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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I guess I'll need a sample in my next order now because much to my chagrin (being a mermaid lover) M of Atlantis didn't work for me either. I was so sad. I think it may have been the plumeria because the Beach Bunny one didn't either and they share this note. I really want a mermaid scent in my collection!! I hope this works.
  2. It's great! Better than I expected especially at first spray which I think I got a lot of ginger. Got that kind of "soapy" sensation I get from ginger. But then it got kind of soury (and I mean that in a good zesty way, probably the tangerine)...which then led to a bright sprinkled powdered sugar sort of heavenly thing! It's light but seemed to last forever! And of course Topper is one of my all time favorites and this is absolutely the perfect carrier for such a bright upbeat phero. The scent is just as perfect for everyday wear as the Topper is!
  3. I don't think Sveet Tooth,,,BECAUSE...she didn't like Garlands and Lace...THEREFORE....I suspect she is not interested in SPICE. DAMMITTOHELL...I never got a Sogni sample either. I think she would really go for those Bohemian Cat labels though!!!!!!! Yeah...I def think I should pick from that collection so its gotta be LOC or Sogni I think...crap. I was so CHEAP that month. WHY WHY WHY...
  4. I was actually thinking the same thing about Ebil-ish. Just might be a little too different for her. But now I'm thinking Darling Clementine? Ok, I swear this is not the ENTIRE reason why...but my mother did say "cakey" I think and it just so happens that I have an UNOPENED SEALED UP BOTTLE of such a fragrance...and VIRGIN TOO...so I don't SCARE HER WITH pheromones. I could totally get away with that I bet, which opens up another whole bottle for me in my order (omg I'm so selfish this is exactly why I have no children. I am a horrible selfish person.) I wish I had a sample of Lick of Cream though because one reason I was thinking of Ebil-ish was the cat label, she has got a whole mess of the kittehs...is LOC pretty much a sure bet for a vanilla/cakey lover then?
  5. And I FINALLY got that BBM sample out to you! JEEZ! I am a procrastinator!!! That should be working it's way to you now!
  6. I was also hoping for a small order next month because I overspent this month. My mother just announced that my sister is out of hers (SHE WORE ONE LP ALL YEAR. SHE ONLY WANTS TO WEAR ONE ALL YEAR. I COME FROM CRAZY FAMILY.) I bought her Snowbound last year, so now my mother says for me to pick out another vanilla-y/bakery one (FOR MY SISTER TO WEAR ALL YEAR, JUST THE ONE. CRA-ZY.) I'm thinking Ebil-ish? I mean, there are just too many of those types for me to choose for someone else. Also I have a mother daughter tradition of buying us each the Xmas sampler and we have a night of sniffing and reading Lunas stories. We have already established that I need a FB of Lala Gulaba....and I'll probably throw in a few more phero samples...
  7. Welcome S&F!!! Yes, definetely get the Occo sampler if you want add to cops to those pheros, and the LAM sampler is awesome too. You sound like a good researcher so you'll get around to those soon enough! Let us know how everything goes with your new stuff. (and yes, what BB said...get some of Maras beautiful perfumes to really get those pheros working double time!!)
  8. I DO think I will get my next bottle with cops. Or better yet, an additional one with cops. But first I shall try the LF Noire and see what trouble ensues...!
  9. Well obviously I at least need a sample of this! Oh I forgot it is in this perfume! (I thought this was LF Noire review) I will indeed be trying it. Not to work though. Don't need my clients diving anywhere but into their wallets!!
  10. lol...I get the staring thing with LFM too. I'm not sure I want the people running out of my way thing though...not sure if the e-none version will be for me. I have always wanted my LFM with cops though...hmmm...
  11. Hi Chemy! According to ME, the only thing you're missing in that collection is Cuddle Bunny! (either the UN or Scented 2009 or Velvet Kisses) other than that you have all my faves which are LFM, H&S and Topper. Oh! and BI. HOWEVER....I have yet to try GOTCHA! Which seems to be causing waves all over the forum...I will be giving that a spin this week sometime. I liked your story, and am glad you came out of lurkdom...
  12. I had that one in and out of my cart too!! LOL!! I'm going to leave it for someone else though, I enjoy it but I'm not passionate about it.
  13. I know I was starting to think it was crazy that I ordered a FB unsniffed too!! But something about the cake gave me the feeling I should...I was right! I did right by all the Full Bottles I got unsniffed (whew!) I don't usually do that! I got all ballsy this month.
  14. Oh yeah...it's wayyyyy cakier than Purple Puff. I didn't love PP either, I tell you the vanilla cake thing makes this better for me too. And like Halo said...the lavender is light so don't worry. I haven't given it a full run yet, cuz I just got my package but I wanted you to rest assured this is way more cupcake than lav (well, on me anyway)! Glad I got a full bottle too!
  15. Mine should arrive today too! When I get done with my manicure it shall be waiting for me! I am dying!!! I've got so much new stuff to play with!!!
  16. Hi! Welcome and yes...tell us what you ordered!!!
  17. I know, it does become quite alarming. I'm glad you got Fuzzy Wuzzy with the new Gotcha phero...haven't tried it obviously as it just came out but it seems like something you are looking for. Looks like you have a great well rounded selection of samples! What a perfect month for you to start here with the samples and all. Have fun and be sure to report back on everything!!!!!
  18. Yes! Like a Magnet is Magnet...NOW GIT THAT ORDER IN ANDS JOIN THE MADNESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Ok, I just checked the cart (under samples page) and Comp P is still available in trial size...but Rocket fuel did not come up as an available sample. If this is wrong...someone correct me, I don't want to steer Dlilly wrong! AND WELCOME TO THE FORUM DLILY!!!! eta: Oh, and as far as that soft fem vibe to make your guy feel protective...CUDDLE BUNNY FO SHO!!!!!!!!
  20. OOOH!! Sounds better than I thought I should have got a sample...oh well, I'll get one next time!
  21. YES! That is how it is turning out on me now. I just adore it now!!! Another beautiful bottle coming my way...
  22. I haven't gotten mine either...I think it is just PHEROMA MADNESS!!!! So many orders...so few Maras... eta: never mind...I just got mine! YEEEK!!
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