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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yeah, I've been anti supplement too but mostly because I'm just cheap. I'm never sure if they are doing anything and I hate spending LP money on anything else. That said...I don't eat healthy all the time so I keep thinking I ought to take supplements. My mom has a supplement catalog and she said she can order that rhodiola for cheap if I want to try it though. I do always take those little B 12 packets though if I am feeling sluggish and I can tell a difference with those so I feel like I get my moneys worth there!
  2. I had never heard of it either and just read some articles on it. Boy this sounds like a miracle! I am curious how much to take. I would like to recommend it to some of my clients. I don't really get too anxious or depressed but this seems like it is good for just everything. I am quite surprised I haven't heard of it.
  3. Oh your daughter already has 30 bottles!!! That is so funny...imagine her collection as she grows up with LP's...holy moly!
  4. Ok, so the same thing happened when I wore this in UN as when I wore Fuzzy Wuzzy. I got very very warm...my face got really HOT. So noticeably that I cannot believe that it is not happening to any one else. It isn't really annoying or anything, just wierd. Has never happened with any other phero! Other than that though it makes me feel really good too. I have not had the chance to wear it out and about to see effects on others. I hope it makes my victims hot in the face too. That would be funny, they would think "Omg, I am literally HOT for this girl!!"
  5. Oh the things we do to pass the time awaiting for our descriptions!! We are "white knuckling" it for sure.
  6. I cannot believe I'm wearing so many musks these days...I used to be so anti musk I don't know what the Hell happened. I am so curious about the minty musk. And oddly I have nothing with mint in my collection.
  7. I would start out getting samples until you get a feel for LP's. It is so hard to tell from descripts how something is going to wear on you. We've all been there where something sounds like it would be just horrid on us and ends up being our obsession, and the other way around too! You poor thing...you came at a very stressful time, as in...the November Phero releases and Pick Your Potion samples (those small unscented spray phero blend samples, which are only available until the end of the month) AND Christmas releases are all up right now. It is a time when a seasoned LP'rs head goes into cardiac arrest...and must be even more overwhelming for you trying to learn the ropes. Just get all the sample packs and call it a day Honeycakes... If you think you can't afford it, you"d be surprised how many opportunities there are out there this month for free meals!
  8. OMG!!!!! Naughty Naughty?! Hilarious. So many musks are working on me these days I CANNOT wait to try Snow Musk! Been waiting for another Sexology...and Candy Cane Cookies sounds delicious. I can't believe I checked this the moment my eyes opened this morning and there were already 39 replies! My brain could not compute that this was the new label thread already.
  9. I got JUST ENOUGH lavender. Enough to make it interesting...not enough to bug.
  10. Yay!! What fun. Yes, Maras scents cover cops perfectly, I can't smell them in any of the scented ones... Sounds like you are creating another little addict too. I hope you like your date ALOT if you are hitting him with Cuddle Bunny!! He'll probably be yours for life!!
  11. omgggg...one label teaser...I AM so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hi Honeycake! I recognize your name from the other board and always wondered why you weren't over here with the girls!! Tell us what you've tried and what you are looking for if you are feeling overwhelmed...everyone likes to help here! It's a good month to try samples too...
  13. Holy Moly! I loved that description so much!!! THIS BETTER WORK ON ME!!!! I want to wear this memory!!!
  14. Ha ha, I had actually assumed it was another woman who had suggested the "alluring and daring" thing when I read it. I pictured some very annoying busy body type trying to "mold" her in some fashion to "snag a man..."
  15. I agree that "daring" scents would be dark and resinous. definitely LP Black. But I think "alluring" is in the nose of the beholder. In my collection I would consider Closer, Trianon-esque, Lp Autumn 2010, and LP Red to be alluring for whatever reason. Daring and alluring pheros...Blatant Invitation and La Femme M and probably La Femme N as well...haven't tried that one but I think that one sounds daring AND alluring!!
  16. I can't believe in my previous review I wrote "I like" this...blah blah blah...I FRIGGIN LURRRRRVVVVV THIS!!! Every morning I try to make myself wear something else and I cannot. I crave this concoction! Even when I have worn another scent I have taken this in my purse because I know I will want it later. It kind of smells different on me everytime. Yesterday it seemed more mapley and vanilla-y. I still don't think I get as much sandalwood as some of you do but I don't care...for what this is it is perfect. I don't know if I get much from the Perfect Match phero alone. A couple times I felt a little irritated but I really try not to give pheros too much credit if I am cranky because...who knows. But there are other pheros that make me feel better out there. Thinking of a virgin bottle before they are gone... Yesterday when I went out to lunch by myself I added Lace. I felt instantly better. A guy sitting two seats away leaned over and started chatting me up out of the blue after sitting there for about 15 minutes. He was very interesting and told me all about his hydroponics technology business, showed me pics of his pets on his phone and when I got up to leave gave me his card and all but begged me to email him and have dinner sometime. What fun that was!!
  17. I know, I haven't even tried my bottle of Because the Night yet because I can't stop with the damn Unisexy. I am NOT READY for Christmas ones yet!!!
  18. Perhaps more sandalwood will come out for me eventually? One can dream...
  19. Yes it's under Unisexy 2012 but in the Mens section which is why I think you can't find it Ducky!
  20. Oh I hadn't even seen Skaynas review...must have posted same time as me! Nice story Skayna and welcome! I agree with the whole sort of "hanging out at home scent" too.
  21. I like this creamy comforting scent, it does have some sort of bite to it to me, maybe the musk? But not enough to really turn me off of it. I do wish I got more sandalwood though. It is a great scent for me for work and the bonding phero is also the type I like for work. I am going to layer it with Sandalwood and Resins next time to see how that goes for me!
  22. Well Phinnius is very wise, so obviously if he was to flirt with the idea of secretly lighting candles they would be unscented. But Ex L is SO MUCH WISER THAN ANYONE ON EARTH let's give him the benefit of the doubt...I'm sure Phinnius accidentally got into the "vanilla-y and something else" scented ones that Adelaide apparently bought on a whim.
  23. This is just delicious. I could wear it everyday. Light on the Lav, sweet vanilla caramel goodness. Ex-L walked in, threw his nose in the air and declared "Oh! you've been burning scented candles! How nice!" I state that no, it is probably my perfume. Confused look on his his face and he replies "no, it's kind of vanilla-y, and something else, it's scented candles." And THIS is one of the very glaring reasons we always end in shambles. Contrary to all other evidence...(It's my house, I've been here all morning and not lit a scented candle, Phinnius does not know how to light scented candles, I have no scented candles on the premises) because perfume and vanilla-ish does not make logical sense in his little round head. It just is not. Scented candles have somehow wafted their way into my home. Ok, whatever...I let it go so that we can get to why he's here: free music and sex 'n' snuggles. The thing about the phero is...it works just as well as all of these "cuddly type" pheros do on him. He is an est ho. But after I put it on and was waiting for him to arrive it made me very hot. I mean like my body temperature...became very hot. Very weird and very noticeable...did anyone have that happen? I also got a sample of the UN so I will see if that happens again. I also felt quite lightheaded but good! I will be experimenting more with this one!
  24. LOL! Well most (smart, interesting) women have many different facets to their personality...I don't think we have to fit ourselves into a a certain category. I just happen to prefer blends with EST in them..could be all in my head but it makes me feel more "me". Outside of work I spend most of my time with a few high strung men. I like to believe it calms them down a bit too. For the most part people get on my damn nerves. Anything that could possible make people (including me) nicer and more patient is what I generally look for in a phero. I doubt DOM would turn me into
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