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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh I would....it is so soap good this month!! But haven't ordered in a few months so it was extra über exciting for me. Sometimes it's good to skip it then it is so exciting!! That said .....this is NOT the month to skip!!!!! Eta: "so good" not "soap good" I just woke up and barely had a sip if coffee.
  2. This is getting SO much better on me now. I don't get banana, which is fine by me but at first it was all nuts. Too nuts. Now they have backed down and I am getting that delicious buttered bread everyone else is getting. Wow it is so delicious now. I already placed my order...I really couldn't get more than I got right now but if this lasts I just may end up with it. What a perfect bedtime scent. Or a hang around the house in jammies Sunday scent. I will be craving this on freezing cold mornings in the winter I just know it. So I just sniffed it out of the tester and I did get a whiff of banana. Not too much though.
  3. I was wondering where you had gone off to Lady V! Well I finally placed my order...went with what I knew I couldn't live without...Feed the Flowers, Red Fyre, Punky and samp of Black. I used my forum credits and I am hoping I did it right. It has been awhile since I did that and it seemed weird for some reason. We wrote in what we are redeeming for? I don't remember that for some reason. Oh well I THINK the elf is retired until next sale right? So that's one thing I don't have to worry about but still...
  4. I wish I would have saved that tiny bit from my old one to compare. I do think that one was spicier. Doesn't mean this one isn't absolutely intoxicating though!! It's like sweet smokey spun sugar. GRMMM! I want to eat it!!! It's like some exotic slightly toasted cotton Candy. Whatever that means. I don't really get the "clean" thing others are saying. It smells really gooey to me. I love it.
  5. Wow! I am so jealous of you guys getting apple out of this!!!! I don't know where mine got off to! Tried it again and it is a very nice crumble dessert type thing without the fruit!!! It so weird. Especially since I get so much apple from Punky! Oh well....I'll keep sniffing for it sporadically.
  6. The first two brews were my favorite, very marshmallowy!....I still have half of my 2011. The last brew did not work on me at all! It was like...floral. This one? Completely different than any before!!! Total total grapefruit!!!!! I am not a huge grapefruit fan but I actually like it a lot! It's very upbeat. I doubt I will buy a bottle but I will keep my sample at work to spritz when I start dragging. I don't know...maybe I will talk myself into a whole bottle.
  7. missdarlyncherie


    I would say All HE is way sharper where Punky is creamier! I will be interested in how the oud reads to your nose in this. I'm slathered again. I've almost drained my sample already!! YEEKS! I better hurry and finalize my order.
  8. Ok so far I have committed in my head to FB's of....Red Fyre, Punky and Feed The Flowers. Those are for sures....experimenting a little more before I place my order though. Oh! And another sample of LP Black to last me through the winter. I really don't use that enough to justify a FB.
  9. missdarlyncherie

    A Wake

    Well unfortunately I figured out with TT and LP Latte that coffee scents just don't work on me at all. Except Velvet Kisses, but I get more of everything else in that. I didn't get a single dollop of pumpkin in this!! What the hell?! Got to throw it in the "try in a few weeks" pile along with Curiosity and Warm and Toasty...
  10. I wonder if that is what I am smelling. It is a strange sweetness that I really really like. I've had it on about an hour and it is just perfect. Totally different than what I wear. It's got a really comforting feel to it. I paired it with LFM and I think it fits.
  11. missdarlyncherie


    Raq...I was just going to post on the POTD thread to you that I think you will love this!!!!!
  12. missdarlyncherie


