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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I WORE THIS TODAY AND COULDNT THINK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE ALL DAY.  It is very crunchy now - maple creme  brûlée, just the most burnt edges of the dish - and I would do terrible things for a bottle 



    this looooooooooves me.


    Dream skin scent!!!!


    I love every single note, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but as usual this is so much more than the sum of its parts. It is so harmonious - smells as though it has gorgeously aged - very settled-in and self-assured.  It is transporting. 


    It it is VERY coconutty on me, much more than anything else.  It’s a COCONUT MONSTER with a heavy dose of cocoa butter, just flavored with the tdf flowers I love.  


    pop potion doesn’t like me 😭 so i can’t do a bottle of this, but if by some wild chance any of this were lying around in virgin form I would be ALL OVER IT

  3. I got a kind gift sniffie of this and it is a stunner. Jasmine is not my favorite flower (bad associations, & it very occasionally gives me headaches), & in the sniffie I wasn’t too keen, but - AND THIS IS WHY YOU ALWAYS TRY THINGS ON! - on my skin it just kind of went “oh yes, I have always belonged here- I am at home now” - even though it is pretty “big” as white flowers tend to be, it is NOT stabby at all.  It is a little creamy, in fact.  It somehow feels like a skin scent.  It has a very clean, classic vibe. It reminds of Last Holiday when she goes into the boutique and says “make me... INTERNATIONAL.”  It is what the hallways and linens of Aaron Peel’s Roman palazzo in Killing Eve probably smell like (I mean this as a compliment).  

  4. tested blind - wet, I shouted at my arm BEACH VACATION.  And yet it wasn’t cartoonishly so.  I didn’t pick up the florals as themselves at any point, but in retrospect that must’ve been what made it somehow “more” than just straight up tropical dessert (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Being super phero lightweight, audacious only works on me if I put on like one micron of it. I didn’t notice much effect but then I haven’t been sleeping properly of late so I’m sure it’s skewed.   

  5. Based on blind sniffs I chose this as first pherotine to try. Wet, it was swoon-inducingly sweet and innocent and sophisticated all at once, and I said out loud “HEAVEN!!”  (And laughed later when I saw the description)


    Something about the combo of notes is so much more than the sum of its parts - I could not identify a single note 😳  it feels like it’s aged already, like a well aged LP, or wine - very blended and integrated.  The best I could do was “clean, bright, maybe floral?”  My nose will never learn. 


    It lasted all day (12+ hours on me - it was essentially the same throughout, the only major change being that the almost-pointiness of what I later realized as the rose, wet, had mellowed and softened during drydown.


    i haven’t got the hang of levitation yet but for this scent I’m willing to make the sacrifice of time and effort. For science.


  6. Gah!!  The texture and scent of this are extraordinary. I’ve never felt anything quite like it.  I have been using it as a wet-skin lotion after showering every morning, and that is perfect for me - it seals in moisture like nothing I’ve ever used and I feel like it’s even keeping me warmer than I’d otherwise be this winter.  


    It has practically eliminated my various little wintertime eczema patches. 


     It’s intensely scented and it morphs like a perfume throughout the day. The first day I used it, that night I was out to dinner and kept catching wafts of crème brûlée, as though someone were burning the top right next to me, and kept looking around and couldn’t see any, and it wasn’t even on the menu. The next day, late at night and at home I smelled the exact same thing again wherever I went, and thought I was losing my mind. Finally dawned on me to smell myself and yup, it was the extreme late drydown of this lotion, throwing like crazy, like 14+ hours later - both days I hadn’t worn anything else scented.  It’s totally delightful. 





    ETA ok to try to be slightly more useful... This started out gorgeous and just got gorgeouser as the day wore on. It lasted surprisingly long —12 hours plus.  Wet, I could’ve sworn there was some sort of translucent white flower note – the hedione I guess — but as it dries it becomes indescribable - it has an air (ha) of having always existed and that it will forever exist.  It is THE paradigmatic skin scent to me: if I were an eternal being I would require this to be what I naturally smelled like.  


    Well, this review hasn’t gotten any more useful. But I need more.


    ETA pherowise this would be wonderful with lfm, pm, a-nol, levitation, OW, th, pop potion, cougar .... swoon 

  8. I got no coffee ? i just amped the resins to exclusion of everything else and it was very solidly masculine on me. That was wet - being impatient I immediately smeared it with sugared coconut and got phero like hits from male friends all day 

  9. *obscene noises*


    8 for 8 on loving these OCCOs but this one...  I don’t like Indian or Egyptian musks but this is indescribably good.  It’s sweeter than I expected, and the vanilla isn’t that obvious on me yet though it’s sill drying down.  The cops smell didn’t fade in zero seconds on me the way it usually does- took a couple of minutes *gasp*. Of course it reminds of sensual harmony but perhaps a bit more unisex on me.  This seems to just beg to be layered with other things - first to mind for me was sugared black pepper but as I think about it I can’t think of anything it wouldn’t go well with. 



    it’s filmy, like a gauzy veil.  It is very sweet on me, which I love. Candied flowers!!!  It is the scent equivalent of sighing with contentment and swooning gracefully onto an embroidery covered divan with the many-layered skirt of one’s silk gown floofing all around one. Instant love

  11. Thank you LFM, the snob de-gooifier. Had to socialize tonight with 3 people who ordinarily ignore or look down on me for various reasons, and tonight (with only a little elbow grease on my part - which by itself hadn’t been enough in the past, btw) ALL of them were MUCH friendlier and two of them even showed interest in my existence by *asking questions about me*, which in the past they had extremely NOT done. (ETA 1 of those 2 was a straight dude and the other a straight woman. The third is also a straight woman but quite shy and I have never seen her ask ANYONE about themselves so her greatly improved friendliness was itself a huge win.)

    It happened to be in the form of PIROUETTE, which is aging so fabulously.  It had a sharpness before that I liked, but the edge has come off that. It’s still big and very sweet now. 
  12. Oh! The whole reason I came here though was to comment on what a great social the OW was for me - great selfies (relaxed, confident, being totally myself) and someone who usually is polite enough but I’ve always sensed thought he was better than me - enough so, that he felt talking to me was doing me a favor - was fascinated by me and kept seeking me out to initiate conversation, which he has NEVER done in the many years I’ve known him. 

  13. @ halo I know!! It’s a million times more than the sum of its parts, right? If it weren’t my PE I’m not sure I’d have been able to identify ANY of the notes.  I don’t generally tend to prefer straight up florals so even as I was writing the invoice email I was like “what am I doing” lol and didn’t have a very clear idea what it would smell like or what I myself wanted, but as usual PM knew. She always knows.

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