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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Dragon’s blood is the deathest of death notes for me. Vial sniff: I said “nope.”  Wet: I did not like.  But just for kicks I kept it on, and the dragon’s blood had faded in a few hours, and it was just a dark, you might even say blood, red juicy spooky cloud around me for a while. Then it disappeared. Then about 6 hours in I started saying crossly “What smells so good??” and stomping around trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. It was coming from me.  It was the Blud.  This freaking collection 


    I did however make the huge mistake of not checking/realizing before WEARING IT TO WORK that this had not just pheros but sexpionage 😱  


    All day I thought “boy everyone is in a good mood today”... Women were chatty, super happy to see me, and hung on my every word. I also noticed they seemed to keep repeating themselves - a lot!  I know them all pretty well, and none of them are like that usually. So it was notable.    


    One male colleague, we’re pretty good friends, & he’s never made a secret of being attracted to me but has never been inappropriate & it’s, just not a thing.  He’s usually extremely socially competent, but today, I came into a room and sat down across from him and he loudly blurted out something not exactly sexual or inappropriate but... kind of weird, while getting halfway up out of his seat and seeming to just barely stop himself from diving across the table.  A belated DIH/dazed expression crossed his face and he sat down, looking very confused. Several others of us exchanged glances. It was bizarre.


    Another male colleague, who is pretty reserved, the type who frequently shyly drops eye contact, was sitting kitty corner to me but increasingly leaned WAY back, away from me, to a sort of hilarious degree, like 45 degrees, but did not take his eyes off me for like 15 minutes straight, staring with the intensity of a starving Big Cat.  It was super unnerving, and it’s what made me finally think to check what was in this, and then I was like oh ok well that explains ... everything.  So, no more sexpionage at work for me. 


    ETA I just looked at the notes and there are no red fruits anywhere.  There is no accounting for my nose’s imagination. 


    ETA forgot to mention! I got way too little sleep last night and was pleasantly surprised how not miserable I was all day. I think the sexpionage kept me going!

  2. This smelled 95% the same to me as the original version I have except that I’m getting a tiny bit more resins than my mind’s nose recalls of the original.  Deep and delicious. I forgot about the phero and was feeling a paranoid sort of “what is UP with everybody?” all day (people being super attentive and helpful #EST) and only just remembered the CB 🙃  it has been 10+ hours since I put it on and it’s still very present chocolate amber powder *snorrrrrrf*

  3. Yummmmmy


    Yet again: in vial I thought “this is the kind of sandalwood I don’t like” and “too masculine!”  But when I put it on, I thought of melted gold, and golden cashmere wraps, and for some reason Estée Lauder ?? Maybe one of their perfumes has similar notes.  A smooth, self-assured, commercial feel (without any of the alcohol sting or chemical-y fakeness I now dread in many commercial scents).  


    I get how it could be unisex, but with my chemistry it comes off pretty classically feminine. It lifted my mood and made me feel positively queenly.  


    As it’s drying it’s also intermittently quite sweet! Maybe it’s the vanilla.  It also periodically gives me a white flower feel.  


    Anyway, even if sandalwood isn’t your favorite, try this- it’s gorgeous.  It reads on me as the skin scent of someone who, to be crass, is made of money but doesn’t need anyone to know it.  

  4. The latest of many proofs that you HAVE to try things ON.  In the vial I was like “Nope, men’s body wash” but tried it anyway.  It was unrecognizably different once it was on.  It was NOT pointy at all. 



    Sure it was a *little* masculine, and a little too much so for everyday wear for my taste, but not unacceptably so.  I happily wore it for several hours.  


    The smell had a green tint, yes, but mainly a chewy - like caramel chewy - sweet smoke pushed forward and billowed around and before me.  It was huge and very present and made me think of the LOST smoke monster, but benevolent. 

    I am a smoke fiend so this is a compliment.


    But most curiously this seemed to have a respect / popularity effect ?!  Ok now that I’m reading the notes, it makes sense. Of course. The magic!

  5. Oh noes, wet my skin made this quite stabby, like intense lemongrass or something - I’d have sworn there was lemon in it.  Must be something about the ginger+cream combo.  The apple was unripe green apples, which I liked but together with the stabby aspect was too much. It faded quickly so I didn’t get to catch what it did in drydown. Will try again.... I often amp ginger so I think it’s that, and as it settles down a bit I bet I’ll get the soda everyone else gets 😩

  6. This doesn’t evoke winter for me particularly.  In feel and mood it reminded me instantly of Soie et Fourrure - it dropped me into a hushed, fancy department store, surrounded by expensive luxurious things.  It evokes those textures, and velvet, and plush throws.  It itself smells verrrry expensive in a classic timeless way. 

    As it dried down it turned more pillowy and plush. I thought of chinchilla.  It’s serene and confident. 
    In later drydown it is very unisex - a dude in this could knock me down with a feather.  
    Ok now looking at notes - I guess it’s mostly the oakmoss and musk I’m getting.  I’d never have thought there was eucalyptus or pine - didn’t pick them up, and this has none of the sharpness I associate with those. 
    This is that rare blend that I’m convinced would smell good on anybody, anywhere, anytime.  Could probably even get away with it in scent free workplaces - it could pass for a skin scent almost (assuming you're an angora bunny 😛).   Instant classic.
    Now in later drydown it is making me think of dudes in tennis whites and white sneakers and white framed sunglasses.  
  7. WTF AM I GOING TO HAVE TO BUY A FB SET FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER?? This is yet another home run. It’s a grand slam.  I like pear in theory but for some reason it never feels like “me” on and I can’t really get that into it.  But this one is heaven.  Wet it immediately felt like slipping on a thick cashmere onesie while holding a mug of spiced pear cider next to a roaring fire.  It was so so so cozy. 


