stuff is crazy!


    :woohoonaner2gy: ...now that's what I'm talkin about,Da Cougar Sparkle :P



    Now, its either another LFM or Cougar . Experts please :) ?


    Hah,far from expert here,and IMO everyone will have a different experience,but since you already have LFM,I would go for the Cougar :) ... love me some Cougar,it was my *first*


  7. I don't recall ever getting needy/weepy from Audacious. it always gave me sassy, sensual, woman in charge feel...180 from what you're describing. Crazy! Maybe it's a chemistry thing....wait a couple weeks and try it again to see if it impacts you differently then...

    :yeahthat: ... x 10


    Ohhhh there is nothing needy/weepy about this blend !! The 2 'enones far outweigh the est...this has a domininent vibe,more like Leather,on me,but more sparkly :lol:



  8. Omg is it that time again?? I haven't even finished my sampling!!

    Maybe we will get a marshmallow peep scent? What do people eat during Easter? HAM? OMG the return of TYveys HAM!



    ...maaaaahhhhmmmm,she's touching me again


    *I have no clue,it sounded funny in my head :rofl222:

  9. The V3 is much lighter than V2...on me...with a slight pink-ish tone to it,ummm I am not great at reviewing :lol: V2 is one of my all-time favorite scents,consider yourself lucky to have it ! ...that being said I wore V3 today and it is aging splendidly !!! Stronger than it was the SS4W phero blend is awesome,especially with a cops boost :D am thrilled that it is now a permanent part of the LP collection !!!!

  10. GODS, LUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I am gobsmacked. Just read the whole story. Holy fucking sheepshit. Couldn't stop. LOVE EEEEEEEET!!! Published anywhere??? Lots of people need to read it. Like yesterday. And, interestingly, *something*...a bat, maybe? but it's 24F outside so I think not...tapped on two out of three of the back windows which I'm sitting 2 ft away from, right at the story's climax. Gentle taps. Hmmmm. Maybe the Forest Spirits liked it too.


    LOL,E, I did not know you had not read it...ummm :P



    ...on topic,got's to get some Hot Spun Sugar,at least :lol:

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