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Posts posted by Calii

  1. Always A Lady...I will never rush to judge a scent until it has sat quietly for awhile,again :D This is a beautiful vanilla rose on me,or so I thought till I remembered I had on Hungry Heart earlier and fairly nearby,this is so classy,but I could see this boosted with Leather as a powerful stealth scent...heh :666:



    I was going to wear the Lavender one to bed last night but while sniffing through them,I just stopped dead right here :w00t: this is a fabulous scent,I get the caramelized sugar mostly and just love it :hearts09793: ...ohhh Mara this would be a winner of an oil creation too !!!!!! ...ladies,this would be awesome spritzed on the ends of your hair if you have frizzies! or maybe even as a light setting lotion 0ooooo,gonna try it on bangs tonight :D


  3. I like that! I can always find my "lick of cream" among the throngs of black lids. keep meaning to mark the tops of the lids with something to tell them apart


    Yep the silver caps take well to a black Sharpie :lol:




    Do they have the nice glossy paper, too?


    Nope,not like the Cats ... ok I am wearing this again today but will be putting up for a while to age,it is still light on me and like I said in the evening thread, who boy that Gotcha will getcha it you slather for scent,but mmmmm,yumz,the LP Original is there,no doubt,huffa huffa huffa <insert silly grin here>

    SEE SEE ...damn I'm easy :o ...guess I need another bottle,but but,I have two bottles of Fuzzy Wuzzy ...but but ...oh hell :P



    aaaaaha ! so maybe ONE spray in an amorous setting ??

    I'll def give this another try, LUV, LUV, LUV LFM, hoping to enjoy LFN TOO


    eta: and THX !!


    Well,my Dahlink,you could try,of course,but I agree the none vibe in a sub is contradictory.Could invite more disipline,but hell he is already so turned on by you :666: ... I think you could just stick with your proven LFM, ...and a healthy amount of cops :P


    Welcome Rintintin !! :)

  5. Calii, thanks! :) And I wouldn't dream of messing with a Gotcha! buzz, 'cause iz so niiiiiiceee! :D


    Hee...I girl after my own heart :lol:


    ...why can't he just say yes or no AAAAARRRRRGGGG!


    :lol: ...try asking ..."on a scale of 1 to 10" hmmm,oh wait he will probaly say 5 :P


    Added some more of this,getting the rosy checks effect I get with Fuzzy Wuzzy...smiling into the mirror,damn I look healthy :)


    no, but then I'm not even sure of what most pheros DO, can't seem to get the hang of it, it's kinda trial n error

    think I shoulda worn the LFN AFTER "my lessons"

    in wearing the LFN I was contradicting my "place" and perhaps threatened his "position", no one likes a bottom that's topping from the bottom <_<

    Calii...which one is the "none" (Androstadienone OR Androstenone)? and what's it DO ??


    Oops did not see this...from The LP phero wiki:


    ANDROSTENONE ~ The epitome of aggressive, strong masculinity, produced in greatest quantity by the "leader of the pack". Creates an aura of raw power and intimidation that many females find irresistibly sexy. Can help effect an air of the "brooding bad boy" or the "captain of the football team", helps make the wearer the center of attention, draws popularity, gives off the Alpha-Male vibe.


    If worn in too high a dosage, it can cause irritability in others...women, especially at certain times in their cycles, may feel "bitchy", and it can inspire other alpha men to confrontation with the wearer. Best worn with other pheromones as a buffer, and can also be worn by women *in minute amounts* to give off an air of dominance.


    May be considered the male equivalent of copulins, signaling a man's willingness to mate.


    Other names: Enone



  7. LOL @ GGal,oh boy I hear you !!! :lol:


    Calii, is the honey in this like the honey in Torrid Sorcery? I love the honey in that one. The cops in the BI goes a little crazy on me after a few hours, but until then, yum! :)


    LOL,well I'm not good at descriptions,but this would be far closer to the honey in TS,which IIRC,is irreplaceable,than say OCCO SLF...Mara said it best at *medium* :D I don't want to compare side by side cause imma not altering muh Gotcha buzz ...hee



  8. ok mixed reviews on this (and perhaps LFN was a poor choice on my part)...3 squirts stratigically placed on body (Musc for Her cover), started off beautifully, felt extra sexy, in control, etc, we each had a glass of Malbec and I assumed my position (as a sub) and 2 hours into the scene it (he ?) became argumetative, then subsided and back as planned/intended, okay after that, a bit of nourishment, then a squirt of Gotcha (I was going for the kill), finished off wine and then some, crazy, mad boinking, then cuddling. Question...did I wear the wrong phero or wear too much (LFN) ?? :blink:


    I would take the 'none out of the equation IMO,or at least far less ... have you used other blends with it,with him ?

    ...but whew,nice evening overall :001_302:

  9. Right now,this is light on me,but from experience it just needs to mellow a bit, there is no mistaking the lusciousness of the original Love Potion and the honey is bright and happy,ummm but yeah that could be the pheros talkin :lol: ...mind you I have on quite a bit of Captivation Equation from earlier,so the Gotcha vibe is accentuated with extra LAM :P


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