    I’m reading the ingredients and I have no idea where the leaf and wood stuff went – I didn’t notice any of that.  All day I just kept getting big pillowy wafts of smooth warm bakery goodness.  Cupcakes and such. 


    As was the case with all the others I’ve tried, this one is lasting forever – 12 hours and still going strong.



  8. obviously this was the first one I tried, and obviously it is incredible.  I thought I knew how good it’d be - it’s one of those that you can smell in your mind’s nose - but the reality.  I put it in and immediately said loudly “WTF.”  It is creamy sweet spicy perfection. Yet another in this collection that feels matured already.  

  9. Wet,  I thought “it’s jam… Evil jam.“   It felt occultish  and devious. These are not necessarily insults. It was chewy, very sweet, perhaps possessed, stewed fruit.  I felt like there was something in it that  I didn’t like, and now that I see the ingredients I know that it was oud. Still, I liked it enough to leave it on and see where it went.


    As it dried down the whisper of oud went away, and it became quite straightforward dark red fruit.  Got multiple compliments during this period  of the “OMG, what smells so good?? Where is that coming from??“ variety. . 


    But now, many many hours later, it is still going strong, and it smells like dark almost yellow vanilla ice cream — no, maybe even custard — with cherry or similar syrup all over it. I have no idea where the intensely creamy impression is coming from, but I’m loving it. 


    ETA pherowise I feel like this would be amazing with Leather!!

  10. Thud.  I can’t handle this one at all.  Wet, it was a blast of fresh clean girly honey, reminding me of past honey loves like Port Jolie. But that quickly went away and now I really could just chew my arm right off.  I cannot. 

  11. This collection is killing me.  Another that on first sniff I was like “I don’t know about this one” turned out to become an obsession.  It lasted ALL DAY.  It defies tidy description. It morphed repeatedly, and I loved every stage.  By turns fresh, sweet, mysterious, and soothing.  It was almost freaky how much it kept changing personality.  Incredible potion. I couldn’t stop smelling it for 14 hours 

  12.  My nose has learned nothing all this time. In a blind sniff, it said “Flowers that I don’t like.“ Probably what that actually was, was the resins.


    But then, since I put it on, I have not been able to stop sniffing it. I was surprised how foodie it was, having thought it would be floral.  Now, seeing the notes, that makes more sense.


    On me, I would say that it’s foodie forward, at least as it is drying down; the resins are just quietly grounding it. This is the rare LP that I love that has these resins.  


    Also, it’s one of those that smells aged already – it’s very smooth and blended. 

  13. On 12/20/2016 at 9:26 PM, halo0073 said:

    Damnnnnn, the long drydown is phenomenal. The rose softens into velvety creamy pinkness and is enveloped in the vanilla cloud. Amazing

    I wore this yesterday and exactly this. It lasted 12+ hours; it is beautiful wet, but the longer drydown is .... jackpot.  It was distractingly, literally incredibly good as it unfolds. 

  14. This is so freaking good. Yes it smells like fresh springy succulent daffodil  stems, but there is so much more going on. It is complex and rich, and throws more and lasts longer than I expected.  Very very sweet but even there, not in a simple white sugar way.  It’s not specifically floral but to my nose it’s quite decidedly feminine.  I could wear this all day every day.  It’s a stunningly gorgeous clear sky day in a bottle.  Beside myself 

  15. 11 hours ago, Potion Master said:

    LOL, I am sorry to laugh, but Empathy Potion just has very few uses, doesn't it? It's so extreme. It was an interesting experiment, VERY interesting. But other than therapeutic situations where you want everyone to be honest, raw and real - what else can it be used for? Legal battles maybe? Does anyone have positive reports for varied situations? I can always make more, but it was discontinued for this reason. I am sorry it cost you weeks of tears. I hope you maybe feel cleansed at the end of it all? HUGS!



    I think this was what I wore around my mom, that was SO effective at making both of us calm and making us really listen to each other and be kind to each other - which we are both pretty bad at normally - that it was quite uncomfortable and I never dared try it again. Lol


  16. Hmm have you met her before? If not I would vote OW.  


    Since she is already disposed against you, IMO the priority is to counteract her suspicions and defensiveness, even more than gaining respect or eliciting “like.”  In my experience, OW more reliably works more positively on more people than any other phero, and training her that being around you feels good sounds like the first step. 


    My concern about TH is that she could read or steer it in the direction of NOT respecting you (this has happened to me), esp. since you said she’s bratty. 


    And here’s an off the beaten path idea: Heart to Heart / Empathy potion if you have it. It really brings people out of their blinkered self-centered fears, suspicions, etc.  It makes them open up emotionally.  It makes people “goodwilled” & makes them presume good intentions.  


    ETA if you have met her before, and you really are focused more on eliciting respect , I vote LFM.

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