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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. Ermahgerd.. I love this one! I totally love it on me. It's rich and sweet, and almost chewy somehow. Masculine woods and spices. A hint of sweet berry (after the initial sweet blast)


    I can't wait to try it on Mr Perfect though... yum!

  2. Straight out of the vial this reminds me of, but is lighter than, a PE I had Mara conjure for me a couple of years ago, called Wendy's Wandering Moonlight. The addition of hay and apple go a long way to carry this out of a wood-dense rainy forest to an apple orchard after a rain. Fresh, light, beautiful.


    At first, the fern is strong, but within less than ten minutes the hay-strewn path beckons you to a wagon which carries passengers, bumping along ruts, to fields and rows heavy with "you pick" pumpkins and apples.


    A north wind blows in a whirling rain. Surprisingly, behind the hay barn a wee Candy House appears within a fog. Blue Smoke whisps up and drifts toward the wagon. Perhaps the apples and pumpkins can wait a bit.

    I always wanted to try your Wandering Moonlight.. that label was gorgeous..

  3. I just added it back in.


    I added back Sensual Harmony and Raspberry Chiffon too, since these are the three Victorian Trading Company offers and they have us making large qtys every couple of months.


    When you order, you MIGHT get VTC labelling. We call it Love Potion: Seduction for them, rather than OCCO: SLF.

    I love Sensual Harmony. I might need a bottle..

  4. They just get lazy! Where I live, we have those dumb mailboxes on the street, where we all have to walk to them to get our mail. The mailman won't even walk to the house to ring the doorbell. There is a separate package mailbox, and if you have a package, you get a key in your mailbox to open up the package door. But if more than one person on the block is getting a pkg, then the other person is S.O.L.

  5. I hope I’m not stepping on Jamie’s toes by posting this (and I apologize for the formatting, I’m at work – if an admin wants to fix the first post, feel free.)

    So wet, the fresh rose and sparkly sugar comes through, it almost feels like a white musk. After it dries down a bit, the vanilla, marshmallow, and amber really smooth it out and it becomes just this gorgeous rose musk. To me, it feels like a rose Musk in the Pixie Dust. I am slathered with it today and I feel PRETTY! So pretty!...

    If I were to wear a phero with it, it would probably be LFM. Or SS4W.

  6. AD-PE-JamieSN.jpg

    Jamie's Starry Night

    Jamie commissioned a blend to wear for her winter nighttime wedding! She wanted something sparkling and rosy, so I blended 3 rose varieties (red rose otto, baby pink sweetheart and a fresh cut variety) with marshmallow fluff, sparkling sugar, a non-foody powdery vanilla, white amber and a drop of Egyptian musk. Soft and beautiful, definitely a show stopper.

  7. i was sifting around in my bag of samples and I could smell a wonderful scent wafting up. i sniffed vials until i found the culprit. It was this one! I had initally sniffed it, but it didn't rock my world, and I forgot about it. But now I am slathered, and it is magnificent! The lavender is more floral than medicinal on my skin. The basil adds a hint of green and summery vibe to this. i smell the phero through the fragrance during the first couple of hours, but i think it helps make the scent, actually. Like Molls, I am getting a Purple Puff feeling from this. however, I couldn't wear Purple Puff but I can wear this. Love!!!



    ETA: Also, I hadn't really tried the Teddy BB phero before. I think I like it! Some events took place in a meeting this morning that should have had me on a hormonal, muderous rampage, but i just smiled and flounced away to get my coffee. This phero may keep me out of jail! ;)

    I knew we had discussed this somewhere. I also get the phero smell coming through, but it's not all the time, and it's not overwhelming. The last couple days have been super stressful, and this is definitely helping.

  8. So I did not even notice this had cinnamon in it. I put it on tonight, and OMG...

    Recently I fell in love with Red Fyre. This is Red Fyre's sweet little sister. It's cinnamon mostly, but sweetened up for the holiday. Yum!!!

  9. Surprisingly, the only time I got selfies from cops is wearing OCCO gold. It must be the honey scent! But usually honey scents smell dirty on me, and hubby is not a fan... I think I'm getting used to the honey scents though.

    Can you develop a tolerance to cops, like you can with pheromones?

    Hmmm, I'll let someone else chime in on this. I haven't, but I don't use them every day - maybe 2-3 x a week.


    I know what you mean about the honey scents, I put on a couple dabs of Sugared Honeycomb last night, and wow... LOL

  10. But can you still smell the marshmallow after drydown? Because in La Sylphide is no marshmallow and since you said it reminds you of it ... Honestly, I am going after the marshmallow scent (which I get in my 2014 version), so this is the deal breaker for me :)


    and thanks all for bearing with my marshmallow questions :)

    Hmmm, the marshmallow is there after drydown, but on me, it doesn't seem as prominent as in the 2013.
  11. 'Wait' to open the monthly sampler? Is that a thing some people actually have the willpower to do? I am in awe of your restraint. As for me, mine came in today and I tore into it like a hungry wolf. I also enjoyed the presentation! So cute!


    I love most of the monthly scents, but I also ordered Lina's Candied Violet Fluff and Blood on Snow from Etsy, so at the moment I'm slathered in sweet violet deliciousness.


    I never wait either, Lainey!
  12. Hi Midnight! Glad you found us :)

    You're going to love those! Great choices..

    I don't have many commercial scents, but that Black Opium bottle caught my eye - it's so pretty!

    You got here at a good time, November is what we call "Phero-mas" (kind of like Xmas) we get a bunch of phero enhanced scents, and in the past, we've been able to purchase trial sizes of the UN pheros.

    With your Blatant Invitation, (and anything with cops really) be careful about getting it in your hair or on your clothes. I would apply to your torso, and maybe smoosh around with your forearms.

    Anyway, welcome! I'm sure others will give you more tips and ideas. :)

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