    I love this one so much. I keep getting wafts of smoke when I wear it. I was surprised there wasn't any. Does oud come off as smoke?
  13. I know!! I felt the same way. I meant to put this one aside during blind testing so I wouldn't accidentally grab it and reek of flowers all night. No this one is gorgeous. The Rose doesn't really come out on me it is more of the geranium but even that doesn't last too long. I have always loved geranium but it is never in the right blend for me. What sticks is the myrrh and sandalwood I think (I also don't really know what storax is) but this was a shocker. I need to take it for a full days spin though. I can't decide if I will wear it enough for a FB. We'll see after I wear it today. OH!! THE EARTH!!! That is what I loved so much the first time I tried it. I love the earth note!!!!!! That came out very well on me.
  14. I don't LOVE this scent until it dries down a little. At first it is just a little too oat-y. Within a few minutes it all settles in for that perfect animal cracker cookie scent. No cedar here either. It's light and a nice skin scent. Not sure if I'm convinced enough for a FB yet since I more blown away by a few others this month but I will empty my sample for sure.
  15. Oh yeah...it's not even Oct yet. Because I am covered in the Weenies I assumed it was already...lol!
  16. If I were you I would just wait until next month....you can get samples of the unphero's then!!!! Or just add LP Red to your Rouge until then maybe...
  17. So another surprise! This one though surprised me that I don't like it. I would have bet my entire LP collection that this would have been my fave. Glad I didn't do that. I am not getting the apple. I am not getting much. I don't HATE it...I just don't love it and at this point in my LP career I only settle for love. I feel with this one very much like I did with Tombstone Tart. I should love it but it is missing the GRAB that I need. In fact I think this one reminds me a lot of T Tart without whatever fruit was in T Tart. Maybe they both have pecans? Oh well....with a collection as stunning as this it's nice to throw one in the "just ok" pile. And of course...who knows? That apple may beat down that pecan in a few weeks and I may be editing this review to ISO CURIOSITY!!!!!!!
  18. missdarlyncherie


    So this is my second fave!! Red Fyre has taken over my entire world right now but as soon as I calm down from that this will probably be pretty close to my fave. What shocked the hell out of me was the apple!! I did not know there was apple in this. When I did blind testing last night there was no doubt in my mind that this was Curioslity and I loved it!! (Which is probably why I was so disappointed in the actual Curiosity of which I have yet to get apple from.) So the nuts are not too much (the only thing I was worried about. Nuts go nuts on me which is why I am not loving Warm and Toasty...review on that in a minute.) This is the perfect fall scent on me made a lot more interesting with the patch and oud. I don't think anti-patch people should be worried about it though...at least on me it's not too much. Like Hearts said it makes it just a little goth and keeps it from the whole "craft store fall scent" thing.
  19. This is my complete and total favorite for the month. I never predicted that because as much as I like cinnamon as a supporting character I don't need to be reeking like a total cinnamon stick. I used to be one of those LP'rs that said "I amp cinnamon! Got to be careful with that!" I was not a big fan of the cinnamon one from the Crayon collection either (Vermillion or some such thing?) Well this one smells nothing like the description on me. I did blind testing last night. Turned off all the lights lit a candle and just grabbed and tried them. TWICE I mistook this one as Punky! (I didn't really know what Punky smelled like, I was going off description memory) but I would have SWORN there was pumpkin cake in this. It ended up back in the pile twice on accident so I didn't know I had grabbed the same one. Both times I thought..."this is the pumpkin cake one!!!!!" It smells more like cake than Candy on me especially after dry down. This is one of those LP moments where I have found one I cannot live without!!
  20. So first of all Red Fyre is my favorite which I totally didn't see coming. It's a shock to me how it smells. I'll write my review in a minute...Punky (not so much a shocker but I was surprised by something...I'll write in my review in a minute)....Feed the Flowers...WUT. A dried up old flower? Didn't even try it on purpose but I love it. Ebil-ish...no surprise there. Animal Crackers. BUT there may actually be six because I didn't think I was in love with Horny and when I smelled it this morning (no surprise my nose Od' ed last night) it smells totally different so that may be a contender. Ok biggest surprise is what I DIDN'T like. There was no question that Curiosity would be FB. So glad I waited for the sampler!!! I am not loving it. I can't detect the friggin apple!!!!! Reviews coming....
  21. This set is unbelievable. There are already 5 that I love so much. I haven't wanted that's many from one set in a long time. Like pure love. And my favorites are not the ones I predicted from the descriptions believe me!
  22. OMG I just ripped open my box to find the samples stuck in that fabulous candle holder!!!!! How friggin thoughtful is that?!?! I've sniffed only three and I hope the rest stink because those are already must haves!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
  23. No fall spices for you BG?! Oh noes!!!! Well this is dark vanilla not like Occos vanilla. Now I don't know what makes it more dark and syrupy maybe that's what's "boozy". I can't see the notes in this because I am on my phone but I am sure there is bourbon something in this right? I don't know...I am getting quite a bit of the chai spices....you better get a sample though! Eta: oh wow! No bourbon! Ok...didn't know there was black musk in here...that must be it. I was surprised about the no bourbon...all those different vanilla extracts come out like that I guess. Just huffing off my shirt from last night....this stuff clings.
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