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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Liz!! We agree on a scent! It really is the end of the world as we know it!!!
  2. That is strange because Mermaids was not a love for me but I do love this. I don't smell any coconut but I do smell grapefruit! Which is not in this either!! Ha!
  3. I know!!! Everybody just better calm down on the Indecent Ex until I get my order squared away!!!!!!!
  4. I know! I'm getting a little annoyed myself!. I just didn't know how to choose which big cat LP. I think this was the one!
  5. EGGERS!!! You scared the hell out of me!!! When I read the first sentence of your post ("That's the last time I wait so long to order!") I thought for a moment that this had somehow become GGG already! My heart literally sank with grief. I was gong to wait for NR's but after that scare I think I'll just move on it. Just can't decide on oil or spray.
  6. It takes exactly 14 minutes for me to be able to wear this out of the house. Until then it is nothing but strong ass weed smell. So much I can't stand it. But I have every intention of wearing this out because I love it and I had to get the timing down. I think I amp the sweet amber more than the chocolate. The cannabis is still present but just barely a little sourness in the background. What an exciting scent this is!
  7. Oh nice combo! I'll try it with LAM Pink A though.
  8. Yeah I just figured the little sprayer spit less out...so I double it. I keep meaning to compare sprays from a regular bottle so I'm not wasting it.
  9. I still don't like the beginning! But it doesn't take too long for that part to mellow out and then it just gets amazing. I don't even really smell too much chocolate. It's just good stuff.
  10. ...and this has turned into a FB for me...love...
  11. Wow...it was almost tooooo minty on me! Mintomaniac!
  12. I never would have ordered this on its own...so glad I got the sample pack. I really really like what it turns into. Don't judge it right off. As you can obviously see from my initial review. It turns into something pretty indescribable. I will try it again later and see if I can't figure out a way to describe it.
  13. Yeah, we better stock up fast because if there is something everyone on this damn forum needs it is at least one perfume that gives us the effect of being "perfect ladies"!
  14. So glad it worked for you too!! Yes, this scent is so much more than fruity. It smells like like diamonds and I think will definitely be a man pleaser.
  15. Ok, most honey scents do not work on me at all, they make me ill...except Pherogirl!! Pherogirl is totally different in my opinion because of the orange blossom making it brighter.
  16. I know, I ALWAYS over apply when sampling for some reason. I love this beautiful scent, I keep sniffing my vial. Now normally the words "perfumey" would completely turn me off but this does smell like more of a traditional perfume scent than most LP's I go for. It would be good to recommend to someone who is more accustomed to commercial type scents I guess is what I am saying but...so much better. There is something in there that is so intriguing but I can't identify it. I have no idea what Mimosa flower is so it could be that...or just the whole blend. Regardless...this is still my favorite of the month and I have tried them all now.
  17. Holy crap! I totally smell weed at first sniff with this. This is like walking into Michaels house. Not sure about this one. I probably won't be fighting Catherine for it. eta: OH BOY. THIS GETS BETTER. UNBELIEVABLE.
  18. Yeah...I know you are a huge CAC fan, Molls! Interested in what you think of it. I think it is the tanginess of it that brought CAC to mind. I think you will love it.
  19. OMGGG. Of course I knew I would love this. At first it reminded me of Candy Apple Cutie!! I know apples and pears...pears and apples... I get NO FLORAL either. Tangy Pearpple soaking in thick brown sugar glaze. STUNNING. Haven't worn it enough to comment on the phero but if I do end up getting this I'll get it in spray because like GL said, what a great scent and phero for work. And of course the label calls for a spray bottle size...not sure yet though because I am also tempted with Indecent Exposure in spray. Wow. Another beautiful LP Christmas indeed.
  20. So I just looked up that restaurant and there is one about an hour from me in Las Vegas. Sounds a lot like Texas De Brazil one of me and HG's favorites! I'll definetely check this one out. Nice review...I gave my BTN to my mother but I just got my little sample of LFNoire so I'll see how that goes for me next time I go out.
  21. missdarlyncherie


    Halo is SPOT ON with the "creamier not smokey version of Blushing Embers". Mmmm. I get way more Mulberry than eggnog...no sandalwood or spice...YET. It is very pretty, girly and fun.Yes, it is bottled Lady V...
  22. I you do like this one you are in luck! This lasts FOREVER. The strip that I put on last night from the trial vial is still going strong! It is actually not so bad this morning...it kind of turned a little bit into something like Closer! (one of my faves). Obviously I was sleeping so I don't know how long it took to reach this phase. Eh...I will try it again next week and see if I change my original opinion.
  23. Oh dear. Oh my no. This shan't work for me. It is just ugly on me. It's just muddled. I can't even be specific about it but something about this just ain't right on me.
  24. Ok now...this is a BIG SURPRISE hit for me!! It does NOT smell like alcohol AT ALL so no worries Blue Bear...you can imbibe at work. (well not on me anyway). This is like a delicious Christmas slushy! I don't get any spice at all just the berry/plummy...HINT (not too much) of holly...I don't know if I get any peach... This should be a Sonic Cranberry Christmas Cream Slush!!!! I would take a Route 44!
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