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Posts posted by Bella15



    I think I read that the single molecule blends weren't available this year (and I guess EoW counts as one of those?)? Sexpionage is the closest I can get, I suppose. I think I'm going to take Stacy's advice and boost my Blackstone with a couple of drops (ack I feel like a total creeper because of how much reading I do on reviews and remembering what everyone's suggestions are - apologies!)...

    Ah, you're right. I remember that now. And I wish I had such a good memory, lol.. Sometimes I spend hours trying to find a post that I vaguely remember :lol:
  2. Yeah, I think you should give it at least one more try, if not more. It's hard to judge reactions to pheros from strangers. You never know if they are always/usually jerks or super nice people.


    I suggest keeping a phero diary/journal so you can see trends. That will tell more of a phero's true success or lack of. I continue to try pheros, even the ones that don't work as well for me. They might just work better around certain people.

  3. Some UN pheros have a noticeable scent, and some don't smell like much of anything.

    This is what Mara has for the description on the Etsy site:

    UNscented Pheromones FYI: Unscented does not mean odor-free! They do indeed have an odor, some are light, some are stronger, and thus should ALWAYS be worn along with fragrance of your choice. You can add a few drops directly to your perfume bottle or layer them on your skin...a drop of phero oil first, then a dab of your perfume on top.

  4. I wasn't in love with the first version of Merry. The berries just didn't sit right on my skin. When I tried this new one, it was a rich, spicy, pink scent. It might just be my skin chemistry is different now? But I like it! Definitely keeping my sample...

  5. Regarding the availability.. it depends mainly on two things:


    How much Mara made (which could be affected by the availability of ingredients)


    The popularity of the scent (sometimes things sell out super quick, sometimes they are around for years)


    It's so hard to say what's going to happen. I remember putting off buying a scent because I thought it would be around for awhile. But the next time I checked, it was gone :(

  6. After experiencing various fragrances whose vanilla notes all but vanished or went plastic, I'm happy that OCCO White's triple vanilla-ness actually remains on my skin, albeit more subtly than I would like--and it smells lovely. And OCCO Red is perfect for me since I like Love Potion: Red except for the patchouli, which amps too much on me. I'm becoming very curious about Pink Amber though, based on all the comments...

    You can also get NOCO White, which is the same scent, minus the cops - so you could slather more on!
  7. I'd see what happens tomorrow. USPS can be screwy, esp around the holidays. Once, I had a dick mailman who marked my pkg as delivered and I went to the post office the next morning to see what happened, why I didn't have it. Turns out it was still on his truck, and I got it later that afternoon.

  8. Okay so I am not wearing the UN, I am wearing Aliya w/Audacious after a few test runs ... tonight is the big night to test this blend (I already ordered a FB for around DH as he responded well to it ... I think ... it could've just been his mood and the scent LOL)


    Just reapplied a bit for dinner w/friends and fam after wearing it all day at work so I am hoping to do a separate review on Audacious later tonight with a bigger crowd.


    I am usually already treated like a rock-star/princess where I am going by the staff but if they go above and beyond the norm ... I will probably never do a social without it. A few people at our table tend to ignore me ... so this will be interesting.


    Could be me, could be them ... tonight it will be Audacious! Hopefully I will have FAB review in the morning!

    Can't wait to hear about it!
  9. CerisLou when it runs out here, you can get SH at the Victorian Trading co. Mara makes it for them.


    Hint Sensual Harmony is great with cops :)

    The new SH, with LFM, is permanent :)

  10. :faint: This is just GORGEOUS!!! First applied, I get tons of rich cocoa butter/white chocolate... the rose is red and lush too. After a bit, the rose steps back and lets the cougar musk come forward a little, but it still weaves in and out - an enticing dance that beckons you back to huff it again and again.


    It eventually becomes this amazing close-to-the-skin scent that is sexy and sensuous and I just absolutely LOVE it - so glad I got a bottle!

  11. I bought a bottle of the original version unsniffed. It was a bit too apricotty for me, so I traded it away. I think I was hoping for more honey.


    I was excited to try my trial vial of the new version though. I slathered some on this morning, and Mr Perfect walked by me and said "someone smells good this morning" It was still bright and fruity for the first couple hours. It's dried down to a nice honeyed amber-y scent at this point. I'm not really getting any patch, at least none that is overpowering. I would really like to get this in a spray.

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