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Posts posted by Calii

  1. Less is almost always more for me too...although one of the best,and also funniest "hits" I ever had was with MRF3 in oil,boosted with cops and a spritz of SS4W in hair :lol:




    He just stood there staring at me,looking kinda glazed over :lol: LOL finally he says "oh,so do you come here often" ,very seriously, not in a joking tone, but after I could not help laughing,cause hey it was really funny,ya know <this was a yard sale> he says,ohhh no I am so sorry,I've have been up all night,I've got to go,please call me,reaches out to put a card in my shirt pocket,snatches his hand back like I slapped him, <like he realized there was a boob under there> hands it to me instead and then practically ran away ...wth? :rofl222:



    Omg you MUST

    Bang! Is a weapon that should be in everyone's phero bombshelter

    And Special D.. well that is just a given!


    LOL I think it was the Bang, and you are right because she would smile at him and give me the fuckn eye and mouth! OMG I hated her.

    The best part was SuzyQ in the corner going off about the basket of bread being waived off.. It was SOOO Seinfeld.. She was like..

    WHOA.. Where do you think you are taking that bread?

    We are still cracking up about it.




    ...SS4W,with extra cops and EST...yeah, about covers it :666:

  3. This is not what I expected,much deeper,complex... the floral is so well partnered,gives it a very classy,yet still playful feeling :)

    Not really a spicy foody Calii scent,but this is going to a favorite of many...nice,Le Wiz,very nice :)

  4. The major question I have about this is that I have not been sleeping well since Friday (the day I started wearing it), I have been wearing it since ( very little today tho), I had difficulty to fall in sleep... And yehh basically I felt very awake. I am quite calm nothing too exciting happening... so I wonder whether you girls have similar problem??





    Nope,just the opposite,have put this on to help sleep a few times! I think many have...check the review thread for this on the board :)

  5. My mom has turned criticism into an art form. She can weave amazing tapestries with my shredded nerves as she lists and picks



    There were moments of normal silence. Hugs. Listening... AND SHE DRAMATICALLY BACKED OFF WITH THE INSULTS AND NIT-PICKING.



    SWS is the only difference, and yesterday was a completely different visit.


    Wow ...yeah,just wow :w00t: a stunning result,and I truly hope it is the begining of a whole new relationship with her :Hug_emoticon:

  6. With the Leather blend, suddenly the ones that are actually kinda sullen are smiling at me, helping me carry things, grabbing chairs for me, or helping prep whatever I'm working on.

    I've worn it, switched to something else for a few days, then back, and it's the same result, every time.


    That is the balance of Est :) ...Leather is a brilliant blend !!!!!!! ... I can see adding Topper,it really does go with everything :lol:

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