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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. OMGGG!! Got my pheromas and the first two I have tried are already FB for sure!!!! I don't know if I should try too many more before bed....all that alpha Nol might keep me up .
  2. You are right. It is actually his responsibility to put a stop to it. Start chugging!!!!
  3. Oh my lord I can't even begin with this. All I can say is I am sorry you have to deal with this. Bitches like this are ridiculous. They know that what they are doing is unnacceptable. It's very disrespectful. I am going to shut up or I am going to rant and get in a really bad mood tonight, I'll just say....BEEN THERE. It was before pheros so I can't give you advice. Can you get a valium?
  4. Hi WA! Yes I believe this is the right spot. I see reviews of scented and unscented here...spill your story please!!!
  5. Oh yes Rose, I am a true believer in Gotcha as a social bonding phero. I have a seen a difference in the responses from established clients also as far as warming up to me more than they have even after being regular clients for years. It's hard to explain but it is apparent. I'm not really touchy feely but it helps to appear that way in my job and I can tell I do when I am wearing Gotcha. I probably went through this bottle (90/10 spray) faster than any other because I rely on it most for work. Builds comfortable relationships with men or women!
  6. Me too about sprays. I was only thinking of getting Sexpionage sample so I can add it to some perfumes. Might be easier for me in that little dropper. I want to Sexpionage my Hotter Than Hell perfume. So I don't really need a whole bottle
  7. Both of Donsies posts describing Gotcha are right on. It makes people comfortable around you and want to continue being around you. I even find it better for seduction than BI. Much better to create a sensual mood. But it is awesome around women too (as I wear it for work and especially with new clients because it really creates a bond and they want to comeback to me for treatments. This is a very obvious hit that happens repeatedly to me. I can truly see it in their eyes when I have Gotcha'ed them). BI works better for me as a social...gives me confidence. I don't like it much for sex days. Everyone's different though! Eta:'course I add more cops when I'm trying to "Gotcha" for sex! Tee hee
  8. No Halo is saying LE stands for Limited Edition. Now Rouge was a limited edition but it had a completely different label than regular Red so you would know if you had gotten it!! But Rouge Is sexier than Red IMO.
  9. I haven't tried much Bang myself because it hasn't been in a scent that has worked for me but I think I am convinced now I need to try it. See if I get better results than plain SS. When I out my next order in I'll get that UN sample. Oh and Ephoebe....I don't know if you've tried LP Rouge but it's a honeyed LP Red. It's so damn good! It's enhanced with LFM and I got mine with added cops. I have been getting great results wearing that and an extra spritz of UN LFM. I get selfies from UN LFM but I get definite smitten hits with the Rouge/cops/extra spritz combo.
  10. Just the sampler. Was tempted to go FB with Living Doll but held back. The only thing that stopped me was the freesia. It's done me wrong in the past. No surprise there now that I see it's intent is "innocence, chastity and charm." Lol But who knows? I bet something is going to surprise me! Hope I like Coquette...I need some Bang!
  11. I can't even decide for myself! LOL. Personally I couldn't live without Gotcha. That's a "chill, feel good, love to be around me" phero. At least get a sample!
  12. Not sure Donsie but Halo will come in to let you know probably! I just got the sampler to start...pretty sure I need Living Doll though. I read the descriptions so fast, I need to go back and study now. Just wanted to get that order in!
  13. The scent of Cougar doesn't work for me either sadly. It's not the grapefruit though because I have other grapefruits that I love. I think it's the type of musk or the musk combined with the grapefruit that doesn't work. It makes me very sad since everyone loves it so. I love it in Pizzazz though.
  14. Nice reviews BG and Tink! I hardly ever reach for my Leather. I need to give it more use for sure.
  15. Well you described exactly how I feel wearing Gotcha and LFM. I realize there are a lot of other ingreds in those but it is def doing it's job. That feeling is why I generally wear Gotcha for work especially when I know I have a brand new client coming in. Chills everyone out. And I always wear LFM if I am gong into a potentially stressful situation but I need more respect than Gotcha. Good info, I am going to copy that and put it in my phero notes. This is one molecule that pops up so much but my notes are really lacking info!
  16. Wow that is interesting! I have only tried in scents...never the UN.
  17. I know I always wonder what exactly THDOC does too.
  18. Oh! If you have not had issues before maybe it was just an off night? I don't judge a phero unless it screws me up at least three times. Lol! Because there might be other factors going on with me....
  19. I am so glad this worked for you!!!! For sex time I stick with this or just cops. I like aggressive sex and being with an alpha man....I think they really get hot for the EST+cop thing. Lol. It works.
  20. I feel that way with Pop!! I finally gave my spray of Darling C w/pop to my mom. I can't figure out what is in this that would cause that. Probably wearing too much but it's hard not to with a scent like DC. I gave up. Topper serves as my pop potion anyway.
  21. Lol! Sorry but that did make me giggle. He may just be more of a Cuddle Bunnyish guy?
  22. Yeah...drain the guys bank accounts too!! Can you imagine if Mrs QG was as obsessed with LP's?! There goes the college fund for the kids!!!!
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