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Posts posted by Calii

  1. thanks ladies! :) I was actually asking for both. (products I can use and also layering them together) Since I am a starter, i went with more generic products in my first order. I was following the other forum and reading tips about pheros and cops. I currently use EoW mix with my own perfume (which is a silky white amber scent) and add 2 sprays of IS/A on my neck. I did not get major hits from these in social settings. My goal was to spice things up with my boyfriend anyways. But what I have noticed is no matter how I use cops or even IS combined, I don't get the reaction I desire from him unless we are in bed. And it does not even end up being a fun playful (!) night as one would expect. Actually, all he kept saying for the last few times I used cops with my perfume was how nice I smelled.. he holds me so tight before we go to sleep (almost suffocating me) and not let me go. Of course, this is not the actual reaction I expect! :/ so I don't exactly know what I can do to heat things up. I thought cops alone would be a great help :( After reading more into it and finally came across to posts about LP and Mara, I've got so excited! :) There's soooo many good stuff, I can just tell by looking at your reviews!


    I finally made my first order yesterday:


    La Femme Mystère 1 fl.oz. Spray with Copulins (1x), Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil

    LP OCCO-SLF 1/3 fl.oz. Concentrated Oil

    Ail's CUDDLE BUNNY ,1/3 fl.oz. in DPG Oil base, Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil

    Heart 2 Heart * Empathy Potion,1 fl.oz. Alcohol-based Spray (1x), Base for sprays only:100% Alcohol

    SUPER SEXY,1 fl.oz. Alcohol-based Spray (1x), Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil


    Unfortunately there's no Leather, Dom or BI available in stock :/ I really wanted to try those! But I think these should give me a good base for building my portfolio of awesomeness over time :)


    I would def appreciate your tips using these products!


    I can't wait! :)


    Nice choices :) I did not know Leather etc was OOS,but they will be back soon I bet...you have plenty to play with and Lynne gave perfect advice,as always! :D ...I don't know the dynamics between you and your BF so can only say,in my experience,ahem,if you want to heat things up with someone who is not doing things as you like, show him exactly what you want...and how you want it :001_302:

    I agree with BB too,careful with cops in sprays especially,they will stay in hair and on clothes and smell bad.

  2. so i don't know which one would work best for me.


    ~I am looking for both feminine yet super sexy effects. Thank you :)


    Welcome to the adventure :) ...see,that is the thing,only you will know what works best,for you...I would suggest reading all the descriptions on the pheromone page,they are quite accurate,then all the reviews you can,then trying what sounds most like what you want,until you find "the one" or the two,or the three or :lol:

    Ummm,I have them all,now,cause you just never know how things will be going and it is fun fun fun to experiment :cat690: My personal favs are Cougar,Lace, LAM,BAM,anything with cops!,the OCCOS...oh and Leather,BI,TeddyBB ...well see,impossible :rofl222:


  3. She stopped and stared at me for a moment and went on with her workout...all the while staring. Then she got off the elliptical and got on the treadmill facing me and was doing this weird eye contact thing. I was uncomfortable so I switched to a different treadmill. she then switched to the bicycle behind me. I could see her reflection in the window just staring at me while she rode the bike real slow. I finally opted to get off the treadmill and went lifted weights in the corner until she left. This was easily the most sexually charged hit I've ever gotten and from another woman!


    Just saw this! :w00t: ... whew,now that is a *hit* ...sorry you were made uncomfortable,but in print it sure sounds sexy huh :001_302:

    or could be the Cat's Eye & SLF I'm wearing now...hee,with leftover La Femme from Goddess of the Blue Moon & Pouncing Potion :smiley-sex010:


  4. Well, Lace brings out my flirty feminine side....and don't get a strong smell from it at all :) I would say try a sample of Red Lace, it is spicy,but not as strong as LP Red.


    Lace should boost into anything. Then again,everyone perceives phero smells differently,and sometimes wildy !!

  5. Citrus champagne.


    Purrfect !! :abfx: ...I am wearing it again today and even though have a few too many others on testing,this stands out...Audacious & Topper,whoa,gotta try that! :D I loved Audacious and then forgot about when something else came along :rofl222:


    *...ok this Message in a Bottle 50/50 nols is some upbeat self effects today.


  6. Actually I thought it did but changed my mind,LOL,been doing a lot of that lately :lol: ...Baskery is soooo damn good on it's own,as is Comp P !! ...I cannot believe I wore so much CompP with G&L,but it was for the cops,before I had a bottle boosted :001_302: I like Baskery now with little bit of OCCO Red ,but think a cops boost is the answer for the next bottle!! :D

  7. Tuesday I was wearing the new and ohhhh so nomnomable Baskery,a few dabs of OCCO Red and a spritz ,well ok two, of La Femme M :lol: ...a very interesting morning with an odd hit from LFM.While talking to a hazmat team the older,and quite attractive, man did the getting closer thing, the younger one came over to listen in with an odd look...then I got almost simultaneous crossed arms when I asked about a decommissioned reactor on campus,like, oh shit :w00t: we are not supposed to be talking about this...simply hysterical :rofl222:

    The more I wear La Femme the more interesting it is, like it can be steered in any direction or situation...fun stuff !!


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