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Posts posted by Calii

  1. Thank you my friends :abfx: ...if anyone had told me that I would be posting on a forum much less rack up 6,500 posts 2 1/2 years or so ago I would have truly laughed out loud :w00t: Almost as much as if I would ever imagine looking forward to wearing a different scent every single day,not to mention the fun with phero enhancments :P

    ...LPMP and this forum is hands down, simply the best, for more reasons than I ever knew :hearts09793:

  2. Wow this is so bright and Sparkly on me it is almost fizzy :huh: ...I have so many other new things on I will have to get back to this,but so far,oh yeah,Cougar,or even straight A-nol ala Flying Potion wheeeeeeee :D

  3. Oh yeah,this is just everything I thought it would be :jumpforjoy: I amp the coffee a bit which is exciting because I love it! I do get the almond and creamy light sweet spices,and just, well, more :D ...100% a makes Calii smile scent :hearts09793:

  4. I've never tried Dom, and am somewhat afraid to as leather is sometimes like instabitch depending on what side of the bed it was that I woke up on that morning.


    If Leather has that effect on you,I would not recommend Dom...first try using less Leather,I love love Leather in Glistening Buttons,as example.That being said I am all for a touch of e-none at times,so yeah I get where the what side of bed means :lol:


  5. That is hard for me to answer,never paid much attention to distance actually,very subjective IMO,and depends on many variables like temps,scent,amount used,how open people are I guess,or not.I get at least as many reactions from how I am feeling :) ...hopefully someone will be along with more thoughts...best advice I can give is track your own observations,cause what works for one is definitely not going to be the same for others. The fun is experimenting !!!

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