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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. Another awesome date with Gotcha! I am wearing the Honeyed LP with Gotcha. How he is connected to me and how he says he cant stop thinking about me and cant wait to see me each time...LOVE LOVE LOVE Gotcha!! He is already planning so much for our future. We shall see how far we make it...but we get on so dang well i can't imagine us not making it for at least a while LOL. Since he is a EST responder, I'm thinking of wearing maybe a Lace blend by date number 6...(that should be next week)...or maybe not LOL. I will stick with Gotcha for this week though.


    On another note, I'm thinking of buying the UN Gotcha with a Pink scent or another perfume I like. I'm not too keen on the Honeyed scent and my date whom I'll call HL (for Honey Love...lol) has not mentioned anything about liking the scent on me, and he seems like the type who would. I've definitely gotten complements on the scent of Cougar (which I love myself)...hmmmm


    Is there a non-pheroed scent that smells like Cougar or the OCCO Pink?

    Yay! So glad you're having such great success with it!


    Have you tried LP Pink? That would be great with Gotcha, I think.

    I don't know that there's anything similar to Cougar, although you could try Sugared Grapefruit...

  2. Mmmmm, I love this! It's kind of like Steamy Bikini, but CLEAN! Definitely like just-showered beach skin. Like BC says, when it's wet, it's a little eye-sting-y. I think that's the linen? But I'm at about the 1.5 hour point, and all I get is a light, fresh coconut musk. I don't really get any green from the grasses, maybe they are just contributing to the freshness of it.


    The woman was warm and open - definitely more so than I've seen in the past, as she's quite reserved. That is to say, when she was able to get a word in edgewise. I poured out all my guts, scraped for more, and turned myself inside out. I told her everything I have ever heard, learned, or speculated about since birth. I told her every secret I have ever had. I COULD NOT STOP TALKING. I talk fast normally but I was talking so fast I must have seemed insane or coked out of my mind. I could feel myself straining to bring it under control, and it felt like tying a rubber eraser to the back of a runaway train and expecting that to slow it down.



    :smiley-laughing024: OMG Tyvey, I'm sorry that happened, but thank you for sharing! :lol:

    Hope you're feeling better!

  4. Yay!! Thank you so much, I love sharing my LP addiction... :wub:


    A tip for amateur photogs though, lol: Zoom into your pic and make sure all the little details are okay. I didn't do that on one, and I was mortified to later notice the fingerprints on the silver part of a spray bottle :lol:

  5. This is Mr Perfect's favorite LP so far! He wore the sample so much, I had to get him a bottle, lol. It's earthy at first, but eventually dries down to a gorgeous autumn-y scent. Spicy, but clean.


    A funny observation, Mr Perfect had nothing like this in his commercial scents. I love how LP really opens up the mind and senses to try (and like) new things!!

  6. I totally agree with Cheesy - this is a "witch shop" scent! So gorgeous and compelling! Dark and deep, but not heavy.


    I don't see the notes listed here in the Reviews, so:

    OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.

    AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

    PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.

    DRAGON'S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency.

    SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.

    VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

    SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration.

    NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity.

    CLOVE ~ Money attracting, deflects negative and hostile energies

    CUMIN ~ Good fortune, prosperity, lust, protection, fidelity, exorcism.


    On me, it's mostly the spices and patch (not B.O. patch, yay!). I get a bit of vanilla and smoke. It would definitely smell great on a guy!

  7. Trying this out tonight, first on, it was very chocolate. After that blast, the rose and myrrh/vetiver come out more. But the coffee! ZOMG! Yum!! This is fabulous :wub:


    ETA - is there real coffee in this??? LOL, I couldn't sleep last night AT ALL!

  8. Hey, CK! Just FYI, I think Mara said that at least one of the sources for the coffee note got used up on the last rebrew, so I think it won't be identical. But knowing Mara, she would probably do something even more amazing!


    So I was musing on future PEs the other day, and thinking that next year I might want to actually get out there and do some online dating again (once the job settles down and the home renovations are complete) -- not with an idea of meeting Mr. Right, but maybe finding some Mr. Right Nows, if you know what I mean! I was trying to imagine a spell potion I could ask Mara to craft for that and realized, I already have Black Cat Mojo! Perfect for going on the prowl with no expectations of anything other than a series of sweet adventures!

    Wooo! You go, girl!! :sleazy:


    And if this gets rebrewed, count me in for one!

  9. Bella, does audacious ever make you nervous, jittery? I only wore it a couple times, I don't know if it was just me being super anxious the first time, it was for performing, but I got a bit hyper and felt more fast action than in control. The second time I decided to replay that white snake video in a public street, on the hood of my hubby's car. ( there was liquid courage involved for that one )

    Haha, I remember the white snake thing..


    I don't think I've ever gotten nervous or jittery with Audacious. I wear it a lot for parties, going out, etc. I feel self assured, sexy, and edgy. Not on-edge. But like I'm cool and in charge.

  10. I grabbed this one today out of my trial pile. It goes on as a deep smoky coconut. Like Blessing Oil without the sweetness. There's a waxy scent, maybe that's the labdanum? And sniffing close to my skin, I get a medicinal smell.

    I like BC's way of saying it, it has a goddess-y energy to it. Very much what I need today...

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